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Messages - dramore (404)

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Crucible Archive / Re: Soul | Soul
« on: March 11, 2011, 09:31:25 pm »
This might be a good way to "steal" creatures from your oppoenent too. And with the effect of it returning to the correct side after it's healed(unless soul is killed first) might be a good way to balance it too.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Sulfurlous Balloon | Sulfurlous Balloon
« on: March 11, 2011, 09:07:49 pm »
My first impulse would be to Nightmare it with a Fire Shield up. S'interesting.

The ATK|HP on the upped form is different in the table and card, by the way. Also: controller has two l's.
ty will fix

Card Ideas and Art / Sulfurlous Balloon | Sulfurlous Balloon
« on: March 11, 2011, 09:01:00 pm »

Sulfurlous Balloon | Sulfurlous Balloon
NAME: Sulfurlous Balloon
COST: 3 :fire
TYPE: Creature
ATK|HP: 6|1
ABILITY: Upon death deal controller 5
damage and all of controller's
creatures 3 damage.
NAME: Sulfurlous Balloon
COST: 3 :fire
TYPE: Creature
ATK|HP: 8|1
ABILITY: Upon death deal controller 5
damage and all of controller's
creatures 3 damage.
IDEA: Dramore
NOTES: This little guy should be pretty simple. He's cheap to play does fair damage but he has a hidden(sort of) cost. By that I mean the 5 damage you take when he dies.Also your creatures that are out of element(non-fire) take 3 damage too.
For a Full fire deck this little guy can be a good rusher. Altho I think it would be best in some combo decks.
Any way please review and leave your thoughts on it.

One last note. It flys. Why you ask? Because it's like a hot air balloon full of sulfurlous gas which will flare very hot very fast.
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Sulfurlous Balloon | Sulfurlous Balloon
NAME: Sulfurlous Balloon
TYPE: Creature
ATK|HP: 3|1
ABILITY: Upon destruction deal 5
damage to controller and all
of controller's non-fire
NAME: Sulfurlous Balloon
TYPE: Creature
ATK|HP: 3|1
ABILITY: Upon destruction deal 5
damage to controller and all
of controller's non-fire
IDEA: Dramore
NOTES: This little guy should be pretty simple. He's cheap to play does fair damage but he has a hidden(sort of) cost. By that I mean the 5 damage you take when he dies.
For a Full fire deck this little guy can be a good rusher. Altho I think it would be best in some combo decks.
Any way please review and leave your thoughts on it.
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Forge Archive / Re: Unicorn | Unicorn
« on: March 09, 2011, 05:09:43 am »
from past card ideas it has always been deduced that purify on a stick is op because it completely shuts down entire decks
How would this shut down any deck? It doesn't affect the player, only creatures.
At long last someone that really reads the text!!

Card Idea Competition Submissions / Re: Ophiotaurus | Ophiotaurus
« on: March 07, 2011, 02:20:00 am »
You're wrong about that. A 0-attack creature gets 5 attacks with adrenaline, not 4. So for :life :life :life :light :light and only two cards, you can get 10 quanta per element on possibly the second turn.
I thought 4 attacks was the max that could happen? So yea true it could happen on the 2nd turn but that would be a lot of luck.

Ophiotaurus | Ophiotaurus (,21674.0.html)

These cards are APPROVED for the Mythology Competition!
Edits of this card after this post may Void Approval.

Card Idea Competition Submissions / Re: Ophiotaurus | Ophiotaurus
« on: March 06, 2011, 10:49:56 pm »
Yes I understand the issue with the adrenaline. Altho I'm tring to keep to the theme and in the myth if you sacrifice this creature you would gain the power to overthrow the gods themselves. But until that time the creature is wide open to attack. In order to stop this you would have to play at least a dual deck if not a tri element.  Cards that would either speed up or prevent the destruction of this creature are .. : Adrenaline,Anubis,Quint. while there are tons of cards that can kill it and the oppoenent has upto 5 turns to do this and stop the effect. and as you said Light already has plenty of way to make :light so this would not be a big boost to Light but it would aid a rainbow thats Light heavy.  Anyway it's based on the myth as per the contest.

Crucible Archive / Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
« on: March 02, 2011, 02:31:33 am »
:entropy for it is quite a chaotic theme, in my mind it resembles the even of a Black Hole going haywire, while :gravity because it resembles a Black Hole in the first place, and is very anti-rainbow, as :gravity is the strongest direct enemy of rainbows with Black Hole and Amber Nymph (i.e. Dark Matter).  A bit of a large effect for such a small amount of quanta, I would suggest a little larger of a cost.
Don't forget unlike "Blackhole" This hits you too. Also to balance it. It has to be the first card played in that turn. Tho I'm also wondering what would be the best set for it's casting cost too.

