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Messages - bewe (5)

Pages: [1]
Issue Archive / Re: Leaf Dragon + Shard of Readiness [Not a Bug]
« on: April 05, 2011, 10:21:22 am »

in stead of light quanta use any quanta

because leaf dragon + SoR --> generation of 2 life quanta just once = downgrade

leaf dragon + SoR --> generation of 2 (or 1) life quanta from any quanta ( except life quanta :P, generation of one life quanta per quanta would solve this) multiple times = upgrade (but not as bad as infinite life quanta)

tnx for image^^

Morte... I don't see how he is done. It may be my luck but he does massive damage very fast and a lot of poison... 9 or more. I must deploy first shield when 20 or 21 cards left and then it is poison or chain brake that kills me. any tips?

Great starter deck!!! Although not a starter myself, I like this deck more than other decks.

My current variation on the deck (nothing special:-p):
reflective shield 1
SoG 2
burning tower 8
fire lance 6
Fahrenheit 1
fire pendulum 5
light pendulum 1
sundial 1
phase shield 6
electrocutor 1

stats (win-loss):
destiny (10-3)
elidnis (8-2)
eternal crusader (2-0)
ferox (4-10)
fire queen (6-7)
incarnate (6-6)
lionheart (11-2)
miracle (8-7)
neptune (8-4)
osiris (8-10)
paradox (4-4)
dark matter (1-11)
gemini (4-5)
serket (3-7)

skip/loss (#):
akebono (10)
chaos lord (15)
decay (17)
devine glory (15)
dream catcher (10)
eternal phoenix (13)
graviton (13)
hecate (19)
hermes (16)
jezebel (11)
morte (16)
obliterator (9)
octane (9)
rainbow (13)
scorpio (11)
seism (15)

35% of all played games is doable
22% of all played games is won
58% of all doable games is won

stats are from reset, thus including games with non-upgraded variation of deck
score: 3441
won: 298 (also easier opponents than FG, mostly top50)
lost: 417 (mostly FG and top50)
coins: 817
coins: 13328 (sell value) for non-sold upgraded cards (including 4 pharaoh^^ tnx to osiris)

Gravity / Re: Basic Chimera Deck
« on: September 12, 2010, 12:14:54 pm »
What would happen to a phase dragon if I use chimera? Is the chimera immaterial? I guess that I don't need to target a creature to use chimera...
I am thinking of a phase dragon, chimera, parallel universe combo 8)

ah not so good, PU on chimera has no effect :(

Life / Re: Life Rush Deck (New Card)
« on: September 08, 2010, 12:22:40 pm »
I barely have a single Elemental Mastery by 10-15 fights (maybe the deck is not designed for).
I use the following for lvl3 (all non-up-ed):
6 emerald dragons
6 heals
18 emerald pillars

It's a really fast deck and get's mastery very often. Gravity shield = quit fight right away. Maxwell early is bad also.

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