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Messages - crystalmakwer (114)

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10]
Card Ideas and Art / Re: Eolic generator
« on: December 14, 2010, 10:08:44 pm »
If so, you should rephrase that... something like *ability name* (no cost) skip attack phase and generate :air :air instead.
The intent isn't to skip the attack phase though. Your other creatures would still attack.
Yes, my idea is this! Sorry if i'm not able to explain well, my english is so bad  :(
Only this creature don't attack, if the controller want to get 2 quanta.

Card Ideas and Art / Armageddon
« on: December 14, 2010, 10:46:47 am »
Sorry for the image, but i'm not able to put them in the cards from the browser  :D

Card Ideas and Art / Eolic generator
« on: December 14, 2010, 10:40:14 am »
Sorry for the image, but i'm not able to put them in the cards from the browser  :D

Card Ideas and Art / Sniper
« on: December 14, 2010, 10:34:41 am »
Sorry for the image, but i'm not able to put them in the cards from the browser  :D

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: some suggestions...
« on: December 14, 2010, 10:05:05 am »
First of all, this is my first message so i do compliments for this game, it's amazing!!!
(I'm italian, excuse my bad english...)
I play Magic in the past, so i have some ideas for this game.
-discarding card effect, from hands and decks
A vocal minority/majority didn't like discard effects due to the lack of a grave by Zanz word.
-a creature with an effect like this "you decide to do damage to player or creature/s"
The decision would have to take place before the battle sequence. Have it as an activated ability that delays the creature after it deals its damage to target creature until next turn. Recommend it in Card Ideas.
-a card that permit you to have in your hand 8 or more cards
Difficult. Probably not worth it.
-a creature with an effect like this example "you decide to attack the opponents or give you two quanta"
Neat idea. This would work like the one above. This would be a good series of cards.
-cards with devasting effects for all players, like "any player kill 2 monsters, discard 1 card and loses 5 hp"  ;D i like this!!!!!
Pandemonium? Oh you mean more of those? Why not? Design and suggest them in Card ideas.
-a card like a wall, that no attack and permit to block 1 enemy creature
Bone Wall?
-multicolor card, example "3/2 creature that cost one eather quanta and one air quanta "
Would require the hand area to be recoded. This has been asked before and the consensus was no. However cards that use two kinds of quanta (1 to cast and 1 for the skill) are common and fit the multicolor (but not hybrid) feel.
-permanent with "with this in game, you can't lose the game, but every turn you must pay X quanta. if you don't, destroy the permanent"
Maybe. Again it would require a change in the game that would not be used in most games but would slow all games down (i think)
I hope you like at least one of my ideas.
I did. You should make some card ideas.
Happy game for all the playes
Thank you OldTrees for your answer, i make examples of the cards you believe actables

Game Suggestions and Feedback / some suggestions...
« on: December 14, 2010, 12:34:52 am »
First of all, this is my first message so i do compliments for this game, it's amazing!!!
(I'm italian, excuse my bad english...)
I play Magic in the past, so i have some ideas for this game.
-discarding card effect, from hands and decks
-a creature with an effect like this "you decide to do damage to player or creature/s"
-a card that permit you to have in your hand 8 or more cards
-a creature with an effect like this example "you decide to attack the opponents or give you two quanta"
-cards with devasting effects for all players, like "any player kill 2 monsters, discard 1 card and loses 5 hp"  ;D i like this!!!!!
-a card like a wall, that no attack and permit to block 1 enemy creature
-multicolor card, example "3/2 creature that cost one eather quanta and one air quanta "
-permanent with "with this in game, you can't lose the game, but every turn you must pay X quanta. if you don't, destroy the permanent"
I hope you like at least one of my ideas.
Happy game for all the playes

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