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Messages - chriskang (283)

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General Discussion / What the game mechanics should be
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:21 pm »

I'm going with M:tG logic in this one.  I don't care about the 'flavor' of the "immaterial" ability -- the wording is "cannot be targeted", and RoF doesn't "target".  Also, Immaterial creatures are a little strong; this would help.
They're only strong while they cannot be targeted. But most of them are actually very low on HP.
The only "naturally immaterial" creature that would survive a RoF is EPD. Immortal, Flying Morning Glory & Graboid all die in one shot.

Issue Archive / Sundial lasts more than 2 turns
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:21 pm »

This has only happened to me when playing against the computer.
Are you playing on Kongregate?

Card Ideas and Art / Recycle
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

Is there a discard pile? I haven't seen any.
No there isn't.

Card Ideas and Art / Multi-mark cards (multicolor) the can produce combos
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

I don't want to fight.
If you think it's easy, you're probably right.

You might just have forgotten that:
* you have to create 2 new columns for summon cost AND 2 new columns for skill cost.
* those 4 columns have to be created in the database AND in every structure that can potentially receive informations from the database: creatures, permanents, weapons, shields (that's already 20 columns).
* every piece of code that checks if a card can be played or not has to be modified to handle the new columns. This includes the code that puts a white background behind your card if you have enough quantum to play it, the code that is executed when you click the card, the code used by the AI to decide if it plays the card not, the code that removes quantum from your opponent's pool when he plays the card in PvP, and there's probably much more that I forgot.
* every piece of code that checks if a skill can be activated has to be modified. Of course, those checks are different from one side to the other (because you don't look inside the same quantum pool) and from one card type to the other (because it would completely overload the engine to check for every skill with every card).
* the AI rules to decide if a card has to be played or not have to be modified. Currently, a skill like "queen" is cast if CPU has at least 5 life quantums. What's the condition to cast a multi-mark card? Do we need to have 2.5 times the quantum requirement in both elements? Is it enough to have 3 fire & 2 aether to cast a "1 fire/1 aether" skill? This point alone probably needs several hours of testing.
* the AI1 deck generation algorithm has to be modified, because this algorithm picks 1 random card and 1 corresponding pillar at the same time. What pillar should it choose with multi-mark cards?
* the code that gives quantum back when you cancel a move has to be modified.
* many spells that deal with skills and skills costs have to be rewritten to handle the new columns (like Lobotomize, Parallel Universe or Mutation).

After those little things are done you'll be happy to have a tiny testing moment.
And pray that the lag introduced by those changes doesn't kill your game.

Card Ideas and Art / Multi-mark cards (multicolor) the can produce combos
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

Sorry to kill your expectations but it's just impossible with the current database design.
This would require a complete rewrite of all the current cards code. I seriously doubt you'll ever see something like that in a near future.

It might be interesting though.

False Gods / Championship
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

Hmm... I may be in when I get a few more details, maybe an example?
Well, the original idea came from SG in this thread:,944.0.html
...but was postponed because I wanted to do a few tests before the real championship (mostly to know what I can do when I play with the SWF code).
Now that we have more experience on the subject, I think it's time to prepare for the competition.
I can't really tell you much more than what I said in the first post of this thread. The details are still to be defined. You can take part in the discussion here or in the following thread:,1063.0.html

For now what seems to be the more promising is this:
* all cards are allowed when you design your God
* you have the right to choose one of the 6 existing realm and tell me that you want to put your God in it (I'm not sure to have enough time to let you pick the exact environment effects that you want, so for now let's just say that you choose a complete realm)
* all cards will be allowed for the players who fight against your God (and for you when you'll fight against other Gods), but there might be some balance changes before the championship starts
* the score matrix will be similar to the one from JFF challenge. We'll also have to decide what bonus points should be given to players who design the hardest Gods.

If you want an example:
1. You go to the trainer and design the strongest God deck that you can think of
2. Take a screenshot of the deck and send it to me by PM
3. Wait for other players to do the same as you
4. The championship starts at a precise time (unknown yet) mid-december, just like JFF challenge
5. At this time, if you browse through the newly opened rooms, you'll see your God and all the Gods designed by other players
6. Defeat those enemy Gods as fast as you can. Provide screenshots of your victories
7. You'll get points for each victory and additional bonus if people have hard time defeating your own God

False Gods / Championship
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

For now I just want to know how many players are interested.
I don't feel like organizing that if you're less than 7/8.

False Gods / Championship
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

I was wondering if there are still people interested in a championship?
As a reminder:
- When you register to the championship, you have to send me a PM with a deck idea (screenshot or wiki code).
- Once I have all the decks, I create a trainer room with your Gods in it.
- The championship starts: you have to defeat other player's Gods before they kill yours.

This championship would probably be mid-december.

I want to know if this project worth the effort so please reply to this thread if you're interested.

False Gods / Feedback & Suggestions
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

Let's try another approach then:
What changes do you suggest to make the game "balanced enough" so that we don't have to ban any card?

I can easily change the casting cost and skill cost of all the cards in the game.
Changing a skill effect is much harder but might be possible too. Just tell me your ideas and I'll check if it's feasible or not.

For QT, an quick & dirty solution could be to make it generate only 2 quantums instead of 3, for example.

False Gods / Feedback & Suggestions
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

Nobody would ever beat that.
What do you suggest then?
Let players forbid 2 cards? Or should I be the one to chose the forbidden cards before you start designing your decks?

False Gods / Feedback & Suggestions
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

What if we say this for the championship:
1. PM me your God's deck
2. Tell me in which realm you want it to be
3. Give me the name of 5 cards that will be banned for players who fight against your God

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