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Messages - davidy22 (169)

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 15
Card Ideas and Art / Re: Community Card Design
« on: August 05, 2011, 08:21:50 am »
When people stop suggesting new ideas, you know it's time to start voting.
Wrong. Most people stop suggesting because they don't see the thread on the frst page anymore.
It fell off the first page for a reason.

"Discard one card. Your opponent discards two cards."

Crucible Archive / Re: Paradigm Shift | Paradigm Shift
« on: August 05, 2011, 07:35:56 am »
Change the word "alternate" to "random quanta, excluding their mark". Alternate can mean anything.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Community Card Design
« on: August 05, 2011, 04:54:33 am »
When people stop suggesting new ideas, you know it's time to start voting.

Vote for mine, it's the "sacrifice other creatures to play this card" one.

Crucible Archive / Re: Unladen Swallow | Unladen Swallow
« on: August 03, 2011, 12:49:38 am »
Draw a few razor-sharp talons in the art and no-one will complain.

For decks with costs and gains that can vary wildly - dissipation shield, rewound skeletons - how would QI be calculated?

I would be willing to write the framework for the QI calculator. I'll also write it to look up a bunch of files with the card data in plain-text XML, as I really don't relish the idea of typing in the individual costs of every card in the game. Someone else would have to type the costs and quanta production of every card themselves after I'm finished, but it would also mean I could die ditch the project and it could be updated without me.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Lullaby | Lullaby
« on: August 02, 2011, 01:07:23 am »
Ambiguities in the card text. For the upgraded one, put how many enemies to sleep? One? Two? All of them?
50% chance to wake up? Is it checked at the beginning of every turn? Your turn? The enemies' turn? Every second?

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Community Card Design
« on: August 02, 2011, 01:04:50 am »
Conglomerate - Requires the sacrifice of other cards to play.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Elements 2.0
« on: August 01, 2011, 04:28:38 am »
A much improved deck builder, with the ability to filter cards by creature/spells/permanents, and sort them by name, damage and effects. Also add the ability to scroll down your card view if you have more cards than the view can handle. It's going to be hell to navigate the deck builder if it stays to way it is now.

Also, latency needs to be reduced. 1200 cards should not take 10 seconds to load unless the game is downloading all the images, sorting them, and wasting time smoking pot all at once. The lag when adding cards to your deck should be fixed, and so should all other usability bugs that make the game feel like a 0.1 product (creature abilities, I want my quanta back)

Skull buckler's card text should state the percentage chance of it killing a creature. A "small chance" could be anywhere from 1% to 10%.
(50/hp)% tends to be more confusing than a "small chance"
It's also a great deal less ambiguous. I don't want to form my strategies on the basis of guesswork or the wiki I have open in the other screen.

It doesn't have to be written that way either. 50/creature's HP% is easily better than (50/hp)%.

Skull buckler's card text should state the percentage chance of it killing a creature. A "small chance" could be anywhere from 1% to 10%.

Tech Talk / Re: Get certified, is it worth the cost?
« on: August 01, 2011, 02:09:38 am »
This should do it. I rewrote the prime finder code, lumping all the functions into one :

Code: [Select]
function findGreatestprimeFactor(number) {
    var squareRoot = Math.sqrt(number)
    var primeFactors = new array()
    //See if i is a factor of number
    for (i=2,i<squareRoot,i++) {
        if ((number % i) != 0){
        else {
            //Check if i is prime
            for (j=0,j<primeFactors.length,j++) {
                if (i % primeFactors[j] == 0) {
                else if (j == primeFactors.length) {
                    //If i isn't divisible by all smaller primes, it's prime.
    if (primeFactors.length == 0) {
        return "YOU SUCK";
    else {
        return primeFactors[primeFactors.length - 1];
Slightly obfuscated, there may be errors.

I completely agree with this entire post. Especially the ice cream. You should only ever pay for a certification if it is guaranteed to pay for itself (i.e. you will get a job as a direct result of getting the certification). Outside of that, very few employers care about certifications.
That's what I was thinking. Obviously I'm not thinking enough lately.
I thought you said a certification was always good? They are useful in a few cases, but only when the employer is inundated with resumes and need to thin down the crowd in some arbitrary way.

Awesome comic I found:

Crucible Archive / Re: Unladen Swallow | Unladen Swallow
« on: July 31, 2011, 11:59:15 pm »
I still have a problem with a bird doing more than 1 or 2 damage...let alone 6.  Are you *that* attached to the name that it couldn't be something a bit more, shall we say, fearsome?
It's not just a swallow, it's an unladen swallow.

I'm keeping the HP at 1, to make it possible for reactive effects to protect against the swallow.

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