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Messages - Unholy Spirit (131)

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11]
General Discussion / Re: Grammar and Elements
« on: July 28, 2010, 01:46:56 am »
To change nouns to verb, simply say "use _____".  Most other "solutions" would be incorrect. 

General Discussion / Re: Best mutant ever
« on: July 28, 2010, 01:43:48 am »
0 attack with momentum. 

General Discussion / Re: vulgar language in pvp
« on: July 28, 2010, 01:41:27 am »
I don't really care about vulgar language directly.  I despise idiocy.  Vulgar language is just an indicator.  So no, I don't really care whether or not they use it. 

General Discussion / Re: what are the pairs of elements?
« on: July 28, 2010, 01:40:10 am »
 :gravity :time
 :aether :entropy

Space to Time.
"Order" to Chaos.

Or "On a different plane" to "Everything on this plane".

The explanations of Aether to Entropy can vary.  Maybe they're just the two odd ones out. 

General Discussion / Re: Fractal
« on: July 28, 2010, 01:37:33 am »
It's overpowered, slightly.  I'm not sure it should be removed.  I think it should be nerfed.  Maybe it consumes the rest of all of your quanta.  Or maybe it costs more like 20 Aether Quanta. It is too good for how easy it is to play.  I personally think that an "overall 6 card limit" approach is sort of silly.  I think that each card should have a different limit, the highest of which (non-pillar), should be six.

General Discussion / Re: Best Shield in Elements?
« on: July 28, 2010, 01:35:14 am »
Bone Wall.

General Discussion / Re: Love this game, but frustrating
« on: July 28, 2010, 01:33:43 am »
I agree.  Darkness is my favorite elements in this game, for good reason.  I've taken many decks and given them an element of Darkness, to modify or improve them.  The best example so far is my Despair deck.,10229.0.html

General Discussion / Re: wat is your favorite deck in elements
« on: July 28, 2010, 01:29:15 am »
Most decks with a Mark of Darkness.  My favorite is Despair.,10229.0.html

Archived Decks / Re: Despair
« on: July 28, 2010, 12:13:58 am »
And I agree. I didn't take out the extra copies of Electrocutor for Steal. I took them out because I deemed them unnecessary. I think that auto-quitting so many battles really hurts one's score, and that it should be avoided, at least at that degree. Adding a second copy of Electrocutor is probably the best change you could make to the deck. I've added a "Common Changes" section, in which I listed Electrocutor as the most commonly preferred change.  You could take out the Quantum Tower, the Light Nymph (or for those who don't have it, simply use a second copy of Electrocutor instead of the Nymph), a Shard of Gratitude, or an Aether Tower for the second Electrocutor. I have the Quantum Tower there for various reasons. Partly because unionruler suggested it to me, as the only change he would make to my deck sans trial.

Archived Decks / Re: Despair
« on: July 27, 2010, 10:28:51 pm »
This deck should be better than most "RoL/Hope" decks. I talked with unionruler, and even he admitted that my deck would probably have a higher win rate than his. He'll try it out when he's back from his holiday. The deck is at least on par with his, and it does add an interesting element. So to speak. I personally wouldn't use Luciferin or Luciferase; the defense against Lobotomizing is slightly less useful here because of the versatility added because of Steal. It can be a handy card, for sure, but there's just not enough room. If you don't have a Light Nymph, I would use two copies of Light Dragon. It wouldn't be a bad idea to get a second copy of Electrocutor in there, either.

Archived Decks / Despair
« on: July 26, 2010, 01:29:50 pm »
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5lk 6qq 6rn 6rn 6rn 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jq 7k4 7k4 7kc 7t9 7t9 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 80e 80e 80i 80i 80i 80i 8pt

This is an extensive guide for my modification of the popular "RoL/Hope" deck, the Despair deck. I find that it is more effective than most "RoL/Hope" decks.


