started playing 2 weeks ago, and immediatly noticed that the game might have some problems.
... and i was right. sadly ...
there are some things i don't know. for example how old this game is. therefore some of my adressed problems may have a contributing factor in those areas.
fyi: i am also one of those ppl who played MTG (magic the gathering) years and years ago, so i at least think that i know one thing or another about TCGs (trading card games) ... (although elements strictly speaking isn't a tcg (yet...hopefully))...
the devs definetely broke their own legs by deciding to implement 12 different colors. that was the first thing i noticed.
i know that balancing is a seriously difficult issue with 12 colors.
and having the card-request section doesn't help much.
the main problem i see right now is, that there are too many ppl playing the same old combos over and over.
... and i'm sorry to say that it gets quite boring after a while....
sure, there are a lot of different decks. many that don't even use the common combos, but the deficit of different
cards is quite hindering the process of making this an excellent game.
this game has a massive potential. the fact that you can upgrade your cards and the game mechanics themselves are
really nice.
i just wish there were a bit more options.
i saw in the mono-deck forum, that there really are quite some mono decks around. but many look so simmilar, that i
wouldn't even call them different.
the final suggestions i'm offering are quite radical (that's how i am ^^), but i think, that it would greatly improove
the game.
- condense the amount of colors to 6-8. that is quite a thing considering the quantum pillars, but i'm not saying to leave the cards alone. and it is not really necessary to do that. but it will make future modifications much easier...
- greatly increase the number of cards. there are many good and sometimes even overpowered cards already existing. (like earthquake)
there is no difficulty in turning the good cards into rares, increase the "roll-luck", implement card trading, and replace the missing spots with slightly worse cards, but many of them.
balancing is just a matter of time and experience. there is no problem with throwing out a bunch of cards an later change them if they're overpowered.
there is also not a problem with learning from other ppls mistakes, or imitating their successful ideas.
to give some examples:
- having 3 stages of rarity. common uncommon and rare... (or even more, to include upgraded cards.)
- having the cards strength decide it's rarity.
- having many, even rule-changing cards.
some ppl may argue, that i'm just trying to make another mtg out of this game, but that isn't the case. theese two games are fundamentally different, and there is no way, to bring them even closer together (i wouldn't even want that.... buddy and me are trying to program mtg for personal use and it would be annoying to finish the work and find that there is a replacement
but one thing is clear. some of the balancing ideas of mtg are quite useful for this game.
for example having equivalent cards in different colors.
and restricting cards is the ultimate balancing tool.
building in weaknesses for opposite elements is also possible.
light and dark, water and fire, air and earth... i'll leave the other 6 elements to your fantasy.^^
so please DEVs, do something in that area....