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Messages - Xavius (40)

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
General Discussion / Re: how much of an update should it be?
« on: December 22, 2009, 02:06:37 am »
So, you, O GREAT AMD MIGHTY, shall find a hour free on weekends, check the forums for suggestions, and in case of a nice concept develop it as a beta and put it in the trainer, and the next weekend, if it passes judgement of balance, implement it into the maingame. And wollah, card every week or two.
Also, the Elementsthegame.wikia card ideas forum has a slew of ideas as well. Please look at least at the Bill Door sections (those ones are mine)
If you have the chance, tell me your 'on the forum' schedule for, like, a week and I can put the ideas up on the forum pages.
I have made a huge amount of card ideas

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Member Cards
« on: December 22, 2009, 12:41:23 am »
Well... Just to let some people know, the templates can also be opened with Adobe Fireworks.
The only problem is that all of the editing stuff I had on my old comp got deleted when it died at long last. I need to move all the old data off of it and onto the new hardrive. Still, that is a good thing to know.
BTW, is there any way to import the stuff from the .wikia card forum? I have about 5 subsections of cards that I think would be great.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Member Cards
« on: December 21, 2009, 08:33:01 pm »
If I had photoshop I'd make a card, but I can't. Phooey.
Anyways, these are for me and my gf, based on a shared world we made.
Btw, I'm a swordsman in dark clothing, nothing visible except a pair of glowing blue eyes. blades are extended Wolverine-style and are about 3 feet long (yes, they are magical) and are covered in glowing runes
Xavius Nightsong
Cost: 8 Darkness
Creature - (8/1)
Passive Ability:
Active Ability:
(3 Light quanta) Aura Blade: deal 8 damage to target creature. If it dies from this, it becomes a 3/1 Shadow creature on your side. (Shadow is a Darkness Creature)

Call of Risika
Cost: 8 Light
Spell - No Target
All Light and Darkness Creatures get a permanent +4/+4. This does not stack with Nightfall/Eclipse.

Call of Risika shows a brilliant dawn, a huge, winged creature, vaguely humanoid, calling it up. Creatures are growing from the shadows cast from the dawn's light.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Copy Cats
« on: December 21, 2009, 08:14:53 pm »
has anyone here ever gone to the Elementsthegame.wikia Card Ideas Forum? theres a huge ton of card ideas, including mine (i'm Bill Door over there)

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