Deck Help / Re: Pure light deck
« on: August 13, 2010, 11:12:17 am »Your Goal will be Glory Deck:
5 Morning Glory
4 Animate Weapon
5 SoD
3 Miracle
13 Tower
And you should upgrade the pillar first. If you want to fight gods, just upgrade the photons. I'm sure you'll regret if you upgrade holylight.
Thank you for your deck model

I have some doubts though.
I don't really get it how the animated weapons work... Ingame cards description is very poor.. I'm not sure if animated weapon behaves like weapon or like a creature? I.e. if my morning glory is unbreakable and cannot be stolen, will animated morning glory still will be unbreakable and won't be stolen? Can it be frozen, put into a time bubble, poisoned etc. (when it's in weapon slot, it can't)? I also noticed that my morning glory is able to break the gravity shield. Will it still be able to do that while it's animated?
And why upgraded photons are so good against gods? Only 1/1 each... Won't they kill me before I'll make 200 damage (or even more since gods heal to) with photons? If you mean using upgraded photons instead of light pillars then it sounds reasonable. But then I would wonder if pillars aren't more secure since they cannot be 'killed', only destroyed or stolen?
And last but not least, why would I regreat upgrading holy lights?

SoD = Shard of Divinity? Sorry, I'm still a newbie