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Messages - chriskang (283)

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False Gods / Feedback & Suggestions
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

Hall of Fame scoring

Do we really need to merge scores from different challenges?
The only players who took part in both are Amilir and you SG.
IMO, we should just trash the previous Hall of Fame each time a new challenge comes out.
Players who remain faithful to the game for more than 1 month are VERY rare.

    1st False God = 9 points, 4 points, 2 point2nd False God = 10 points, 5 points, 2 point3rd False God = 11 points, 5 points, 2 points4th False God = 12 points, 6 points, 3 points5th False God = 13 points, 6 points, 3 points6th False God = 14 points, 7 points, 3 points7th False God = 15 points, 7 points, 3 points8th False God = 16 points, 8 points, 4 points9th False God = 17 points, 8 points, 4 points
10th False God = 18 points, 9 points, 4 points[/list]
That's OK for me. But I feel bad to change that now as I clearly said before the start that we were keeping the same rules.
If everyone (kiszol, bobcamel, Amilir, Cless, YoYoBro, Bloodshadow) agrees, I'll update scores. Otherwise, it'll be for part 3.

PS - Everyone who's interested in the challenge, read this please:,1261.0.html

False Gods / [JFF Part 2] Screenshots & Discussions
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

This will prove that even the hardest "Demon False Gods" are still beatable without a boring rainbow deck and without Sundials.
The "boring" part actually depends on the environment effect. In JFF Part 2, the Realm of Earth was clearly designed to promote the use of a rainbow deck (the 4 card limit being a serious problem for mono-decks). On the other hand, the Realm of Entropy in JFF Part 1 was designed for mono-decks and is nearly impossible to beat with rainbow.
Try to kill Mowgli with a rainbow and tell me again that it's "boring".

This challenge applies to everyone: I'll bow to the first person who posts a screenshot of him killing Mowgli with a rainbow deck.

I eagerly wait for the next challenge and for the Championship :)
I know for sure that there will be an event on December 12th. If enough people are interested it'll be the championship, otherwise JFF Part 3.
I'm then in holidays from December 19th to January 9th. So if the championship is in December, JFF Part 3 will be on January 16th at best.

False Gods / [JFF Part 2] Screenshots & Discussions
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

3rd position is mine..
Amilir can beat you if he kills Kerrigan & Chtonian now.
Defeat Chtonian before him if you want to be sure to keep your bronze medal.

False Gods / [JFF Part 2] Screenshots & Discussions
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

Updated scores:,985.0/msg,12770.html

Looks like there is a serious tie for the third place :D

Deck Help / Deck of Shards Rainbow Deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

IIRC the IMG tags are already included on imageshack. So you don't even have to care about that.
Just copy the line that says "code for forums" (or something like that) and paste it here.

General Discussion / Is there a printable card list somewhere?
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

Yes there is, I'm sorry I can't remeber the fotrum, but EH made it I beileve. Its somewhere in the workhouse section maybe.

P.S. At least I think it's printable.
I'm curious to see that.

General Discussion / Is there a printable card list somewhere?
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

I made this quick & dirty table for you:

Hope it helps.

General Discussion / Yeah but still about quantum limit
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »
The pure coding part is very similar to javascript actually. Maybe this comparison helps you to understand your misconceptions here:,1129.msg12152#msg12152 (,1129.msg12152#msg12152)

General Discussion / Yeah but still about quantum limit
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

ActionScript (AS) is unusual in that what other languages have as "variables" is classes here, such as Array, Number, etc. So these classes sacrifice performance for functionality and ease of use.
It's not that easy. They called those structures "classes" because of the current hype with OO programming but in reality AS is just a script language and those structures have nothing to do with real classes from modern object languages.

General Discussion / Yeah but still about quantum limit
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

Also, you didn't say 308 digits, you said something scientific.
I said: 1.79769313486232e+308
... which is actually a 308 digits number.
Source is here:
(see page 1000)
and in case you're wondering Cipher, the game is made with Flash 8. So yes it's AS2 and not AS3.

General Discussion / Yeah but still about quantum limit
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

Well, as I told in the other thread, the max value is a number made of 308 digits. So good luck to the one who wants to try to reach it.

General Discussion / Some Questions After Two Weeks of Playing
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:20 pm »

Soon I will be participating in some of the challenges.
Yeah :)

1) What dictates my top 50 deck if I decide to grind to T50?  Is it whatever deck I am using at any given time or do I submit the deck that I wish to use as my representation of the T50?
Whether or not your ARE in the t50 is determined by the last time that you clicked the submit button. Your deck at this point is not important.
As soon as you're in it, players will fight against the last deck that was autosaved.

2) Have the rules changed for grinding rating?  I am seeing the top players having a rating of 2 million+.  In 2-3 weeks I am at 50K.  I could level much quicker if that were my focus but 2 million?  Note that I played Lineage II so I know what a brutal grind is.
Those are cheaters. Ignore them.

3) What is the deal with the fate egg?  Does anyone actually use this?  I hear a bit of buzz about it for some strange reason.
Really? Tell us.

4) In PvP someone used animate weapon on a titan.  It had 70HP when it became a creature.  Is this correct?  And I assume that since only one of the gods uses the titan card, that the top 50 would be the best place to grind it?
Yes and yes. See this for flying weapon stats:

5) Is there a place where I can find some resource for PvP speed decks that aren't rainbow and arguably better than any of the rainbow speed decks?  I've tried pretty much all variances of that and want to try something new.
I'll let someone else answer, I'm no deck expert.

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