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Messages - davidy22 (169)

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At least deadly poison doesn't day it intoxicates the opponent.

I'm not arguing for the format [ability name] [number]. I'm arguing for a standard format, and a standard naming system. Some of the current cards are not perfect examples of grammar either.

Forum Game Archive / Re: Corrupt A Wish 3.0
« on: July 20, 2011, 03:37:56 am »
Quote from: Flayne link=topic= date=1311128103
Granted but now people have started to add Numbers at the ends of their names like this: 13Flayne31

I Wish For an uncorruptable wish
You lose everything else. At least you have your wish now.

I wish I could recursively iterate over an array list in java without array list methods, just the normal array notation.

Crucible Archive / Re: Time's Passage | Time's Passage
« on: July 20, 2011, 03:35:55 am »
The cost needs a bit of a bump. It takes far longer to take out 100HP than it does to generate 12 time quanta. Granted, there are permanent control cards, but spares wouldn't be amiss in case of deflagration lovers.
True enough, but that's why A: there can only be one on the field at a time and B: it comes into play delayed.  Also, it's not 12 :time to activate, it's 12 of any flavor (to allow the opponent to use it if (s)he wants to do so.)
Then a nova could play this in one turn.

Maybe it could self-destruct after the first use? Reduce the delay a bit to compensate for the self-destruct and bump the playing cost to 7. That way, it can't be re-activated over and over again while a player makes his merry way reversing skeletons.

And congeal is essentially freeze with a fancy name. Why confuse people?
Congeal is the Upgraded Freeze Spell. Arctic Squid|Octopus casts the Freeze|Congeal spell. That is why. Should it be?
Congealed creatures still get instakilled by shockwave, even though shockwave only states that it shatters frozen creatures. It's the same ability, with a different duration.

Shatter needs to changed to killed. It isn't immediately clear that it's and instakill.
Both Freeze and Congeal cause the target to enter a frozen status. It's not the card that matters, when determining Shockwave. It's the current status of the creature. Congeal is simply putting a creature under a status for a longer duration.
But nowhere on the congeal effect does it say congeal is equivalent to a 4 turn freeze. Yet congeal behaves like one, which makes cards like shockwave confused and ambiguous

And congeal is essentially freeze with a fancy name. Why confuse people?
Congeal is the Upgraded Freeze Spell. Arctic Squid|Octopus casts the Freeze|Congeal spell. That is why. Should it be?
Congealed creatures still get instakilled by shockwave, even though shockwave only states that it shatters frozen creatures. It's the same ability, with a different duration.

Shatter needs to changed to killed. It isn't immediately clear that it's and instakill.

Crucible Archive / Re: Appetite Stimulant | Appetite Stimulant
« on: July 19, 2011, 10:36:58 am »
Devouring chimera. Devouring armagio. Devouring phase dragon.

Maybe the effect could wear off after a few turns.
Makes you wonder how on earth you can get a Phase Dragon to eat a stimulant, doesn't it?
Wait, brain fart。

A creature with quintessence. Happy?

Crucible Archive / Re: Prophecy | Prophecy
« on: July 19, 2011, 10:33:50 am »
How much damage would this do for variable damage creatures, like chimera?

Ambiguous wording in the card text. Inflict direct damage would be familiar to MTG and yugioh players, but no elements rulebook exists that defines what "direct damage" means. The last proper noun before the "lasts 1 turn" clause is "damage", implying that the damage only lasts one turn. The "its" should be "it's", it's possessive.


Crucible Archive / Re: Appetite Stimulant | Appetite Stimulant
« on: July 19, 2011, 10:09:48 am »
Devouring chimera. Devouring armagio. Devouring phase dragon.

Maybe the effect could wear off after a few turns.

Crucible Archive / Re: Time's Passage | Time's Passage
« on: July 19, 2011, 10:04:58 am »
The cost needs a bit of a bump. It takes far longer to take out 100HP than it does to generate 12 time quanta. Granted, there are permanent control cards, but spares wouldn't be amiss in case of deflagration lovers.

Anvil Archive / Re: Dragon Power | Dragon Power
« on: July 19, 2011, 09:54:14 am »
I'm talking about after this card has been out for some time. Think about it. Even if it's been out for awhile, will newbies know what it does unless they use actual experience? Making it rare would give players time to look up its power before being able to use it unknowningly.
Newbies won't know what it does. Most people wouldn't know what it does, and it's not a good thing if they need to consult a secondary source to find out the effect of a card. It's not a good thing for most pieces of software if the user has to look up what a button does in the instruction manual.

And it would be a fine thing to have this pulled out on you when you had no idea what it did.

People who use Nymph's Tears have to remember what each of the 12 nymphs do. This only has 11 different abilities, many already in-game.
That puts both cards at fault. Mistakes can be made, and past precedent does not justify future actions. The card has to be reviewed as it currently is, and both cards need modifying to reveal more information.

Chrysora 's text says inflict 1 poison damage, but does not specify the target. Does this means I can kill towers with this ability too?

And congeal is essentially freeze with a fancy name. Why confuse people?

Anvil Archive / Re: Dragon Power | Dragon Power
« on: July 18, 2011, 12:38:19 pm »
Will there be a way to know what ability is unlocked with memorization, trial and error or having the wiki open in another page?
without*, I presume.

Basically, this card is for veterans who know the card's secrets right off the bat, not newbs. I suppose if it was made rare, then it would have less impact, since newer places wouldn't get their hands on it...
But veterans would still need to test the abilities on release, or consult the wiki. Only the people who were involved in the creation of the card will know what it does off the bat, which would amount to about forty people if the participation on this thread is any indicator. And I know more than 40 people play this game.

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