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Messages - casthegamer (150)

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General Discussion / Re: [Poll] How many nymphs do you have?
« on: April 11, 2010, 10:23:46 pm »
2x death
1x life

Crucible Archive / Re: Quantum Rush | Quantum Rush
« on: April 11, 2010, 03:34:33 pm »
very cool. people would probably use these to splash for a second color instead of changing their mark.

Competitions / Re: Competition: Design a Competition
« on: April 10, 2010, 11:07:42 pm »
EDIT: New Screenshot Competition

1. Card Idea Competition
Design a card that works in a new permanent slot next to the shield

Submission must include the card you designed and a description of what the other cards designed to go in the slot would have in common with your card. i.e. what is the theme of the cards that will go in the new slot?

2. Screenshot Competition
Take an ordinary screenshot and then edit it to create something funny/ridiculous/out of the ordinary. extra points for making the edits look like actual mechanics.

the one that makes people laugh the most gets the votes.

3. Other Competition
Do you see Jesus in your toast? How about an Otyugh in the stump in your back yard, or a Cockatrice in your ham sandwich? Get your cameras out and take a picture of an elements card taking shape in the real world. People will vote to see which real world object looks most like it's respective elements card.

Scorpio / Re: ideas vs scorpio(rainbow)
« on: April 09, 2010, 04:47:21 am »
Scorpio CANNOT use Trident! You don't have to bother getting rid of it, although Stealing it early is useful.
i probably wouldn't steal it even if i could, because once trident is out scorpio wont play arsenic over it.

General Discussion / Re: Awesome Fractal Battle
« on: April 09, 2010, 01:58:21 am »
As far as I've seen the AI's play of fractal is quite good; it won't target anything unless it can pay it's cost at least 2-3 times.
i've only played against it once in game against some aether god...elidnis or scorpio. anyway, he targeted an oty. all other encounters were in the trainer where it was mostly played incorrectly as well. this was in the first few days after it went live though, so the ai may have been changed since then.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Card Idea: Giant Shield / Gigantic Shield
« on: April 09, 2010, 01:48:18 am »
here is how that would be formatted.

:gravity :gravity :Greater Devour
Eat any creature on your side
of the field and this shield
gets that much more hp (<20)
Can be used multiple times a turn.

i think it's a maximum of 30 characters per line. the last line is 34 characters. the ability on creatures is always on a line by itself. i was suggesting earlier that the starting HP for the card could be represented by an 'x30' on the card once it's played, but after looking at bonewall/phaseshield/sundial they all mention what that number will be in the card description. this would add even more text to an already stuffed box.

i see what both SG and Kael Hate are saying. i don't think it should be limited to a very small group, and i don't think a person so new to the game should have so much weight. i personally, a 14 year player of MtG, still had to adjust to the games mechanics before understanding why all the cards were designed the way they were. i know if i just popped into the forums after playing the game for a few hours and suggested a card, it would probably have been pretty ridiculous.  my solution would be to build something like the karma system. you must have X posts to do Y.

General Discussion / Re: Awesome Fractal Battle
« on: April 08, 2010, 04:21:39 pm »
Photon is the only thing it can fractal
actually, if you play out something with a higher priority...which is basically everything compared to RoLs, the AI will fractal that and fill its hand up with cards it can't play.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Some card ideas
« on: April 08, 2010, 08:00:36 am »
didn't see them before any edits, but for the most part i like them all as they are now. i worry about how powerful zombie could's late and i can't think of a way to break it. maybe fractal....but what isn't crazy powerful with fractal? anyways, interesting, well thought out, mostly balanced. good stuff.  :)

and @ Kuroaitou - i totally get the reasoning behind time shield and i like it.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Card Idea: Giant Shield / Gigantic Shield
« on: April 08, 2010, 07:45:00 am »
regardless of how UP or OP this card is, my biggest problem is its complexity. the 'start with X amount of Hp' part could be represented by an x + a number on the card like bonewall, but there is still a massive amount of text needed to describe what it does. i don't believe there is a card in the game that requires more than four lines of text to describe what it does. you'd be hard pressed to fit this on five.

:gravity :gravity: digestion
Swallow a creature on your side
(Max 20HP's) and gain the HP of that
creature.This skill can be used multiple
times per turn. The damage inflicted
to you is redirected on the shield.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Emerald scales/Jade scales
« on: April 08, 2010, 07:18:15 am »
you could still abuse this with gravity pull. you would just have to play it before you played the gravity pull.

General Discussion / Re: Spin nerf?
« on: April 07, 2010, 04:29:22 pm »
lol, i read this thread, and then won 2 cards in three spin against chaos lord.

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