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Messages - X (4)

Pages: [1]
Deck Help / Shard based deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:17 pm »

6 shards of gratitude? Sheesh, put those in any deck and you'll probably win unless you're fighting a deck specifically designed to defeat yours.

In-game Troubleshooting / Flying weapons
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:17 pm »

Are artifacts enchanted with flying weapon still affected by sundials or procrastination/ice/fire shields etc?

Can you steal or destroy(Pulverizer/Deflagration) animated weapons?

Can protected weapons (morning star/glory and protect artifact) be enchanted with flying weapon?

Can I still use protect artifact on animated weapons?

On a side note: The sundial prevents creatures from attacking for 2 turns, but I see opponent's creatures attacking while the sundial is in play(though it disappears immediately after the attack is over i.e. their turn completely ends). Is this intended?

General Discussion / Overpowered Cards etc.
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:17 pm »

Sundial is bad without light quantums? It covers a glaring weakness of at least two deck types almost completely, and that's right off the top of my head.

Rainbow decks start out very slow, especially if they're depending on quantum pillars/towers. Two turns with only 3 pillars for no additional cost lets me bring out everything I need to block practically everything. The card drawing is just icing on the cake. Now add that I can throw a shield up without messing with my sundials. THEN put in that it blocks 2 enemy attacks and 1 of mine. THEN add that it blocks momentum.

Poison decks, no need to circle jerk about this, hurr hurr. Sure you can cast purify, but if I have even 1 Chrysaora, that's 6 damage and 3 poison with 1 sundial. If I have two, that's twelve damage and 6 poison. God forbid if I have more sundials.

Oh right, I figure you might as well remove the card drawing ability, since we already have golden hourglasses covering that.

General Discussion / Overpowered Cards etc.
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:17 pm »

Phase dragons? Gravity shield. I don't even know why phase dragons had to be nerfed. With one card, most mono-aether strategies are kaput.

Phase shield can be stolen, stealing a sundial just resets the counter. Phase shield costs 5 aether quantums which limits its use to mono-aether, rainbow and a handful of decks, sundial costs nothing and can be used by any deck (like something that uses indirect damage? it starts with "p").

Eagle eye makes a bunch of aggro decks WORSE, i.e. stacked graveyard.

You could run the chain with hourglasses, no need to pile more abilities on one card.

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