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Messages - Xavius (40)

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
General Discussion / Re: Why we war
« on: September 21, 2010, 12:38:29 am »
False Gods have declared that all us mortals shall have to fight for their entertainment. Since they're effectively invulnerable when ALL of them work together, along with thier half-blood abominations offspring, they get to say so. We aren't TOO happy about it, but the winners get shiney things, so we're cool.

Forge Archive / Re: Cake | Cake
« on: September 21, 2010, 12:30:45 am »

Crucible Archive / Re: Shatter | Shatter
« on: September 20, 2010, 11:18:47 pm »

Yeah, I had a hard time choosing the element. xD First, I wanted to do Entropy, but I decided to made it Aether because the card sounded a lot like PU. I'm still up for any other element suggestions if you explain why it fits better than Aether.


Thanks for the 100% positive feedback, guys, I never really thought this idea was all that awesome. ^^;;
After some fixing after getting suggestions for the bolded things...Crucible Time? :D
Perhaps try Entropy? after all in the description for Entropy, it says taht it is what makes a broken glass unfixable.. and these creatures can't be fixed either.
Of course, you could use Earth, as glass (a part of Earth) shatters, and would fit better on that.

Crucible Archive / Re: Shatter | Shatter
« on: September 19, 2010, 04:08:11 pm »
This looks like a good effect. Maybe put it on a creature instead, though??

Humor / Re: Antagon jokes
« on: September 19, 2010, 01:36:35 am »
Tenacious D once fought Antagon. Beezleboss(The final boss!) was the result.

Antagon once sneezed. After Jupiter was in a stable orbit, people stopped making booger jokes about it.

Antagon made a mountain range into Molehill.

Antagon wanted a challenge. So he used Twin Universe on himself (the ONLY way it would work) and fought himself. He's still at it.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Feedback | Harsh Feedback
« on: September 19, 2010, 01:22:29 am »
@goulin: basically. Also, it can be used to heal stuff with Antimatter on it.
@miniwally: whoops! I'll change it

Card Ideas and Art / Plasmoid | Elite Plasmoid
« on: September 18, 2010, 11:17:11 pm »
This pair ties in with my Feedback card

Needs art!Needs Art!!
Cost:4 :water
ATK | HP:1 | 4
Ability::aether: Feedback
Target creature deals damage to itself equal to its ATK.
Plasmoid is immune to Shockwave unless frozen.
Name:Elite Plasmoid
Cost:7 :water
ATK | HP:3 | 9
Ability:3 :aether: Feedback
Target Creature deals damage to itself equal to its ATK.
Elite Plasmoid is immune to Shockwave unless frozen.
Notes:Part and parcel with my previous submission of Feedback. They are very tough, but not very strong.

Card Ideas and Art / Feedback | Harsh Feedback
« on: September 18, 2010, 10:55:26 pm »
An idea for a spell, and will be a part of a Creature idea I have:

( (
Cost:5 :aether
ATK | HP: -
Ability:Target Creature deals damage equal to its ATK to itself.
Name:Harsh Feedback
Cost:4 :aether
ATK | HP: -
Ability:Target Creature deals damage equal to its ATK to itself.
Notesdesigned to destroy those annoying high-ATK creatures! also, it's good for making creatures easier for Oty's to eat :D

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Cursed Link|Cursed Link
« on: September 18, 2010, 09:09:03 pm »
This + ball lightning makes for a very cheap instant-kill combo ^^
Or + mutation/pandemonium. ther'es a chance everything will die, and at least then, you will take your opponent's stuff with you. Will also make sure the opponent is careful about tossing RoF around.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Gift of (element) | Gift of (name)
« on: September 18, 2010, 09:07:03 pm »
I like the vast majority of those, although I'm not a fan "Phaeus" or "Baryos".  I'd change Darkness' god to "Null" and gravity's god to "Colossus".  Other than that, those are really cool.
"Phaeo" is a root that means "darkness", while "baryo" means "heavy". Colossus works, but "Null"... not so much, since I think all names should end in S. Perhaps "Umbros"?
How did I get left out of this???

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Cursed Link|Cursed Link
« on: September 18, 2010, 07:54:19 pm »
I couldn't imagine ever using this card.  With the exception of Immolation, I don't see a reason to kill your creature just to kill another.
What about linking your Virus|Retrovirus, sacrificing it and geting two creatues at the same time? or puting a link on an enemy Massive Dragon and attaching the other to a Black Dragon w/ Liquid Shadow on it?

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Gift of (element) | Gift of (name)
« on: September 18, 2010, 07:44:46 pm »
@Theonlyrealbeef: Okay. This is only the preliminary form. and you would only be able to get 6 of them, max. I'll make some changes then.

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