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Messages - casthegamer (150)

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Card Ideas and Art / Make This Card Entry: Light Fountain/Light Spring
« on: March 20, 2010, 07:48:48 am »

here is my entry:


average number of creatures generated by turn (x)*
(1)0-1 (2)2 (3)2-3 (4)2-3 (5)3-4 (6)3-4 (7)4

approximate percentage of time you will generate (x) creatures*
(0)15% (1)12% (2)20% (3)18% (4)14% (5)16% (6)5%

*statistics based on the hand size of ai3 opponents over 20 consecutive games

Comments welcome.

Air / Re: in development: shockwave
« on: March 19, 2010, 10:47:56 pm »
this does pretty well against ai5

mark is  :air

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Inanimate Golem
« on: March 19, 2010, 01:17:30 am »
That would give me an 8/86 creature for 6 :earth & a little :aether
it would be difficult to build a deck around this though. however you do it your balancing at least three elements. if you try to do it just straight  :earth/ :aether you would have to hope to draw a lobotomizer or you just have a bunch of 8|6 lumps doing nothing.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Inanimate Golem
« on: March 19, 2010, 01:03:53 am »
i don't think this is OP at all.

the cost of the ability more than compensates for the small cost to play it.

look at forest spectre for example

forest spectre
total damage done after (x) turns (1)2 (2)6 (3)12 (4)20 (5)30 (6)42 (7)56
total quantum paid after (x) turns (1)3 (2)4 (3)5   (4)6   (5)7   (6)8   (7)9

inanimate giant
total damage done after (x) turns (1)8 (2)16 (3)24 (4)32 (5)40 (6)48 (7)56
total quantum paid after (x) turns (1)3 (2)5   (3)7   (4)9   (5)11 (6)13 (7)15

as you can see after 7 turns they've both done the same amount of damage, but for inanimate giant you had both a larger initial cost, and a larger cost over time. after turn seven spectre is a 14|15 creature while giant remains an 8|6 and still must pay the cost to attack while spectre can continue to outclass the giant without paying any more quantum.

Rainbow Decks / Re: immortal everything!
« on: March 19, 2010, 12:20:50 am »
take out some quintessances and add 2 anubis and make ur mark time will help for other needed cards instead of all them quintesesances
first, the deck needs to be entropy to support the supernovas. second, this would slow the deck down substantially. to survive you need to get a quinted otyugh out as soon as possible. if you wait to get to 8 :time before dropping otyugh, you'll already be dead.

on a side note, i think the deck in its current incarnation or builds close to it aren't really viable. when i say not viable, i mean 40-45% win ratios as opposed to the 60%+ puppy and ivalmian's decks are getting. i'm still using growth creatures (forest spectre) for damage instead of fallen druid as i like the consistency/predictability, but they're in a 40 card time mark rainbow with just three quints.

I could buy that argument if the flesh spider/recluse synergized at all with the other death creatures or abilities.  It doesn't.  Furthermore, look at the dragons.  Several of those are equivalent element to element.
it's a midsized body for a midsized price. every color needs a creature like this. death also has creature control in the form of virus and plague, one of few creature generators in the game, and the most powerful shield in the game. Life has bond and adrenaline, no creature control, no means of card advantage, and you are all up in arms because life gets a flesh spider for one less quantum?

Cockatrice and frogs were made for adrenaline. 
also, this should be vice versa.

Competitions / Re: Voting: Best Weapon Idea
« on: March 18, 2010, 10:27:17 pm »
oh, hey. i'm doing pretty well, i didn't expect that.  :)

vote for Heavy Axe/Great Axe! i guess..

that's a great idea, however i'd like to see it on a new card. vanilla creatures like flesh spider/recluse have a place in all ccgs and are fine with no ability.

Crucible Archive / Re: Pseudocaster | Metacaster
« on: March 17, 2010, 01:19:22 am »
Since the card would be generated during your weapon's action
it looks like it has an activation cost of seven, so the card would be generated before the end of turn and you would have to discard if you have eight in hand.

Nerf This Card! / Re: Poll: Most Overpowered?
« on: March 16, 2010, 07:17:44 am »
dusk mantle?

Trio & Quartet / Re: Hope + Unupgraded FFQ
« on: March 16, 2010, 06:34:50 am »
But I'd only survive one turn, then I'd still be screwed...
if this was the ai's turn instead of yours and the ai had firestorm in hand, you would take no damage. your turn you'd play out four fire flies, a rustler, another queen, and hope would recalculate to 6. during the ai's next turn you'd take 34 damage. your turn you'd add another five flies, gain 15 life back, and hope goes up to 11. ais turn you take only about 16. your turn, five more flies, 20 more life, and hope is almost back where it started. it's quite resilient.

EDIT: this is slightly inaccurate as i hadn't realized hope had already been nerfed, but you would still be fine.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Weapon Card Contest Entry: Sol Viajante
« on: March 15, 2010, 03:23:37 am »
Most people run 10-15 pillars in a deck.  So for 2 light, you could have a max 17 damage weapon?  On average, at least 5 are out pretty soon.  So that's at least 7 damage pretty quickly, with only a 2 :light cost to get even stronger?  A tad strong, no?
Fahrenheit does 7 damage almost right away, can do way more than 17 damage by the end of a game, and you pay less for it. to keep this weapon dealing more damage, you have to be investing  :light :light probably every turn. i would hardly call it over powered. that being said, light already had a weapon that just does damage, so i don't really like a card that just does more damage. if we were to have another light weapon, i'd like to see an ability that creates more interaction with the board.

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