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Messages - Turin (164)

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Card Ideas and Art / Rare cards for the other 10 elements. (needs pix)
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:56 pm »

i like a lot these ideas! Just a little bit less powerful and less complicated (like abilities changing at the end of the turn).
Aether is too OP because there's nothing you can play in opponent's turn by now, so in practise it will make your creatures immaterial leaving you the chance to boost them...:O
As said time stop has just a way too strong effect (just think about waiting for quanta, then playing 2+ dragons and time stop, having some time stop in hand for consequent turns....O.o)
Even CHimera is too strong: deja-vuing itself can smash everithing in her path alone!

But ideas behind are good: just a little work of balance

False Gods / False gods Rares
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:56 pm »

Need some adds

Seism: Pulverizer
Gemini: Lobotomizer
Miracle: Miracle, Morning Star, druid staff
Morte: Miracle, arsenic
Incarnate: Vampire Dagger
Chaos Lord: Discord, miracle?
Rainbow: Eagle Eyes, Miracle
Graviton: Titan
Fire Queen: Eagle's Eye, fahrehneit
Hermes: Fahrenheit
Scorpio: Poseidon, Arsenic, Arctic Octopus

All: Shard of divinity (not in decks but in winning slots)

Rainbow Decks / Top50 grinding flying weapon deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:56 pm »

I came to a better version of the deck, less weapons but truly higly effective:

Edit: miracle works better than emphatic bond, and works really fine with a stolen emphatic bond for masteries

The point is that Ulitharid works better than lobotomizer, and that if you manage to survive until you gain perfect control of situation (pulv for permanents, ulith and EE for creatures) there's nothing that can stop you, at least against cpu.
Only problem is speed: there are no strong hitters, so you must be careful in hastening.

You know you've won everytime you get something like this:

« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:56 pm »

You think in a strange way: because i  used an exaple with a won coin start you think that a tipical start with this deck must be with a winning coin start? What a strange argument...And about my first statement, i admitted it was wrong from the first reply.

Then, you know i've said that my first opinion was wrong and that a 3 shriek start on turn 3 is not tipical.
You've seen i said both this deck and mono fire kill in 5 turn with an awesome start.
You've seen and repeated that my deck does more damage with a perfect start, so, probably, with an average start it will do more damage!!! Seems so simple....

And, btw, i never called your "not so working" agruments bs. Even if i had all the rights to do it. Seems more fair to try to collaborate ;)
You know this "argument" is pretty funny. :)

Let me do a recap on what has happened so far:

1. You started this thread and claimed that the situation in the picture you posted is a "typical start".
2. I had played this deck before so I knew what you said was false and I corrected you.
3. You admitted that it's not a "typical start" but you then changed it to "quite common".
4. I gave you mathematical PROOF that the situation in that picture is actually very UNCOMMON.
5. Then you said: "My only mean was to show that even with the fastest start, the mono red is slower than a good start with this deck".
6. Again, I gave you mathematical PROOF that both decks are about as equally fast.
7. Then you start talking about 7/8 card starts which is totally off-topic since we were talking about the situation in that one picture.
8. In your latest post you totally change what you said earlier so I'm not even going to reply to that.

So you see so far all these things you have said have been untrue and every time I give proof of that, you keep changing what you said.

This would have been much easier to both of us if you had only admitted that you were wrong, changed that comment, and moved on.

The aggressive and delusional way you defend what you said about this deck, makes me realize that your goal is not to seek the true effectiveness of this deck. Your goal is to try to make it seem better than it actually is, which is something I really don't understand.
Well, i must admit i made a lot of confusion, but the problem is that my first wrong post was there just to say my deck was faster tha mono-red. But the particular situation was wrong. Then we started talking about details like 3 turn starts and many other things, and we both wrote wrong things sometimes (your matematical proof wasnt so mathematical and quite useless as a proof, my sentences like "quite common" were wrong and so on), so i had the right to say you were wrong and you had it too to say it to me.
In the end we came up to nothing, exept that in the chival's mono red replies someone said he tried a computer simulation of both decks and mine was slightly better, but i must say that's so few the difference that maybe having to use evolve on graboids make the situation a tie.
So it seems we have more or less same speed decks. I continue to like mine more because of his 0% losses against AI3 and because probably there's no faster deck against ai3 by now.

