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Messages - Whitevo (93)

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Competitions / Re: Voting: Card Design War! (Round 1)
« on: March 25, 2011, 05:40:57 pm »
Please vote for PlayerOa at duel 5.
This is an idea that seriously needs to be in-game. Not a big card nor a small one.
u mean in duel 10? since in duel 5 there are TheIdioticIdiot and Isei.

[whisper=PlayerOa] i did vote for you actually, since i like your card more than Sunnys, but still your card makes no sense, swap antimatter position or what? [/whisper]

Competitions / Re: Voting: Card Design War! (Round 1)
« on: March 25, 2011, 11:33:46 am »
took a bit time to vote, but finally done.

My criterias how i voted:
  • How unique is card
  • Is card Balanced
  • Does picture and effect match
I hope Onizuka, agentflare, Legit, Thalas will pass since to me they were the most creative ones.

Duel 13 (Kakerlake and coinich) that was a battle in my head. It was hard to decide. Both cards are amazing.

im gone try mitosis egg

Anvil Archive / Re: Mammoth | Wooly Mammoth
« on: March 23, 2011, 09:17:14 pm »
i think this card is still slightly overpowered, but maybe i'm wrong, cant, but finger on it.
The best deck i came up with was this:

Deck would contain: mammoths, parallel  universes, phase shields (to stay alive), lighting (to lower creature if necessary HP), Earthquakes (to stall opponent using his big units or built-up rush).

Reason: parallel  universe will make the unfrozen copy. (since mammoth has a 'when enters' effect)

Practically this deck would be good against rushes, quanta stall and several rainbows.
But weak against Stall decks (depends stalling type), since no permanent destruction.
Time deck with reverses would just be annoying clean kill against you.
and bone wall would be just boooooring to hit.

Post Your PvP Event Ideas Here / The Prison
« on: March 23, 2011, 10:24:52 am »
    I was reading "DrunkDestroyer" thread named Prisoner's Dilemma
[Work in Progress] and had an idea from it what i diverted to different kind of event. If u intrested read it out :)

I hope there is not exactly the same event going on already, but if there is then fu** meh.
And if u see some annoying typos or weird sentence where u cant wrap your mind into, let me know i try fix it.

The Prison - Rules
Original idea by: Whitevo   |   Developed by: Whitevo   |     |   Organized by: Whitevo?

    Everyone makes his own deck with his free will (some cards could be banned but lets think about it later)Maximum cards are 30You follow organizer directionswhen you loose your "HP", you are out of the game Only 1 typo  element in deckNo Rainbow pillars, no pendelums

Should make a new topic where we make a small appeal (name and deck element). when signing up is finished, organizer will divide players into groups of 6.

Maximum amount of participants for this event is 72. If the event is full, you can still sign up as a reserve player, and will get a chance to join the event if any of the 72 players doesn't show up during round 1.

When lets say 14 players joins event. Since groups will be divided into group of 6, there will be only 2 groups and 2 players will be reserve players. The last group minimum players is 3

build a deck what follows rules
- Organizer will make topic where you can see your group and players from the same group.
- You will choose 1 player who u want fight with and PM his/her name to "guard" (in this case its still organizer, lol)
- When everyone in your group has PM'ed the opponent he/she chose to guard, guard will post the match-ups to the same topic, so everyone will see who fights who.

    After u see who u need to fight with, you should start dueling them, but beware u only got
4 Health Point [I call it "HP" later on]. When you loose the match where you chose your opponent you will loose 2 HPWhen you loose the match where someone else wanted to fight with you, you will loose 1 HPWhen u win, u don't get anything, but you are alive, ain't that good enuf?After Round one will eliminate the "Dead" players (your group will be refreshed showing who has how much HP left), you choose your opponent again.This action will be rotated until 2 or 1 player is left in your group.By then all the other "cells" should be done by now too and we make final group with same rules.[/list]NB! When, lets say 5 players, wants to fight player1 and he/she lost his chosen match and 2 matches where others chose to fight him and he won 3matches. Since the overall calculation says his "dead", organizer will randomize the order of match-ups (all u can do is trust organizer). And when the order reaches the point where player1 "died" all the other games after that will be nullified (his wins takes no HP from his opponent).

Since im new idk how long does it usually take to wait for players to make theire duels. I would say make the duels within 3 days and and when u was not able to make your duel, automatic loss (-1HP or -2HP, depends what match he missed)[most likely u "die", this happens when u sleep in in the cell full of maniacs who wants to fight].

Matches are best-of-three. The first player who wins 2 individual duels, wins the match.

┤│It's a good idea to either record the matches, or take screen-shots as proof, in case something weird, like a desync error, happens. Remember, a player who gets caught cheating, will be permanently banned from all Elements community PvP events, so please play fair. ←←← i did not wrote it, but seems useful info.

Would be nice if you say who u won on the thread where u should post your battle result.

Since opponent does not need to know your deck, you don't need to post your deck. (yeah u kinda can change your deck after every match or even between duels, but make sure u will be quick about and other players doesn't need to wait for you too long. And cards from same main element ofc and deck still under rules)

When there is 06-17 players participating The Prison Event, we might have 0-1 Winner.
When there is 18-36 players participating The Prison Event, we might have 0-2 Winner/s.
When there is 37-54 players participating The Prison Event, we might have 0-3 Winner/s.
When there is 55-72 players participating The Prison Event, we might have 0-4 Winner/s.

The winner of the event will receive the following forum award icon:
Is that true we get this? :
or i can come up with better icon?

All questions u ask might be answered, so let it rip

▼▼▼btw how i get rid of this?

does the world "shield" stands for any shield? or just the simple brass' shield?

Auction Archive / Re: Whitevo the Slave
« on: March 16, 2011, 11:30:12 am »
Im gone PumP my post last time for hope, maybe someone bidds one me, since only 16 hours left before war. (didnt count in the overtimes though)

League Archive / Re: Beginners League 1/2011
« on: March 13, 2011, 09:55:15 pm »
Depending on the league organizer and SG, the process of finalizing the standings and giving out awards could take weeks; last league it took literally 3 months =_=
Ah i see, well good to know, i was just wondering why ppl still post when game is over and the picture what shows the ratings was still unchanged.

Well anyway, looking forward for next league :P

League Archive / Re: Beginners League 1/2011
« on: March 13, 2011, 09:43:23 pm »
Shouldn't ratings reset?

Uh ! 5 hours till WaR, cant decide should i go sleep or pull the allnighter

Auction Archive / Re: Whitevo the Slave
« on: March 13, 2011, 09:29:36 pm »
Pick Up My Post !
***Whats New***
    Upgraded  :electrum grinding deck with 15k+ Edit text updated
READY TO SERVE The KiNG!![/list]

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blarg: Whitevo,Whitevo?