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Messages - edunavas (669)

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Round 1 / Re: (Life) Falcon4415 2 - 1 hrmmm (Light)
« on: April 10, 2011, 11:42:51 pm »
Nice work Falcon

Round 1 / Re: Round 1: icecoldbro :death 2 vs edunavas 0 :life
« on: April 10, 2011, 05:04:57 pm »
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Good games ICB

Game 1: Well, like he said, discord scramble. Second turn with a discord and few penduluns

Game 2: Early discord again and just one pendulum first round.

The lost was a mix of bad hand, early discord and experienced player ICB. I was expecting something else.


Round 1 / Re: PlayerOa (Life) 2 - 0 Zeru (Grandmaster Entropy)
« on: April 10, 2011, 04:36:05 pm »
Nice game.
The poison was a must.

Life / Re: Round 1 - Strategies
« on: April 09, 2011, 01:08:15 pm »
Wize, that´s ok with heal.

I didn´t like wavedash deck. Would trade 3 rustlers for 3 real dragons, but I think it´s too late

About deck of PlayerOa, I don´t think they gonna use discord. The deck is great, but like all other decks, no dragons. We have to use more dragons, they do great damage.

False Gods / Re: Most humiliating FG defeats
« on: April 09, 2011, 01:36:33 am »
Wow, this deck looks epic, it work against all FG?

Life / Re: Round 1 - Strategies
« on: April 09, 2011, 01:13:40 am »
Hello, everyone.

I liked all the deck ideas of promwar, and falcon idea with the uppgrades.

About the hope deck I think we have to upgrade the air cards to cost less (not the FFQ) and hope shield.

I think we should discard/convert the Time cards, they won´t make a good deck....
Well what about kitty deck?


Life / Re: Round 1 - life vs aether
« on: April 08, 2011, 06:21:15 pm »
Strategy discussion goes in the strategy thread.
Yeah, please, if everyone make a topic to discuss the deck to use, I´m gonna get crazy.
Just make a deck you think gonna work, test it and post on the strategie topic.

Looks like the fractal deck is good.


Multilingual / Re: Brasil-sil-sil
« on: April 08, 2011, 12:21:51 pm »

Bem vindo Soturno, eu só não entendi o que o Marvado disse, pra puxar uma cadeira e sentar no chão?

Bom, Marvado, realmente o Wize (master of life) e eu que estamos praticamente levando nas costas. Mas por enquanto não tem mto o que pensar. O primeiro round a gente pode esperar qqer coisa. Já nos próximos rounds que vc sabe quais decks o pesosal usou que da pra tentar adivinhar o que vem.

O Vault tbm fizemos isso, tentamos montar alguns decks e a partir desses decks montamos o Vault. Acho que não tem mto segredo tbm né, de que outra forma vc poderia montar um Vault?

Justamente o que eu ia comentar era que o meu adversário é do seu time. Já montaram o deck dele? Dá uma dica ae, rsrsrs

Contra light a gente costuma criar decks q anulam a quanta, pra não usarem miracle com frequencia. Mas o xdude foi master of light, ele deve ter uma ideia boa do que que vc pode usar.

Putz, o Rastafla ficou putinha? Que bixa. kkk, You Lose.

Life / Re: Round 1 - Strategies
« on: April 08, 2011, 01:18:11 am »
Hi wize

I don´t know with who you are talking about....but if it´s for me, I just used the 6 upped cards you said us to use.

About acceleration, overdrive cost more, and 1 less quanta on this deck make difference. Also, acceleration will be used only on armagios. Upped armagios has high hp and will block more damage, and mitosed upped armagios block even more damage or can use acceleration. Upped charges for much more damage, and mitosed upped charger do +3 damage.

For me, my deck is good that way.

Edit.: Well, know I saw your post about event card and you allowed 9 upped cards. I would choose to uppgrade 3 life pendulum. And if there will be people who can´t use upgraded card, I would upgrade more cards for my deck.

Life / Re: Round 1 - Strategies
« on: April 07, 2011, 11:30:02 pm »
I think the devourer deck I did is great.

Well, I think Wize can update the Round 1 - Decks topic with the decks that we already did and need to start to think the cards we will discard in change of upgraded cards.

Life / Re: Round 1 - Strategies
« on: April 07, 2011, 07:51:55 pm »

The cards tha will be upped depends on your deck....start getting coins to be able to up the cards you gonna need.


Nice deck, I think it will work, even if he uses a reflect shield you can throw fire lances on your emerald shield. It avoids miracles. And have heals to recover until you have enough fire quanta. I suggest you practice some maths, to know exacly how many fire lances you will have to play during the match.

Life / Re: Round 1 - Strategies
« on: April 07, 2011, 06:32:06 pm »
Everyone will take upped cards?
For me I think it´s better upp the chargers and armagios

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