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Messages - Znork (40)

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Issue Archive / My card disappears [unconfirmed]
« on: December 18, 2011, 10:03:46 pm »
Hi all,

Twice today I have drawn a card only to have it disappear before I get a chance to play it.

What happens is: My round begins and a card is drawn. The animation shows what card it is (1st time it was Jade Shield, 2nd time it was Supernova). The card then dissappears.

I did not use card draw abilities, I did not mouse over the card art and I did not receive an invisible 99 cost card as mentioned here:

"9.  Rapid Draw problems
Symptoms:  Not drawing a card you should have, despite having room for it in hand.  Being forced to discard an invisible 99 cost card.
Causes:  If you use card draw abilities like mind gate, electrum hourglass, and precognition, too close together, an error occurs.  If you are looking at extended card art by mousing over a card while a card is drawn, that card will magically disappear.  As the game keeps track of your cards in hand separately, the game will think you have an extra invisible card in hand, and force you to discard it if necessary."

Here is a screenshot from right after the Supernova disappeared:

Is this still a "rapid draw problem" or is it something else?

War Archive / Re: War #4 - Round 3
« on: October 23, 2011, 10:32:06 pm »
... rant rage rage rage 2 + 2 = 4, UW OP! wall of wall of wall of text space alien event, underworld insta wins, guess guess guess, five chances in seven, thirteen percent odds fire is losing?...
ROFL, good stuff.


Movies & TV / Re: Scariest Movie you have ever Seen
« on: September 06, 2011, 02:22:00 am »
The Shining - probably because:

1) I saw it before I was old enough. I would still get nightmares if I watch it now.
2) Evil kids and strange kids are scary.
3) Kubrick was a genious

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Know your enemy - twice a day
« on: August 29, 2011, 09:17:55 pm »
Something like that maybe. Or it could be incorporated into 'daily quest' which some people are discussing.

Anyway - so far it seems like people think this is a bad idea. No reasons given though.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Know your enemy - twice a day
« on: August 29, 2011, 02:12:52 pm »
Hi all,
One of the many aspects of this game I really like is the one time every day, where I get to know which FG I'm facing.

I think it's a great feature for several reasons:
  • It adds variation to the game. Normally I (personally) go with CCYB every time, but knowing my opponent allows me to change tactics against an FG once each day. And variation is fun when your grinding for hours.
  • Knowing the next FG's name should make new players wonder "How does this help me? Maybe there's a forum I should check out" - thereby it introduces new players to the forum/wiki
  • It introduces new players to FGs and allows for a slightly higher winrate
  • It gives new players some insight in deck-building - understanding how to counter different cards/decks.
However, out of the 1700+ matches I've played during my first ~3 weeks as an EtG-gamer I have only known the next FG ~21 times. I would like to be able to know the next FG more than once a day - twice maybe. For the reasons listed above  I think it would be an improvement.

It would of course give new players a small advantage since upped cards would be easier to obtain. But knowing the next FG does not ensure victory. Certainly, some FGs are quite easy when you know what to counter with (e.g. Serket) - but others are still very hard for a player with no or few upped cards. Furter, there of course is no guarantee that you win a card in the slots.

What do you guys think?

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Try Again Button
« on: August 29, 2011, 01:30:37 pm »
This seems like a good idea to me. I can't image any problems with it - but it never happened? I wonder why. Was it hard to program somehow?

The tenth point has nothing in the spoiler.
I can't see anything in the tenth point's spoiler either.

Humor / Re: You know You're Addicted to Elements When...
« on: August 25, 2011, 05:17:45 pm »
....When you can spell otyuhg
Lol then you must not be addicted!

Humor / Re: The Second Upgrade!
« on: August 25, 2011, 03:18:53 pm »
Adrenaline - Epinephrine - Cocaine

The more I think about it, the more I like it. Cocaine could randomly target creatures and HP - and have -1/-1 per round (or 0/-1 or -1/0). Since the coked up creature would be random and didn't really know what it was doing.

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: AI improvements
« on: August 23, 2011, 11:48:36 pm »
We should make a list of all these items. This post is really messy.
That's like 500 posts. Whoever does it should get a nice prize.

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: AI improvements
« on: August 17, 2011, 11:51:19 pm »
AI uses dive on Pegasus with 3/2 instead of the Pegasus with 9/8

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: AI improvements
« on: August 17, 2011, 11:01:47 pm »
AI quints a Shrieker and then burrows it

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