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Messages - draven848 (15)

Pages: 1 [2]
Deck Help / Re: Graboid/Shrieker Deck or Dragon/Graboid
« on: August 11, 2010, 06:30:53 am »
I took your advice karthikking. So far I have not noticed musch different in the deck, but its odd the sword seems to come up rather quick (usually within the first 5 draws if its not among the first 7 cards).  ;D

Svenningen. I was reading another thread where they were talking about using golems. I tried it and found it does not add to much to the deck, althought they suggested using 4 golems.  I may test out your idea once i fall off my winning streak. I have bben farming Top50 and have been doing very well. I win almost every time, except when i run into a fully upped dark deck with vampires :death, or vs. a fully upped version of my deck. :earth   >:D

Earth / Re: Rush Series: Earth
« on: August 10, 2010, 09:53:26 am »
This is a nice deck I must say.  I have been using the Graboid/Shrieker Deck seen here:,10706.msg141437#msg141437  to farm both AI3 and Top 50.  while it didn't do so hot on Top 50, it was good for AI3.  I used your Golem  idea and add 3 to my deck (in place of 3 pillars) and it seems to help with some of the guys you fine in Top 50.  only down side is it usually take an additional round for me to get some creatures out (I have bad luck drawing pillars).

Thanks for the help!   ;D

Deck Help / Re: Graboid/Shrieker Deck or Dragon/Graboid
« on: August 10, 2010, 05:57:32 am »
I build your Graboid/Shrieker Deck and it does quite well. I was using fire golem burn deck and I was just tired of getting my butt handed to me when entropy decks pulled Chaos Seed, Antimatter, Discord, or Maxwell Daemon. In other words it has too many weaknesses when faced with specific dual deck combos.

 I am not sure who you intended this deck to be used against but I have been using it to farm both AI3  and Top 50. The deck does well in either case but has a much greater win percentage vs. AI3 (around 80 - 90%). The win percentage vs. Top 50 is around 50 - 60%, but the prizes are much better, so its a trade off. 

Just wanted to say thanks for the deck and thanks for my 4 new SoG.   ;D

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