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Messages - Wu_Li_Mammoth (40)

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Game Suggestions and Feedback / Simple Sorting: A Second Pile
« on: March 17, 2011, 01:22:16 am »
This would allow you to put cards "up" so that your decks and rares don't get shuffled into your winnings.

The Idea:

 - On the 'Your Deck' screen, divide the bottom area into two sections.
 - Select the new area by clicking anywhere inside of it. This should cause the border of this new area to glow, or some other simple visual indicator that it is selected.
 - While this area is selected, cards you click on from your deck or card pool are moved to the new area. The 'Remove All' button would empty into the new area if it is selected.
 - This second pile does not show up in the bazaar.

On the back end, cards would only require one additional binary marker if not in a deck.

Duo-Decks / Re: Exploding the Rainbow
« on: March 27, 2010, 04:30:55 am »
Farenheits and eaters wear poison down, and almost keep up with it, though you start to fall behind when they get near 20 counters, which is usually right before you die anyways. Fortunately, you lay all your dragons a turn or two before that and finish him off, the congeals sit in the hand the whole game unless they use them on eaters. If poison *does* use them on eaters, you bring your dragons out early, depending on how many you have vs how many cards remain in poisons hand. This deck works primarily because you can adjust your play style while most other speed style decks just push cards out, like poison or life.

If i see you in chat, we can play a match or two, i'll back up my claims =)

Duo-Decks / Re: Exploding the Rainbow
« on: March 26, 2010, 08:05:48 pm »
This deck utterly destroys speed poison, every variation. I'd be happy to prove it to you.

I like this idea a lot. Semi-rainbow pillars, if they can be balanced well, makes possible a large number of new deck ideas without adding very many cards at all.

+SG =)

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Two Sections in 'Your Cards'
« on: March 24, 2010, 09:10:24 pm »
The Idea:

Split the 'Your Cards' section in both the Manage Deck and Bazaar screens into two areas. When you click on either the left or the right area, the border for that area flashes, if you click it again, it stops flashing. When you buy cards at the bazaar, or when you are in your manage deck screen, if you click on a card, it moves to the flashing section. If neither area is flashing, purchased cards, or cards removed from a deck, default to the left section. Cards won in games always appear in the left area.

The Reason:

Managing your cards and decks is pretty messy. A robust card management system is not realistic. Zanz can't be expected to spend all that time on something that in the end would cost him a lot more server space. This simple, elegant solution at the very minimum allows players to sort their cards into two piles, for what ever reasons they chose to use them for. While there is a requirement for the storage of some additional info (basically a 'left or right' tag for your reserve cards) it is very small considering how much it would benefit all players of every level.

It also makes use of some screen real estate that only Jmiz and Puppychow have any use for right now =P

WL Out

Rainbow Decks / Re: PuppyChow's FG Rainbow
« on: March 24, 2010, 07:32:17 pm »
I think there is enough defense in this deck without the second bone/storm combo. I've finished a lot of games against tougher gods with 2 firestorms, and 2 bonewalls sitting in my hand. The gods which are particularly susceptible to bone/storm are easy to beat anyways.

As far as Seism, i've had phenominal success against him lately. Every kind of defense this deck packs is good against him if you can play it, and the novas get you around quicksand. I find that you can best abuse his rewinds by playing a FFQ, a Druid, and a Oty all together when you're getting low on cards. He'll rewind all of them, but it's far better than him rewinding the same card several times and using up all your quanta of that type. If instead you get both your quints sooner in the match, use the second on the FFQ rather than the druid, he'll rewind fireflies, which are cheap, and you aren't using air quanta for anything after your queenie is out.

When i was running PA, i thought i needed it. Now that i don't, i don't miss it at all. Only Divine Glory and Rainbow have both healing and perm control, and PA isn't going to change your win % against these two anyways, since your success has as much to do with what they draw as what you do.


Forum Bugs, Suggestions and Feedback / No Decks Here Sir
« on: March 23, 2010, 06:51:53 pm »
Is the Top 50 section really a bad place for Top 50 farming decks to be posted?

I don't mean to start a "my post r moved!!!1" thread, but i'd just like to look at this reasonably for a second.

You come on to the forums with a question perhaps, and if that question is something like "How do i beat the top 50 better" then you're most likely going to end up in this section. The answer to that question is not some lengthy diatribe on popular decks and metagame, it's a picture of a deck that works, maybe with some instructions.

Moving these decks into the deck sections just confuses the issue. Now you have to come here and ask what decks work well, and if you get an answer, you're sent to 4 or 5 different sections to look through all of the decks posted in those sections to find the ones that are tweaked for top 50 slaying.

No one is moving FG slaying decks out of that forum and putting them in the rainbow section, why are we doing it here?

General Discussion / Re: Mulling Over the Mulligan
« on: March 20, 2010, 12:07:45 am »
Swords haven't ever been nerfed, but you don't see us charging into war with them any more.

The rules are changing, and your opponent, who may not use the cards that are hampering his mulligan chances, will benefit from the change while you do not (if you use those cards).

That being said, it's not a very big difference. I mean, i'll still use cremates and RoLs and kami can keep using daggers, since he seems to think they're not terrible, and for the most part it won't make any difference at all.

General Discussion / Re: Mulling Over the Mulligan
« on: March 19, 2010, 11:53:44 pm »
The one tiny line that sort of indirectly implied an idea that was inconsistent with the entire rest of my post.

Thanks for calling me out though  :P

General Discussion / Re: Mulling Over the Mulligan
« on: March 19, 2010, 11:42:21 pm »
The part where you say it only prevents you from drawing 0 pillars isn't right. It helps with drawing pillars, but it is not a sure thing to prevent it. You could still draw 0 playable cards in your hand, though the mulligan feature makes that a lot less likely.

General Discussion / Re: Running more than one Instance of the Game
« on: March 19, 2010, 10:28:10 pm »
What if you lose money, and then save on the stale client?


General Discussion / Re: Mulling Over the Mulligan
« on: March 19, 2010, 10:23:55 pm »
Cards that count against your mulligan:

Nova - unupgraded only
Photon/Ray of Light
Holy Flash - upgraded only
Spark/Ball of Lightning
Sundials - upgraded only

These cards are not worse per se, but many of them are not useful on the first turn. This means that you're reducing your chances of getting a mulligan because of these cards.

Cards that have actually *improved* because of the mulligan are the quanta generating creatures, such as Brimstone Eaters, Damselflies, and Gnomish Gemcutters. Why are they better? Because you can replace pillars with these cards, and increase your average open hand quanta draw.

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