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Messages - babo78 (5)

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Rainbow Decks / Re: Psychic Copycat - FG deck v1.0
« on: August 23, 2010, 04:07:13 pm »
Eternal phoenix is easy if you get permafrost with pa out or add in more shield if you know fight is coming (through oracle).
I don't need to know much about probability to say that this is pretty hard to do in the first few turns.

Deck is slow compared to others using hourglasses, don't expect this deck to have fast start.  It doesn't shine till mid-game.
Surviving to mid-game is a bit tricky.
Hopefully with feedback from others like yourself and testing I'm doing with the deck will change that a bit.  Current test mode uses lower quanta cost shield and added hourglasses.

Thanks again for your input, I appreciate it.  Especially for actually playing the deck and testing it.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Psychic Copycat - FG deck v1.0
« on: August 23, 2010, 02:59:09 pm »
I tried tested this deck out a few times. It's way, way too slow. Scorpio rushed me with Puffer Fish, no Protect Artifacts against Eternal Phoenix, not enough Aether quanta against Destiny, Seism was Seism. The only God I beat was Miracle, and that's because I got both my Destroyers, an Antimatter, and the Hourglass in the first 10 cards. Not a single Mindgate, though.
Thanks for your input.  Scorpio is one of the FG this deck is bad against due to their speed and poison stack.  Quanta denial decks like Decay or Seim's quakes are also two decks my deck does badly against.  Eternal phoenix is easy if you get permafrost with pa out or add in more shield if you know fight is coming (through oracle).  Deck is slow compared to others using hourglasses, don't expect this deck to have fast start.  It doesn't shine till mid-game.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Psychic Copycat - FG deck
« on: August 23, 2010, 01:34:37 pm »
It's lookin' solid. I would recommend replacing the hourglass with a fractal, however. If hourglass isn't drawn early (a fair shot that it won't be), it becomes a mid-game draw that will barely speed you up, a late-game draw you won't want to see, or it will be a mid-game draw that will very quickly lose effectiveness as your deck size inevitably diminishes.

Fractal, while it taxes your already burdensome aether quanta, is an excellent game accelerant, and a bomb finisher. Once you get your stall setup and you're running clean, you fractal whatever you see fit and swing for the fences. If you draw it early, it's no waste because you can go through the game knowing your ace in the hole and planning accordingly. If you draw it late, it has an immediate, and solid, impact on the gamestate.
Thanks for the input.  I did have 1 fractal in the deck taking up PA slot during tweaking and Aether quanta was pretty bad as you mentioned.  Only time Aether quanta wasn't an issue when I was able to draw lot of Aether towers through Mindgate.  Most of time, choices fell to either drawing extra cards or stop card draw to save quanta to power up fractal for bomb finisher.  Instead I opted for card draws and Eternity + Mindgate combo to bring out creatures steadily at slow pace to fit my gameplay style for this deck.

That said I'll be beginning my next round of tweaking so I'll definitely try with fractal back in deck and take out hourglass.  Thanks again.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Psychic Copycat - FG deck
« on: August 23, 2010, 04:45:08 am »
Individual FG strats all start after your defense/stall is setup unless you drew quint and a creature early.  In that case play the combo to start beating on FG early.

>>> Elidnis Strategy <<<
Difficulty: Medium
Key for this fight is using eternity correctly to send back (non-frozen) pumped up forest spectres and the twin universed creatures to Elidnis' hand.  Use lava golem as bait to be twin universed and most of time, if you have it out they will twin it.  Which is awesome because if you eternity it, they can't bring it back.  Also use eternity + otyugh for population control of forest spectres.
Another helpful fight angle is using Mindgate + eternity combo to copy ulitharid.  Wait for right time to drop it and start  lobo-ing forest spectres if Otyugh is not available to kill them.  And definitely lobo puffer fish.  They are the biggest threat to you since they poison Otyugh if they eat it and if you anti-matter it.  They still poison you.  So lobo the puffer. If Elidnhis pulled out puffer fish starting's likely you will loose.  Once enough poison is tacked on, sog and anti-matter wouldn't save you.

