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Messages - Whitevo (93)

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Whitevo 2 - 1 YawnChainHow

MY MISTAKE, its wrong thread..

Whitevo 2 - 1 sebysebyseby

My reaction:
first thing when i saw war 3 is canceled, i was like: wtf?
then i started reading your topic, and it the ideas were keep going crapier, so i stopped.
i watched what day is it.
now my expression is: cmon

have to watch out today, i don't like this day.

War Archive / Re: War betting - Win 10 upped Shards!
« on: March 26, 2011, 09:32:01 am »
 :fire :life :aether  :gravity :underworld :water :light  :entropy :earth :death :darkness :air  :time

Post Your PvP Event Ideas Here / HAHAHAH good idea!!
« on: March 26, 2011, 08:38:28 am »
    WE would like this event, because i think its fun.

SuIcIdaL - Rules
Original idea by: Whitevo   |   Developed by: Whitevo   |     |   Organized by: Whitevo?

    Everyone makes his own deck with his free will (some cards could be banned but lets think about it later)
Winner is, who looses first[/list]

Like in tournament, u get in the chat room before it starts and we start.

build a deck what follows rules


Tourny ladder system.


In duel u make everything in your power to loose before opponent.

┤│It's a good idea to either record the matches, or take screen-shots as proof, in case something weird, like a desync error, happens. Remember, a player who gets caught cheating, will be permanently banned from all Elements community PvP events, so please play fair. ←←← i did not wrote it, but seems useful info.

Would be nice if you say who u won on the thread where u should post your battle result.

Since opponent does not need to know your deck, you don't need to post your deck. (yeah u kinda can change your deck after every match or even between duels, but make sure u will be quick about and other players doesn't need to wait for you too long. And cards from same main element ofc and deck still under rules)

Winner is the one who is most suicidal.

The winner of the event will receive the following forum award icon:
Is that true we get this? :
or i can come up with better icon?

All questions u ask might be answered, so let it rip

Check out this event too, its more complex than this, but easy to organize,23318.0.html (,23318.0.html)

▼▼▼btw how i get rid of this?

Deck Help / Re: Help on FG farmer-ish
« on: March 26, 2011, 08:15:10 am »
Yep, thanks. I'll use that as a model. ATM i'm grinding T50 to make money and get rares. I'm still trying to get eternity.
Once again, thanks! I just don't have a lot of money right now (i.e. a budget deck, so i didn't know what to take in/out)
u could always make make cheaper and different type of FG farming, until u get your  :electrum to upp your main deck?

Competitions / Re: Voting: Card Design War! (Round 1)
« on: March 26, 2011, 08:10:52 am »
Awesome contest idea with several close duels here. It's been a lot of fun looking at all the submissions and I'm looking forward to the next round.

me too, i wish it would go faster like 48 hours.
and the worst thing yet, i couldn't join here, because didn't know this kind of tourny existed.

This is my first tourney and i cant wait to have a go at it ;D ;D :D ;) :) ;D ;D :) :)
my first too, but since i cant much show off my deckbuilding skills, i can wait for it  :)

Deck Help / Re: Help on FG farmer-ish
« on: March 25, 2011, 11:50:51 pm »
photon?!?!?! makes no sense in your deck, u dont need it.
2 aether pillars? näh rainbow towers will take of the aether quantum.

would add 1 more hourglass to balance the chance to get it.

Dont u think too much rainbow towers?
when u reach middle game and end game, u have out like 7 rainbow towers, and i think u dont rly need 7 more, but idk.
Right now u have 37,5% average rainbow draw chance per turn, u could take out 2-3 of them.

anyone wana try dueling with tourny rules, before it starts? or was it illegal to ask?

Competitions / Re: Voting: Card Design War! (Round 1)
« on: March 25, 2011, 09:05:09 pm »
If you don't vote for my lizard in duel 11, you will wish you were agile like it as I (insert random painful punishment here).
dont worry, geekz_always_win has slightly out of balance card (and looks like upped phoenix, just unkillable), im sure u can make it to next round.

BTW, try not to make simple % cards effects, they are too common.

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blarg: Whitevo,Whitevo?