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Messages - WaffleT2 (24)

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General Discussion / Epic fail by Flying Rainbow
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:08 pm »

I started a match in chriskang's trainer because i wanted to see what the new gods were like. I used the beginning darkness deck that you start off with and without changing or upgrading anything i kicked the ass of the 'flying rainbow' god.

I started out poisoning the weapons to death with parasites then he made the mistake of playing Pulvirizer when he was out of flying weapons. I stole it from him and started to destroy anything that he didn't fly on the first turn. Morning glory gave me a bit of trouble but i drew a few drain life's which thanks to the ton of quanta i had gave me all the health i needed  :)

General Discussion / I think upgrade prices are too...
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:08 pm »

Almost any noob with an upgraded deck can have a 75-85% winning percentage against Gods.
Really? You think that noobs, especially noobs that havn't been on this forum and copied a god killer deck can beat the gods with that high chance of winning? I'm surprised because people spend alot of time developing god killing decks just to reach that level of success and someone who is new to the game wouldn't have the skill to just pull that together out of nothing. When i first saw the fake gods i thought they were impossible and i failed with several half upgrades decks before i could finally beat one with a rainbow deck of my own design.

Then when i finally started to beat the gods i got to prioritise which card to upgrade first and watch my deck slowly improve and my win rate go up to mirror that. To me finishing upgrading my deck was a sign of accomplishment I enjoy watching things grow and improve as i play.

Sure time = progress but what is also true is that higher skill = faster progress. Someone who didn't know how to play could in theory play against level 2's until they had every card upgraded, but beating the higher challenges with a high success rate is faster and shows to yourself that you have some skill.

Too much grinding is bad and i agree that the game has too much but to eliminate money altogether leaves the game with only deck building and no rewards for the journey

General Discussion / I think upgrade prices are too...
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:08 pm »

I disagree here i think some of the fun of games is when they put obstacles in your way to make the game harder and slower. If you want to build a deck then you need the determination and skill to get the amount of money you need to upgrade, If everything was available from the beginning this game would lose alot of its appeal of slowly improving your deck as your skill level goes up.

Its true that once you have reached end game and want to change decks often it becomes a real hassle but thats what the trainer is there for.
Another solution would be to sell an upgraded card for 1500 gold so you can change from deck to deck with minimal effort once you have built up your original deck that was good enough to earn you the gold to fully upgrade.

I also agree with the idea of making cheap cards easier to upgrade, it makes it easier to produce good 'cost efficient' decks

General Discussion / poison fail
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:08 pm »

If you fly an arsenic then use gravity pull on the enemy's creature the weapon will attack the enemy's creature as normal but the poison will not be applied to the enemy's creature nor the enemy's health.

Again i have no idea why i wanted this to happen i just enjoy seeing what weird things will or will not work in this game.

Also both the darkness and death weapons will get a boost from eclipse/nightfall but only if they have been flown onto the field :P

General Discussion / poison fail
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:08 pm »

I didn't expect it to work due to simple game mechanics but in my mind the idea of arsenic is that it poisons as it touches the opponents health because it needs to land the hit in order to poison as opposed to it being an natural occurrence like the Chrysaora. So in my mind is posions whatever it touches which would then make it possible to poison an enemy's creature.

I didn't expect that to really happen but i thought that there was a chance that when the weapon does damage of any form it would apply another coating of poison directly to their health due to the way the code was set up. The fact that it didn't shows good bug avoidance and just changed how i thought of arsenic as a weapon in my mind :)

General Discussion / You can't Protect Artifact then fly :(
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:05 pm »

I'd forgotten about those mark cards its been so long since i've seen one. I wanted to win one too ><

General Discussion / You can't Protect Artifact then fly :(
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:05 pm »

Hmm well i kinda figured that not being able to give benefits to immaterial creatures is fair enough otherwise it would be too good. But its a little weird to see that they can lose the status of immaterial when in essence all the weapon is doing is moving spot. *shrug* it all works i guess :P

Rainbow Decks / Destroying Deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:04 pm »

The idea of this deck is to hit with low cost stuff so you shouldn't really need to rely on building up quanta, the pillers are there for the 'in case' you have used up your nova quanta. Fire storm would take too long to get the quanta for and the brimestone dudes are a little too vulnerable to everything for my taste.

Plague takes a turn to do its damage and i prefer the speed of killing the enemy monster before it can use its ability.

I found the fire lance was taking out the fallen druid nicely, it also takes out the firefly queen when combined with the thunderbolt and in this deck you really need to take out that queen before she can make any more critters.

It might be worth adding in some fire quanta for explosions because they would be better then the steals i have now but i want to make sure not to go too much into one element because most of my quanta will be generated by those novas on the first turn.

Thanks for the reply guys :)

Rainbow Decks / Destroying Deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:04 pm »
This is my first time posting a deck on here but i've been toying around with decks for a while now

Anyway here is the deck i've been trying out

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u1 6u1 6u1 77g 77g 77g 77g 7dk 7dk 7dk 7dk 7n1 7n1 7t9 7t9 80a 80a 80a 80a 80a 8pm

I noticed the decks in the top 50 usually only had a few weak monsters with good abilities so once you have mowed through them  its pretty easy to win. The idea of this deck is to strike quickly while killing anything the opponent puts down so they can't build up a force to get dominion of the field.

There are few pillers and no perments so the steals the opponent have are pretty useless
I tampered with putting in a pulverizor to deal with the oppenents perments but took too long to become useful and usually just ended up destroyed or used against me.

Graboids and werewolves give some nice quick damage with health that can survive those pesky rain of fire and otyugh attacks, plus complete immunity when buried.

Its still in the early stages but it seems to do pretty well on the top 50 list, the win rate is about 70%

Rainbow Decks / ReverseTime Deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:04 pm »

I don't have nearly enough money or eternity's to try this in the real game but it seems to work pretty well in trainer so well done :)

General Discussion / You can't Protect Artifact then fly :(
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:04 pm »

Damn i wanted to try and make the weapon immortal via Protect Artifact then fly it to get an immortal weapon. But apparently when a weapon flys down to the field it loses its immortal status.

I'm not entirely sure how useful it would be to do that but its fun to try these things out anyway :P

General Discussion / Sparks
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:04 pm »

aww Sparks still die if you make them immortal. I wanted to keep one of those guys alive :(

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