Chapter One: Common Changes
Variations of cards that can be used with this deck

Chapter Two: How Appropriate
Reasons for adding Steal to this deck

Chapter Three: Additional Modifications
Reasons for everything else about the deck

Chapter Four: Upgrade Order
Recommended order of upgrading the cards in this deck

Chapter Five: Deck Strategy
Tips when using Steal


Chapter One
Common Changes

Card Variations

Following is a list of recommended changes, in order of common preferences, that could be made to this deck because of personal preference, or if you are lacking in specific cards.
Cards that can be dropped (in order of common preference):
Quantum Tower
Light Nymph†‡
Shard of Gratitude
Aether Tower

Cards that should be added in their place (in order of common preference):
Aether Tower
Light Nymph
Shard of Gratitude
Light Dragon

It's recommended to use a Light Nymph if you have one, and only to use two Light Dragons if you don't have a Light Nymph

For those who do not have a Light Nymph, it wouldn't be recommended to use Luciferase in its place. It can be useful, but the versatility provided by Steal can counteract some situations in which Liciferase might be used (which there aren't all that many of); for instance, when facing an enemy Electrocutor (which could very well happen if an enemy steals yours). The deck is low on room, and there are better things to use.

Chapter Two
How Appropriate

Explanation: Steal

Following are my reasons for using a Mark of Darkness and adding in Steal.
Firstly, the "RoL/Hope" deck has absolutely no permanent control. Although it manages to do relatively well sans any kind of permanent control, it is certainly a weakness that should be avoided if possible. For instance, most people would have auto-quit against any False God with Fire Buckler, as the shield completely devastates the "RoL/Hope" deck. With the Despair deck, this isn't at all necessary (though you should probably still auto-quit against Octane unless your hand is excellent and his is terrible), especially if you get Steal in your opening hand. Steal is the best spell in the game for permanent control, and it goes very well with this deck overall.

Secondly, while a Mark of either Aether or Light may certainly add a little bit to the speed of the deck, both of those marks are ultimately unnecessary.  Fractal consumes any extra Aether quanta left, and an extra quantum of Light each turn isn't ultimately useful alongside all of the Light that your creatures will be generating. A bit of extra speed is great. Steal is better. Additionally, with many recent changes to the usual play-style, specific quanta is becoming more and more unnecessary. When you're using Shards or getting chewed out by Pests or a Discord, Dark quanta is just as good as Aether or Light quanta. In this way, its uses go beyond fueling the two copies of Steal in the deck.

And finally, Steal, while also providing permanent control, also can combine quite nicely with the Quantum Tower (which is there partly to protect your quanta from Pests) and Fractal.  It is especially effective since there are two copies of Steal in a small and stall-based deck; stolen permanents can often be used in tandem with one another.

Keep in mind too, that various commonly used permanents can work well with this deck, and thus would be great targets to steal. Feral Bond, for example, would be one of the best permanents to target, and can help you to claim more Elemental Mastery bonuses. Taking enemy equipment can be a very useful tactic to prevent them from using their weapons or shields (in fact, the extra copies of Hope in your hand can be useful here, if you want to destroy the enemy's shield while retaining your Hope), but the enemy's equipment can also be used against them fairly easily.

Chapter Three
Additional Modifications

Reason: Other Changes

While the strategy is quite a bit different from that of the most commonly used "RoL/Hope" deck, many of the cards are the same, especially as the ones used in the "Twin Light Nymphs" variation. Following are my reasons for any of these additional changes, in order of most disputed cards.
Quantum Tower – Some decks, such as "unionruler's RoL/Hope" have this addition for Pest or Discord control.  It's doubly effective for this deck, because of Steal, and because it's a "trio-deck".

Hope – Some decks use non-upgraded copies; some decks use upgraded copies. Some decks, like mine, use mixed ratios.  While both the non-upgraded and the upgraded copies have their benefits, I find that it is generally best to include a mixed ratio.  That way, if you draw both types (which isn't at all unlikely in such a small, stall-based deck), you can gain the best of both worlds, so to speak. You can also do this if you draw the non-upgaded version first, allowing you to potentially put up your defenses sooner, and then in later game, draw the upgraded version and, well, "upgrade" your shield if necessary.

Light Nymph – It is sometimes recommended by others to take two of these, to help counteract the effects of lobotomizing enemies and because they're quite handy. I used one here for versatility's sake, as it can be used as a cheaper means for a fairly powerful swarm, or it can provide more defense through use in tandem with Light Dragons and Hope. I have more ways of dealing with lobotomizing enemies in this deck, so two copies was quite unnecessary. But I was mostly just low on space.