Crucible Archive / Re: Null Wave | Null Wave
« on: March 02, 2011, 01:43:04 am »
Poll added please vote.

Card Idea Competition Submissions / Re: Ophiotaurus | Ophiotaurus
« on: February 24, 2011, 11:58:09 am »
Wow, 5-turn Supernova (in one-turn bump). The only problem I see to this card is adrenaline... You adren it, and you got it straight out in 2 turns. Not to mention a DragonBow with 6 of this, 6 adrenaline, some pendulums and dragons... Lots of friggin' dragons.
Yes yes all very very true. This is however based upon greek mythos tho. In greek mythos who ever can sacrifice the entrailes of the Ophiotaurus will have the power to over throw the gods. Thats why I thought the mega supernova in a killable delayed creature was so right. Also your off by 1 turn in your Adrenaline figures.  it's 3rd turnyou could use this card if it's still alive by then.

Here's how I figure it.
1st turn play Ophiotaurus and Adrenaline. delay (5) - 4(adrenaline)
2nd turn Ophiotaurus delay (1) - 4 (adrenaline)
3rd turn (power to overthrow the gods)(this assumes it's still alive of course)

Forge Archive / Re: Unicorn | Unicorn
« on: February 24, 2011, 11:09:17 am »
From Jim Warren's website:

All images and content copyright © Jim Warren. All rights reserved.

Please change the card art accordingly. :)
I asked Jim Warren for permission to use his art in this card after I read your post VRT and I Just got his response.
E-mailed permission (,1_518654_AOVEv9EAAK5gTWWWcglwDHeSoCY,1_518136_AOZEv9EAAIPkTWWUWAG1eRGl104,1_517332_AONEv9EAAHt1TWVerwPE13mrYEo,1_516584_AOhEv9EAAWzETWUWYQVMeg%2Fm9ME,1_515668_AONEv9EAAYPQTWTnrw13pXDbth8,&sort=date&order=down&startMid=0&hash=2c5ee744aadeced81fdca84b42f7395f&.jsrand=9193503)

 Flag this messageRe: Jim Warren Studios: permission requestWednesday, February 23, 2011 9:22 PMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Jim Warren" <>Add sender to ContactsTo: "Johnny Farmer" <>That would be fine.
Jim Warren

From: Johnny Farmer <>
Sent: Wed, February 23, 2011 9:06:01 PM
Subject: Jim Warren Studios: permission request

This is an enquiry e-mail via from:
Johnny Farmer <>

In july of last year I found a piece of your art on what I thought was a free web site and used it a card creation I did on a game forum website. I just found out that I may have done this in error and am now asking for your permission to keep use this image in it's current state. If you would like me to pull this down I will do so as soon as I hear and I'm very sorry for not contacting you befor now and for useing your art without prior permission. Here is a link to the very card on this fourm I listed earlier.,9565.0.html
Thank you for your time in reading this e-mail and if possiable responding to it as well.

If you would send me your e-mail address I'll forward the e-mail I recieved.

Card Ideas and Art / Ophiotaurus | Ophiotaurus
« on: February 24, 2011, 07:16:49 am »

Ophiotaurus | Ophiotaurus
NAME: Ophiotaurus
COST: 3 :light
TYPE: creature
ATK|HP: 0|3
ABILITY: Enter play delayed (5) turns.
0: Final Offering : Sacrifice
Ophiotaurus and gain 10
quanta of each element.
NAME: Ophiotaurus
COST: 2 :light
TYPE: Creature
ATK|HP: 0|5
ABILITY: Enter play delayed (5) turns.
0: Final Offering : Sacrifice
Ophiotaurus and gain 10
quanta of each element.
ART: Dramore
IDEA: Dramore
NOTES: In Greek mythology, the Ophiotaurus was a creature that was part bull and part serpent. Its sole reference is found in Ovid's Fasti (3.793 ff), where the creature's entrails were said to grant the power to defeat the gods to whoever burned them. The hybrid was slain by an ally of the Titans during the Titanomachy, but the entrails were retrieved by an eagle sent by Zeus before they could be burned. The creature emerged from Chaos with Gaia and Ouranos.
The Ophiotaurus was probably placed in the heavens as the combined constellations Taurus and Cetus (bull fore-parts with a sea-monster tail), alongside the lyre Lyra and the altar Ara. Ophiotaurus means cow serpent in Greek.
Reference link to the above copy (
My take on this is the Ophiotaurus is a creature of light and innocent creature. And the
sacrifice of such an innocent creature could bring with it great power.
The way this would translate into the game is by either giving a massive boost to either quanta or card adavantage.I chose the quanta adavantage with giving plenty of time to counter the sacrifice of such an innocent creature.
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