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Messages - akromat (116)

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I'd venture to say that almost every playgroup changes some rules of D&D. As an example, in 3.5e my playgroup added a fumble confirm when rolling a natural 1 because to critically hit you have to threaten and then confirm but fumble you only have to roll a natural 1.

I'm definitely a mechanics player. While aesthetics are nice, they are usually completely arbitrary. With role playing concerned, however, there has to be a good balance of each.

A good story can carry a lot of weight, but it means nothing if the mechanics aren't there to back it up. Conversely, good mechanics can make a strong game without much of a storyline. Since it's thrown around so much on these boards, take MtG for example. It has an elaborate continuing storyline... but 99% of players couldn't care less about it.

To each his own, I just thought I would weigh-in. The real reason I'm replying is to ask why you had everyone roll in at level 7.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Combat Simulator
« on: March 09, 2010, 10:52:52 pm »
Are you suggesting that someone else does this or are you planning on doing it?

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: The Whole Piece
« on: March 09, 2010, 01:39:16 pm »
I'm going to stay out of the semantic debate about shards vs. whole but the only problem I see is the cost.

If you chose 1), the Oracle takes your 6 Shards of Gratitude and gives you a Goblet of Gratitude. Whether it is upped or unupped depends on whether your Shards were upped or unupped. If you have at least 1 unupped Shard, you get the unupped Goblet; if not, you get an upped Goblet.
Upgrading shards individually is 9k while waiting and upgrading only the goblet is a mere 1.5k. Of course this only applies to collecting shards after this would be implemented since most people upgrade shards right away. Still, I think with a little tweaking this could be a great idea. I like the idea of combining rares like that.

Card Art / Re: Make your own Elemental Marks!
« on: March 06, 2010, 05:44:29 pm »

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Flavor text.
« on: March 02, 2010, 06:50:36 am »
One of the things that makes it easy for Mtg to have flavor text is the storyline which elements doesn't have. It would be fun to see it added to the cards. Even if most cards don't have room for one.

There is a spreadsheet being made for actual cards. This one is about ideas for new cards given so far. Basically Mr. Master of Air is proposing ANOTHER spreadsheet to be made based only upon new card IDEAS, so that it is easier for the heads and higher-ups and so on to look for new card ideas, instead of going over massive amounts of new threads...also for those of us who love looking at new card ideas
/facepalm I must have been really tired. I get it now. This would be a lot more difficult to get started and keep updated. It's very doable but what governs what would make this list or not. Is it only for generally accepted ideas or any idea that is posted even if 90% of the community thinks its a bad card? Through discussions, card ideas change many many times in each card idea thread so do we wait for the OP to green-light the addition to the spreadsheet?

General Discussion / Re: Card Spreadsheet
« on: March 01, 2010, 12:00:33 am »
Could you sort it according to Element?

BTW, I have put some bg color proposal at the bottom of the original
In order to make it sortable by elements I have to add another field. Which I plan on doing. But currently it can't be. I'll work on it tonight.

Forum Bugs, Suggestions and Feedback / Re: card idea's spread sheet ideas
« on: February 28, 2010, 05:26:58 pm »
Okay, this post changed completely, or something. The title even still says spreadsheet but now I completely don't understand it.

General Discussion / Re: Card Spreadsheet
« on: February 28, 2010, 05:22:16 pm »
Yeah I had/have editing turned off, but you should still be able to copy it. You can even download it if you want to. I just didn't want to have to police changes while I'm still working on getting it filled out.

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