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Messages - akromat (116)

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Water / Re: Mono-Water Halfblood Killers Deck 3: Control
« on: March 22, 2010, 08:58:23 pm »
I've been having a lot of luck against level 5 with:
Sapphire Tower
Permafrost Shield
Arctic Octopus
Arctic Dragon
Puffer Fish
Toad Fish
Eagle's Eye
Obviously based off of this deck but updated to include shockwave. This is being tested on the trainer. I have all the cards on my actual account to make this deck but none of them are upgraded. :/

General Discussion / Re: Elements deck image generator
« on: March 22, 2010, 07:16:39 pm »
I know tinyurl only provides redirection. But they also store all the urls in their own database so it's something planplan wouldn't need to set up.

General Discussion / Re: Elements deck image generator
« on: March 22, 2010, 10:16:54 am »
This is coming along very nicely. Are you planning on caching the images? Also have you though about using a method similar to the one used by tinyurl to shorten the urls? Perhaps even using the tinyurl API and letting their service handle the load?

I think the old wiki should remain in place until we're all set up and satisfied with the new one. It's a great way to make sure we haven't missed anything. Even though I think a lot of that info is outdated... even if people are still editing it. However, I think any updates to the old wiki are fruitless and no effort should be spent there. I think we should just update the new wiki as changes are released and continue populating the new wiki until it has as much information as the old one. 

Short answer: I think the new wiki editors should use the old wiki as a knowledge base/resource for populating the new wiki. Normal users should use the new wiki as soon as the card list is complete, unless they cannot find what they need there. In that case, they should check the old wiki.

Elements Wiki / Re: A few suggestions on the wiki
« on: March 17, 2010, 01:26:55 pm »
I'd thought about splitting the status effects and the skills but a lot of creatures have a skill that allows them to give a status effect. And I think it would be equally as confusing to have them listed in two separate places. Some abilities even have the same name as status effects (freeze, momentum).

The list is more of a quick reference sheet anyway and mostly the deck and strategy articles will link back to them for clarification. As far as I can tell that is their main purpose so even if the list isn't explicitly sorted I think it's okay.

Elements Wiki / Re: Fire cards
« on: March 15, 2010, 02:29:45 pm »
SG any chance of bringing that function to the forums? Or would that cause too much load time?

Elements Wiki / Re: Fire cards
« on: March 14, 2010, 09:03:29 pm »
I like the hover thing a lot. The only downside of it is that for upped cards that share a name with unupped cards there is no distinction. Fahrenheit is the only example I can give of this in the fire section.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: New Card Idea - Phasing Beast
« on: March 14, 2010, 06:51:38 am »
Seems like decreasing health and dmg would fit better for a phoenix card that rebirth's. Immune to fire/fire shield but if it becomes frozen it permanently dies.
Could be an idea for a different card but not the purpose of a Phasing Beast.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: New Card Idea - Phasing Beast
« on: March 13, 2010, 07:59:33 pm »
Well you have to remember, it loses 1 attack each turn and the last attack is only for 2 and often it will be blocked by a shield so this doesn't do as much damage as it appears.
Toss in a shield and 5+4+3+2+1=15
Toss in an upped shield: 4+3+2+1+0=10
Not to mention any time it has a chance to miss. Even without shields or anything it's on par with an Immortal. Over the course of 5 turns, each does 20 damage, and this costs 1 more  :aether.

Card Ideas and Art / New Card Idea - Phasing Beast
« on: March 13, 2010, 07:46:01 pm »
Phasing Beast
7 :aether
This creature gains -1/-1 each time it attacks; if it would die it spawns a Phasing Beast.

Generic name I know. I wanted to give synergy to aether and death and since aether already has a low card count I thought it wouldn't be a bad thing to post. Suggestions/feedback?

General Discussion / Re: Deck plots
« on: March 13, 2010, 07:33:06 pm »
I really like this idea actually, but don't discount mtg's entire storyline because it has been bad recently. Read the books from the Urza block, the rath cycle, or the gathering dark series. Those are really good in my opinion. Back on topic, the elements are already kind of segregated by being paired and associated with good/evil but it could be elaborated on much more. And since this was brought up, it'd be awesome to see dual element cards. [Note: I've read the threads discussing this and know that it won't happen. I'm just stating that it would add a lot to both the game and this specific idea.]

Elements Wiki / Re: Fire cards
« on: March 13, 2010, 02:12:54 pm »
Some problems I see
    There are a few sets of fire pillars listed as white/light nymphs. Edit: it seems that every element has some pillars listed as white nymph. Perhaps it's something to do with the template.Fire Nymph, Fire Spirit and Fire Spectre have the wrong url to the quanta image should be you seem to have extra (broken) images on Deflagration, Fire Bolt, Fire Shield, and Lava Golem.[/list]Other than that, good job though.

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