Customization: If you know you are going to fight Elidnis thanks to Oracle.  You could swap out pulver for 2nd eternity and 1 lava for 2nd otyugh.  This will establish faster field control and who cares about feral bond heal when most of their creature is devoured or in their hand that can't be brought back out.

>>> Gemini Strategy <<<
Difficulty: Easy
If I remember right Gemini doesn't have creature control but this doesn't mean you can summon lava golem early and start pumping them up without quint.  If you do, Gemini will double, triple the pain back with multiple twin universe and even if you have eternity out.  You better hope you have enough life to survive the round.  Even then you can only send one twin back...
Anyway, this is fairly easy fight.  Use Otyugh to kill Phase spiders, eternity to send back twins (if you used lava golem as bait) and any of Gemini's creature with unstoppable to make them vulnerable to freeze again.  Use Mindgate to throw down your own phase and/or mass dragons against gemini for quick kill.  Use eternity to wait out Phase shields while you continue to pump up lava golems and throwing down copied creatures.  Or you can use pulverizer to knock out the shields.  I recommend you hold off on early eternity and wait for Pulverizer so you can knock out some shields before switching to eternity.  While you can wait out phase with eternity, it is quanta heavy in both time and quanta of creature you are going to reverse time.

Customization: If you know you are going to fight Gemini thanks to Oracle you could swap out 1 lava golem to add another otyugh to take out pesky spiders.

>>> Osiris Strategy <<<
Difficulty: Easy
Getting the permafrost out is the most important for this fight.  Once you have permafrost out, bring out sogs and wait for quint + lava golem.  Notice I said lava not Otyugh unless you have quint & otyugh ready from start.  In that case you pretty much have won this game.  Otyugh in mid or late game is useless against Osiris (as demonstrated in my screenshot).  Also do not summon any creatures for scarab to devour even if you draw one using Mindgate because they will just be food for scarab.  As long as you don't bring out any creature for scarab to feed, scarab can't devour each other because all of their def is same and won't devour pharoh.  Anti-matter or eternity the creatures with unstoppable on it.  If you do that, they'll just ping you for 1 damage per creature and sog + anti-matter can heal you back up easily.

Customization: If you know you are going to fight Osiris thanks to Oracle.  You could swap out permafrost for diamond shield which practically guarantee your win.


>>> Destiny Strategy <<<
Difficulty: Medium
Getting Otyugh and Eternity out early is key.  Devour fallen druids and time eggs, eternity mutated/chaos powered creatures.  After you survive the initial onslaught, bring out pulverizer to take out hourglasses.  Usually you can get your hands on another eternity through Mindgate.

Customization: If you know you are going to fight Destiny thanks to Oracle.  You could swap out Pulverizer and lava golem fore more eternity and otyugh to increase your survivability for initial onslaught.

>>> Eternal Phoenix Strategy <<<
Difficulty: Medium
Getting permafrost out with PA is key and remember to throw out baits like pulver, hourglass, mindgate, sog to eat up deflag.  Unprotected permafrost is opening yourself up for complete defeat.  Counter ruby dragons with anti-matter.  Once you have permafrost out, it's pretty cake.  You can grow your Otyugh by taking out phoenixes or grow lava golem for quicker finish.

Customization: If you know you are going to fight Eternal Phoenix thanks to Oracle.  You could swap out permafrost or lava golem and add in fog shield or Diamond shield.

Rainbow Decks / Psychic Copycat - FG deck v1.0
« on: August 23, 2010, 04:27:40 am »
Deck Helper comment: 
This deck was posted before the 1.32 game update and as a result may work very differently now.  Use at your own risk.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u7 6u7 74b 77f 77i 77i 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 7dq 7dq 7gp 7gp 7q5 7q8 80h 80h 80j 80j 8pj

Note: Not sure Mindgates are not showing up but yeah two blanks are upped Mindgates.

