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Messages - casthegamer (150)

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Aren't most of the "good" players from other parts of the world though? And I was surprised by that statistic, SG. To me, it certainly doesn't look like 50% of the active posters are from the US. Heck, I always hover over the different flags to see where everyone is from...
jmizz, puppy, CB, myself. all in t50, from the states, and active in the forums.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Jackpot Pillar/Tower
« on: March 23, 2010, 05:16:22 pm »
i propose an even MORE rare card

3 :fire
do 99 damage to target player.

it may be OP, but it's SO rare it will become balanced...right?

/sorry for using sarcasm for illustration.

Duo-Decks / Re: Untouchable: Aether/Earth
« on: March 23, 2010, 01:16:31 am »
EDIT: Why are the pictures I upload always so small?
because screenshotdumpster assigns the image a width and height in the code that you copied.

either take the direct link:
and put it between the image tags

or just take out the width and height attributes.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Baby Panda/Mother Panda
« on: March 23, 2010, 12:53:08 am »
Baby Panda 3 :life
4 :life :Sneeze

Mother Panda 4 :life
passive ability: If Baby Panda sneezes, Mother Panda
is startled and is stuck in a time bubble for one turn.

sorry, had to do that.

/off topic

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Make This Card Entry: Vitality Fountain
« on: March 23, 2010, 12:42:43 am »
this card is not overpowered. the cool thing is that while it's good, it never becomes too good because multiples don't make it any better.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Ghost/Phantom
« on: March 22, 2010, 10:22:36 pm »
i think the cost needs to be increased. if you look at aether, the element that features immaterial creatures, it has to pay much more for its immaterial creatures. if you want to give the immaterial ability to another element, they are going to need to pay at least as much and probably more.

given that the unupped immortal is 4|3 for 6 :aether
the 4|4 phantom should be at least 7  :death

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Make This Card Entry: Vitality Fountain
« on: March 22, 2010, 01:50:07 am »
i like this. i wanna get my drink on!

EDIT: the card has been finalized. i will post the original and first draft(referred to as 'updated' in this post) below:



so to better evaluate this card, i decided to find out exactly how many cards the average opponent has in hand on any given turn.

from top to bottom is 20 games played vs ai3 (with unupped mono life rush). from left to right is the number of cards in the opponent's hand from turn 1 through 7.


1   7544432
2   5511110
3   2121000
4   7210110
5   4644322
6   7443221
7   7655543
8   3445433
9   7554444
10 3333111
11 7343122
12 7432101
13 7544332
14 7333422
15 7565454
16 6445433
17 6667775
18 7554433
19 3312221
20 4212111

average number of cards in opponents hand for turns 1-7
1-5.65  2-4.05  3-3.5  4-3.35  5-2.8  6-2.45  7-2.00

average number of creatures generated by turn (x)
original    (1)1-2 (2)3 (3)3-4 (4)3-4 (5)4-5 (6)4-5 (7)5
updated  (1)0    (2)1 (3)1-2 (4)1-2 (5)2-3 (6)2-3 (7)3

percentage of turns you can generate (x) creatures
original    (0)10% (1)5%  (2)12% (3)20% (4)18% (5)14% (6)16% (7)5%
updated  (0)27% (1)20% (2)18% (3)14% (4)16% (5)5%

notice that over 140 turns, there were only 7 turns where the card could be utilized to its full potential. i'm starting to think that the original was not that OP.

OP has been updated.

1. The card looks and sounds (fountain) like a permanent, yet it is a spell?
it seems to me that outside of maybe boneyard, all the permanents included in the game so far have been things you can bring with you. an hourglass, a sword, a shield, a shard. so i figured that the fountain/spring could be something you just pass by on you elemental journey. that way you get the effect once, and then move on.

2. Ridiculously overpowered when opponent has only a few cards. I mean.. 7 creatures with one card?! Not to mention these creatures produce  :light .
before i start, i do have to note that you're pointing out the 'best case scenario' stand point, and not also the 'worst case scenario'. notice that only your opponent has the ultimate control over how well this card does in a match. in most cases the expected return from this card will be 3-5 creatures. that being said, i actually wanted it to produce less. the problem was with the stupid clause you would have to add:

Put a number of Ray of Lights into
play equal to 5 minus the number
of cards in your opponents hand.
a negative number results in no

at least i think this clause is necessary. either way, it loses some simplicity when you move away from you opponents max hand size.

i actually don't think the unupped version is OP as it doesn't act as an accelerator. it destroys bonewall, but it also can be pretty good at fueling your opponents bonewall, and it's stopped by basically every other shield.

as for the upped version, it does lose some of the accelerating power because you have to wait for your opponent to start dropping cards to get a larger effect, and it's early in the game that acceleration is most valuable. i hate just upping the cost to make a card balanced, but it does seem to be the simplest approach and it would make you work harder to gain the quantum back via RoLs. i don't know. If more people are saying OP, i guess i'll increase the cost of the upped version.

nice idea but I think it should be the reverse. If opponent has lots of cards, you should have more photons/rays to balance things out.
actually, it needs to be the way it's formatted now. you don't want people dropping this on second turn to get 6 or 7 RoLs and an easy third turn hope.

as it is, your opponent has to decide how to handle light spring: only play vital cards to make it less powerful, or play everything and race.

Competitions / Re: Competition: Make This Card!
« on: March 20, 2010, 07:49:35 am »
EDIT: card has been updated

Here is my entry:


average number of creatures generated by turn (x)*
(1)0-1 (2)2 (3)2-3 (4)2-3 (5)3-4 (6)3-4 (7)4

approximate percentage of time you will generate (x) creatures*
(0)15% (1)12% (2)20% (3)18% (4)14% (5)16% (6)5%
*statistics based on the hand size of ai3 opponents over 20 consecutive games

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