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Messages - Valiha (8)

Pages: [1]
Issue Archive / Re: steal weapon [unconfirmed]
« on: May 05, 2011, 10:26:11 am »
AI played a steal, not a deflag

it was the top 50 AI again. (noob searching for farms!)

Issue Archive / Re: steal weapon [unconfirmed]
« on: May 05, 2011, 04:51:50 am »
AI already had the lob. in play.
Stole my staff, but the staff didn't replace his weapon.
It just disappeared off the screen.
Didn't play another lob.
Then used the lob. on one of my creatures.

Issue Archive / Re: extra cards? [unconfirmed]
« on: May 05, 2011, 04:46:35 am »
was playing AI against a top 50 deck, don't remember who, but i remember they didn't have fire either.

1. wasn't playing fire, and i had removed all cards before building deck
2. not using code
3. not creature in play caused by pandemonium or twin universe. i drew the card.
4. reverse time doesn't explain it, as neither side had pheonix.
5. i had no red quantum, so couldn't play the card.
6. was not a pet. hadn't visited oracle yet.

Happened again today, again against AI, top 50 deck.
This time it was a spark. I don't even own any. Don't recall opponent playing any either.

Not sure I know how to post a screen shot but i'll try to capture if it happens again.

Issue Archive / steal weapon [unconfirmed]
« on: May 04, 2011, 03:50:12 pm »
AI had electrocutor in play. Used steal to take my druid staff, but electrocutor remained in play.

Issue Archive / extra cards? [unconfirmed]
« on: May 03, 2011, 10:58:26 am »
My deck was exactly 30 cards, water and life. I drew a pheonix, which was not in my deck.

Issue Archive / Re: Blank 99 +99 card in hand? [unconfirmed]
« on: May 03, 2011, 10:50:36 am »
I saw this too. Was playing either mindgate or hourglass, don't remember which. Said I had 8 cards, allowed me to discard the 99 one.

Issue Archive / Re: Flying Titan + Catapult glitch [unconfirmed]
« on: April 24, 2011, 01:24:49 pm »
oh ok thanks

Issue Archive / Flying Titan + Catapult glitch [unconfirmed]
« on: April 24, 2011, 04:39:57 am »
Was playing a top 50 deck, 4 catapults on the field. AI brought out a titan and I defragged it.
Brought out another, turned it into a creature, and immediately catapulted it.
I did not receive 50 damage as expected. Had some minor damage before, and at the end of the round
I still had 70 HP, and only 1 Gratitude in play for any type of healing.

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