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Messages - apples270 (2)

Pages: [1]
In-game Troubleshooting / Invalid Password??!?!?
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:57 pm »

send an email to explaining your situation.
Try doing this. If that doesn't work, talk with Pilchard123 (send him a Personal Message on the forum here), and he might be able to contact Zanzarino for you.
I have sent an email and received a message saying "This is an automatically generated message...". Next step I am going to take is PM Pilchard123

In-game Troubleshooting / Invalid Password??!?!?
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:56 pm »

Can someone help me solve this problem... I do not know why but when I try logging in, it says "invalid password" and I am sure I entered the correct password. If anyone can help me, please reply.

EDIT: This is regarding logging into the game not the forum :)

Pages: [1]