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Messages - Yumiko (2)

Pages: [1]
In-game Troubleshooting / You never see any odd decks in t50. :X
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:07 pm »

That meaning it's always Aether, Entropy, or Time. Why are there no good Light, Air, Water, Dark, etc. decks? >: I know it's the metagame, but gosh. D< With Air's ability to double the damage of its monsters for 2 air quantums, that seems good to me. Pegasus + Blessing + Dive. Something like that. Running Light/Air. You also don't see many FFQ decks anymore. @_@ I'd love to see someone with a creative Water/Life deck. Or something relative to that.

So, why are so many Marks and certain decks so very rare? ._.'

In-game Troubleshooting / You never see any odd decks in t50. :X
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:07 pm »

Just wasn't sure. I know people used to run the 6 PD, 6 Phase Dragon, 6 DS thing with Aether.

When they got nerfed from 12|8 to 9|8, people didn't do that anymore, since they were immortal. Still a bit annoying, though. o-o Then it went to 8|6.

Just odd. I just see all t50 decks with Time and Entropy. ._. I'd love to fight people using their creative decks. ;o;

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