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Messages - bamf (6)

Pages: [1]
Duo-Decks / Re: Easy false god beater (good chance for perfect)
« on: August 12, 2010, 09:09:56 pm »
Unupped pandemonium is probably the best CC card you could add. its easy, cheap, and gets all of their creatures with something nasty

Earth / Re: Shriekers
« on: August 12, 2010, 07:57:02 pm »
Take out one long sword and/or a few towers to make room for:

+2 diamond shield
+2 PA

Gotta have a shield, man.

if you still have tons of excess quanta, go with and upped golem or two

Duo-Decks / Re: awesome FG killing deck
« on: August 12, 2010, 07:51:07 pm »
I don't see the point in having pests (which cost 2 quanta) when there's only 6 cards in the deck that cost more than 2 quanta.

flying weapons cost 1, pest cost 2, dagger cost 2, towers are free. that leaves the 5 vampires at 5 quanta each and one eclipse at 4 quanta. also, 6 pests is not enough to cause significant quanta denial, especially against FGs or rainbow PvP's

I'd change:

+1 Eclipse
+2 Improved Dusk
-6 Pest
+3 SoG
+3 Obsidian Towers (some games go long)

I'd also consider adding a obsidian dragon or 2 if the deck was too slow

Deck Help / Re: Simplest Deck Possible Competition
« on: July 22, 2010, 10:05:02 pm »
My bad  ddeavns96.  :P

Deck Help / Re: Simplest Deck Possible Competition
« on: July 22, 2010, 07:02:10 pm »
Thanks for the help guys. I really like the  :darkness deck! I happened to have some  :darkness cards already upped. I tested it and it seems to be getting EM's, which is great.

@ thekillergame: The first and foremost idea is that the deck has to be thoughtless. While your idea is very basic for an experienced player, The multiplication you are talking about isn't so easy for a 7 year old. Also, I doubt he'd wanna think that much about it. But I do like these kinds of ideas because he might want tostart learning some strategy if he keeps liking the game (I really hope my hands-free farmer doesn't get bored!)  :))

@ $$$man: You're right. The trainer would be liability free. But, lets be honest. The point of the simplest deck is to make me money.  :P

I love all the ideas though. Thanks, and keep them coming!

Deck Help / Simplest Deck Possible Competition
« on: July 22, 2010, 04:18:28 pm »
Hi guys,

I'm a long time Elements player, but this is my first post so be nice. Here's the situation. My little brother saw me playing Elements yesterday and quickly became enthralled. He's young and doesn't care much for strategy, he just wants to play cards, see animations, and win. I let him do his thing on my account but quickly saw that he was losing me money. So I threw together the following deck, which might possibly be the simplest deck possible. I designed it to stomp AI3, since it doesn't really matter to him. Yes, I am using him to farm for me, but if he enjoys it I'm not going to stop him.

Here's where you come in....

Try to think of a simpler deck, or a better version of this deck (besides upgrading the cards). Not limited to just mono-life. Also, if there was a deck that could do this for T50 or AI5 that would be awesome. Bonus points for EM. Again, this deck must be simple. Thanks. Here's the deck:

Mark of Life
14 Emerald pillar
4 Emerald Dragon
6 Cockatrice
6 Horned Frog
4 Shard of Gratitude


Pages: [1]