Chapter Four
Upgrade Order

Tips: Upgrading

Following is the order that one should upgrade their cards in, if they have a non-upgraded version of the deck.
1. Ray of Light
2. Ray of Light
3. Ray of Light
4. Ray of Light
5. Ray of Light
6. Ray of Light
7. Shard of Gratitude
8. Shard of Gratitude
9. Shard of Gratitude
10. Light Dragon
11. Aether Tower
12. Electrocutor
13. Aether Tower
14. Light Nymph
15. Aether Tower
16. Aether Tower
17. Electrocutor
18. Aether Tower
19. Improved Steal
20. Aether Tower
21. Quantum Tower
22. Aether Tower
23. Fractal
24. Fractal
25. Improved Steal
26. Fractal
27. Fractal
28. Hope
29. Hope
30. Hope

The deck is now officially usable (albeit quite bad). It still remains high priority to upgrade at least a couple Shards (green) into Shards of Gratitude. Do not add non-upgraded Shards. That would be quite stupid.

Hope is a fairly optional matter.  You could leave it at three copies, non-upgraded, or upgrade all three copies. I would recommend a mix. 2:1, upgraded to non-upgraded, in this case, but 1:2 also works.

Chapter Five
Deck Strategy

Tips: Stealing
Strategy here should really be self-explanatory. It isn't that different from that of the normal "RoL/Hope" deck, with the exception of Steal, of course, which is a relatively simple card. When it comes to stealing, I would recommend that you know your enemy. If you're up against an enemy that uses a specifically irritating or devastating card (especially if you can use this card against them once you steal it), I would normally save at least one copy of Steal to use when they play their card. Examples of generally good cards to steal include Feral Bond, Inundation (to destroy it), Shard of Gratitude (in PvP or Top 50), and even Boneyard (usually only if you have a Light Nymph) or Electrum Hourglass. Enemy shields are also usually very annoying, especially in the case of Fire Buckler, Turtle Shield, and Permafrost Shield. From a purely offensive standpoint, any shield that protects against damage might be good to get rid of if you know or suspect that your opponent doesn't have another one, as Rays of Light will usually deal quite a bit of damage if unhampered.


- This deck was designed to fight against False Gods.

- It would be pointless to ask me for statistics, because I don't really do those. Try it out for yourself. Or just believe me when I say that it's effective.

- This deck's name is obviously in reference to the opposite or "dark side" of hope, or what is left when one's hope is stolen away.

- This deck is also known as the Desire deck.  Obviously in reference to the corrupted side of hope, compelling one to steal.

- Yes, the name of chapter two is totally a pun. A double pun, actually. I'd like to see you pull off one of them.

- A Fire version of this deck can be created, using a Mark of Fire, Explosions and perhaps a Rain of Fire (or some other decent Fire card, because Explosions are cheap and you'll have Fire quanta left over).  It'll never be as cool as this one, but here it is.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5lk 6rn 6rn 7dm 7dm 7dm 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jq 7k4 7k4 7kc 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 80e 80e 80i 80i 80i 80i 8po
- Decks like these can be made using various other elements. While they would still lack permanent control, they would make use of the fact that a Mark of Aether isn't ultimately necessary to the deck. These sorts of decks can be useful if you wanted or needed to make a deck using a specific Mark. Seriously, though. They're not very good. The Trust deck, made with a Mark of Time, follows.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5lk 6rn 6rn 6rn 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jq 7k4 7k4 7kc 7qb 7qb 7qb 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 80e 80e 80i 80i 80i 80i 8ps
- The creator's name is Freyr. Not Unholy Spirit.

- Links to my other decks can be found at my profile. They're all masterfully built decks.

- I use daggers (obelisks) instead of asterisks. The dagger is clearly superior.

- I realize that there are several reasons why I should have posted this in an already existing RoL/Hope deck thread. Anybody that comments about how I should have done that obviously doesn't realize the several reasons that compelled me to start my own thread. They also probably don't know how to read. And although I realize that having idiots comment about how I should have done this or that would raise the "popularity" of this thread, I think I would prefer to keep the idiocy here to a minimum. If at all possible.

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