Rainbow Decks / Top50 grinding flying weapon deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:55 pm »

@ elementalgod: the winning ratio is quite high, maybe above 90%. Bad draws are terrible because you can have only flying weapons spells in your hand, and sometimes happens :S
But good thing is that you can gain control of the situation in few turns and fear nothing for the rest of the match. Maybe it can work better with more controlling weapons in multiple copies (like 2 pulverizers, 2 lobo, 1 eternity and 1 eagle eye) discarding good but not winning abilities like titan and morning star. Good thing about titan is that all bolts/infects will go against it, saving the others (cpu considers a 8/70 creature more powerful than other flying wepons with better abilities but lower stats)

@ Dragoon: vampire stiletto!? i suppose you cried a lot when you discovered your mistake (me too, i got a lobotomizer: quite rare but nothing compared to eternity and pulv)

Deck Compilations / Entropy Decks
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:55 pm »

Well, the entropy-darkness deck would work much better as a mono-dark. Replace all creatures with vampires and dragons, get an eclipse if you like and you got it.
With unupgraded cards mono entropy will have troubles against ai3, even if with just some dragons and maxwell demons you can get a high winning %, but darkness and fire seems the best to get a fast start as a newbie because of their all-roundness

False Gods / [RQ] - Less rainbowdecks more Mono/duo/trio-decks
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:54 pm »

here uzra tried to manage with a light/aether deck,522.0.html (,522.0.html).
Excluding this and, as sg said, the once-ruling mono-aether (and his variations) i havent seen non-rainbow decks working against false gods

« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:54 pm »

Supposing you start you leave the most effective cases :those starting with 1 card more!
Seems you argued to get the right, not to discover truth ;)

Hmm. I missed that not-so-smart comment the first time.

This whole argument started because of your incorrect statement in the picture where you talked about how it was a "typical" start for this deck. And in this picture, YOU started and had 7 cards, not 8.

What actually happened was that you took a screenshot of the BEST POSSIBLE 7 CARD START that this deck can have, which happens maybe less than 5% of time, and called it "typical start".

I had played this deck before and I knew your statement was false, so I had to correct you. But of course you refused to admit anything, and then it just escalated from there..

I know a lot of people like to take best possible screenshots so that their deck looks better, but the problem is that when you do it and make up some BS under the picture, you lose all credibility. People who design decks should try to be objective about it, and not make up s*** or refuse to acknowledge the facts.
You think in a strange way: because i  used an exaple with a won coin start you think that a tipical start with this deck must be with a winning coin start? What a strange argument...And about my first statement, i admitted it was wrong from the first reply.

Then, you know i've said that my first opinion was wrong and that a 3 shriek start on turn 3 is not tipical.
You've seen i said both this deck and mono fire kill in 5 turn with an awesome start.
You've seen and repeated that my deck does more damage with a perfect start, so, probably, with an average start it will do more damage!!! Seems so simple....

And, btw, i never called your "not so working" agruments bs. Even if i had all the rights to do it. Seems more fair to try to collaborate ;)

Fire / Mono Fire Speed Deck for grinding AI3
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:54 pm »

I have been grinding AI3 for the last couple days in a vein hope of getting a Pulverizer.  (I did top 50 for 2 days before that and still no luck *cry*) 
in ai3 the pulverizer is really hard to catch: 1 in a 58 card deck (the biggest) with a great variety of card (it's a life mark semi-raimbow deck). Even if i won it once i wouldnt recommend it, go on in top50!

Fire / Mono Fire Speed Deck for grinding AI3
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:54 pm »

I'm pretty sure that would get better results than mono fire. Neither of them can win in 4 turns but I think earth deck might have a better chance of winning in 5.
So why in the earth deck topic are you saying the opposite? Just to make me suffer? :D

Card Ideas and Art / Fire spell, and other cards
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:53 pm »

I ABSOLUTELY LIKE an unfreezing creature/permanent:
why? look here:

Card Ideas and Art / Fire spell, and other cards
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:53 pm »

underpowered cards come in every game, even elements. It DO HAVE some useless card: what about cheap creatures? Almost every cheap creature without an ability is useless in this game, and even some dragons find hardly a good use. The strange thing is that there are people asking for useless cards in the card request area :D

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