Regardless of whether you are "not properly writting [sic]", not bothering to double check your posts doesn't really give a good impression. There isn't much of an excuse in any case since the forum has a spell checker and most modern browsers also include one.
Also, this is the place to post your formal application. Reading comprehension is another important quality to demonstrate. Of course, you could choose to PM your application directly to Scaredgirl but this being the application topic, it is also the place where your writing will be judged most heavily.
As an aside, why are you writing in yellow? Please don't.
Hey, I got quite a lot of things I need to do, plus I know I make mistakes its just all being part of being human.
Right, I thought it was so, but I wanted to double check, its always a good idea to be on the safe side of things.
Why am I writting in yellow? Because on forums I also write in colour. Either yellow or blue. Yellow being the first choice.