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Messages - beckersteen (4)

Pages: [1]
Deck Help / Re: Earth/Death Defensive
« on: July 17, 2010, 06:04:52 am »
Funny guys :P.

I've been fooling around:

13 Quantum Pillar
6 Poison
6 Chrysaora
6 Nova
6 Basilisk Blood
3 Titanium Shield
1 Pulverizer
1 Vampire Stiletto
Earth Mark

That's where I left off. However I ditched this idea to make a Shrieker Deck so I can AI3 grind -_-

Deck Help / Re: Earth/Death Defensive
« on: July 16, 2010, 04:33:36 am »
I was thinking since my deck can only last 30 turns that might short me in some defensive stand offs. What if I added some non-mana cards to lengthen the duration of my deck. I actually don't know what happens when you run out of cards. I was think about adding about 4 novas. This could be a horrible idea just wanted to see though. If I do add the novas to have a nifty card: Vampire Stiletto. It's 1D so if I do have those novas it's playable. Probably not wise either way.

This is what I have now:
3 Short Sword
6 Poison
10 Stone Pillar
3 Titanium Shield
3 Stone Skin
5 Basilisk Blood

It seemed severely week on the offensive side (some weakness is to be expected in a defensive deck), so I put the Short Swords there. Stone Skin is a beast with 50+ quantom. Still thinking about adding 4 Novas and 1 Vampire Siletto.

Deck Help / Re: Earth/Death Defensive
« on: July 16, 2010, 04:04:37 am »
Thank you for your advice Demagog.

Twinsbuster, what are some good cards in Gravity to use for Earth.

Deck Help / Earth/Death Defensive
« on: July 16, 2010, 03:44:07 am »
First off I'd like to say I'm new to Elements and I enjoy many cards games. I only have basic cards available from the bazaar.

3 Hammer
3 Titanium Shield
6 Poison
3 Stone Dragon
4 Basilisk Blood
4 Bone Pillar
7 Earth Pillar

I go with 30 cards to better my odds of executing. I like to play defense in any game I play so the Basilisk Blood/Titanium Shield really do it for me. I like the constant drain from the poisons, too. I win about 60% pvp with this setup. I'm interested to know what people who have a better understanding of them game have to say. Thanks.

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