Author Acknowledgement
I'd like to thank Amilir, Puppychow, and Scaredgirl for sharing their decks and strats.  It gave me great insight to build this FG deck that's been pretty successful against most FG.

General Strategy
Psychic Copycat utilizes quints and protect artifacts (pa) to lockdown critical cards for defense, offense, and map control.  PA the permafrost first because it is your primary defense.  Few cases where you want to PA something else first is against FGs that use land destruction cards like earthquake.  As for the 2nd PA, save it for eternity so it doesn't get blown up or stolen...otherwise you will most likely deck out even if you have the FG by the balls for 'teh win'.

Once your defenses of shard of gratitudes (sog) and permafrost is up.  Bring out the Lava golem or Otyugh and start pumping them up.  Don't take the risk and summon them without quint unless you know FG has no or little creature control.  There are exceptions, against Miracle I almost always play Lava golem ASAP regardless so I can start pumping Lava golems early.  Otherwise you won't win at all against Miracle.  There were couple games against Miracle where my Lava golem was walking around with 40+ attack.  Thank goodness for copied ray of light and eternity to stop deck out.

If you draw the lone Hourglass early, use it to speed up deployment of your defenses and lockdown.  If you draw it later, use it as bait for FG to destroy or steal the hourglass before your other more precious perm card in play.

By now you are wondering why I call my deck Psychic Copycat so let me explain.  Mindgates allow you to draw card from top of opponent's deck...which means you now know what card FG will draw.  At least one of them anyway...  This lets you be 'Psychic' to know what will be coming your way so you can stay one step ahead and prepare a counter if possible.  Mindgates also lets you 'Copycat' your opponent since you now draw cards from FG's deck as well as yours.  There are other tricks with Mindgate that I will go into more detail in Deck Breakdown.

Lastly, since Psychic Copycat only has 1 hourglass it's acceleration is slow compared to others that do leverage multiple hourglasses ("nitros").  However the peak speed of this deck badass due to fact that you can't risk deck out by drawing too much using Mindgate while hourglass will deck you out.

Deck Breakdown
This is what makes this deck stand out and give its name.  Aside from it's 'psychic' and 'copycat' ability, the two big advantage is the continuous card draw power and providing greater flexibility in combating FG by using their cards against them.  Especially if you have both Mindgates out and have enough quanta being generated to copy two cards at a time.  As tempting as it is to just draw as much as quanta allows you...try to conserve enough quanta early on so you can throw down quint + creature combo when you get it.  Every turn counts for this thin deck of 35 cards so you don't want to loose a turn or more while holding a creature and quint in your hands because you blew the quanta to draw a card or two earlier than later.

Mindgate really shows power when you combine it with Eternity.  Reverse time the creature you want from FG's field, and then copy it.  Because Psychic Copycat deck only has 3 creatures, this is tremendously helpful on getting extra damage dealers.  I don't know what else to say except Mindgate is so freaking powerful in hands of a rainbow deck.

I've considered and tested using other shields like upped Fire, Fog, Darkness, and Entropy shields.  Bottom-line for me was that reduction in 2 damage and chance for freeze outweighs the heavy 7 water quanta cost.  Yes it will be slow to be cast but when it does and especially if you have PA on it.  It will shut down decks like Decay and Osiris.

Eternity and Pulverizer
Pulverizer being sole card in your deck to manage perm cards in play...make sure you bring it out to destroy exactly the cards you need.  For example, fire shield shuts down this deck and that must be taken out.  It's either Pulverizer or you copy using Mindgate and hope that you'll draw deflag.  Eternity is key to stop or slow down deck out and for controlled creature  copy as combo with Mindgate.

I will be posting about individual FG strats using this deck and screenshots of my success against them at later time to show that this is not a theorycraft deck or something thrown together in Trainer.

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