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Messages - WShadow92 (12)

Pages: [1]
Trio & Quartet / Re: Fun Pillarless Speed Deck
« on: September 13, 2011, 05:33:16 pm »
Nice deck! really like the idea of adrenalined fireflies + rustler for quanta. Seems very fast, imo replace the blessing with dragons but maybe thats just personal taste  :P

This deck is a trio.
Um... no its a rainbow, entropy: nova, life: rustler, light: blessing, air: firefly, 4 elements
no its not rainbow it's Quartet 4 elements 5 elements would be rainbow

Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Rage Quit Deck"
« on: June 23, 2011, 05:44:26 pm »
Start with mark of  :time, SoG replaced by Sanctuaries, SoD by stone Skins, one spine carapace by Emerald shield, the other by an ice shield, the mirror shield by a titanium one.
Upgrade order.
Then Supernovaes. Change mark to  :entropy
Then a mirror shield. Replace your emerald shield by this.
Then two spine carapaces. Replace your titanium & ice shield by them.
5 towers.
Then 3 SoG. Replace Sanctuaries by SoG.
Then 3 Antimatters.
5 towers.
Then 3 SoG. Replace Sanctuaries by SoG.
Then 2 Antimatters.
Then 3 SoD. Replace Stone Skin by SoD. After this steps, upgrades influence only slightly.
Then Sundials.

:D Thanks

Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Rage Quit Deck"
« on: June 14, 2011, 06:48:13 pm »
wich card to upgrade first?
Hourglasses. The 1  :time cost instead of 2 :time speeds things up, and they're used in many decks.
got it thanks ^^ next sundinal?
I'd say supernovaes, and change your mark to entropy.
What after supernovas and and and so i dont need to ask everytime :p thanks ^^

Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Rage Quit Deck"
« on: June 02, 2011, 01:18:44 pm »
more storys with photoshop pls  :D

Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Rage Quit Deck"
« on: June 01, 2011, 08:45:08 pm »
wich card to upgrade first?
Hourglasses. The 1  :time cost instead of 2 :time speeds things up, and they're used in many decks.
got it thanks ^^ next sundinal?
I'd say supernovaes, and change your mark to entropy.
Thanks love this deck

Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Rage Quit Deck"
« on: May 28, 2011, 03:40:48 pm »
wich card to upgrade first?
Hourglasses. The 1  :time cost instead of 2 :time speeds things up, and they're used in many decks.
got it thanks ^^ next sundinal?

Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Rage Quit Deck"
« on: May 28, 2011, 02:24:43 pm »
wich card to upgrade first?

Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Rage Quit Deck"
« on: May 21, 2011, 12:12:17 pm »
is there an unupped version???
Replace SoG by sanctuaries, SoD by stone skins, change mark to time.
Thanks ^^

Rainbow Decks / Re: MrSexington's "Rage Quit Deck"
« on: May 21, 2011, 10:25:35 am »
is there an unupped version???

Duo-Decks / Re: Lava Rush vNG. How to rush like a Master!
« on: April 29, 2011, 03:07:09 pm »
what card to upgrade first ?

Rainbow Decks / Re: (1.27) CC? Why Bother? - unupped
« on: April 07, 2011, 04:25:24 pm »

Rainbow Decks / Re: (1.27) CC? Why Bother? - unupped
« on: April 06, 2011, 07:10:57 pm »
wich one to upgrade first?

Pages: [1]