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Messages - Turin (164)

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Duo-Decks / Time/Darkness: the "Dark times" deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:06 pm »

I think it would be better to include at least some obsidian towers, because the faster you can get pests out the better... but i can't really think of how to put it together to be effective  ???
THIS is exactly why this deck is not effective.

The awesomeness of Pests is based on getting them out on turn 1 or 2. This deck cannot do that.

Mostly Darkness cards, Mark of Time and 6 x Rewind would be much more effective.
Yep, that's the problem.

It's not resolved by a dark deck with rewinds unless you abuse on steals to get enemy towers: i said i didnt liked that mirror deck because in both cases mono-dark proved to be more effective, at least this version was more fun ;). And against rainbow eternity can be scary good, because rainbow decks tend to have steals and no explosions, allowing you to re-steal it (and you have more of them :P). Problem is when you have eternity up and face a pulv...:S

Sure it is. All you need is 1-2 Towers and 1 Pest, and you will be able to play one on turn 1 or 2.

I fail to see how your version is more fun to play. Fun for me is when a deck works and I win most of the time. Maybe you just like the extra challenge that comes with playing a not-so-effective deck? :)
Fun is create new situations, avoiding monotonous play. Having played a lot mono dark i tried to reverse the situation with only dark mark.
Fun=winning? BS. Obviously you have to have a chance to win, but the strongest deck isnt the funniest imo.

Duo-Decks / Time/Darkness: the "Dark times" deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:06 pm »

I think it would be better to include at least some obsidian towers, because the faster you can get pests out the better... but i can't really think of how to put it together to be effective  ???
THIS is exactly why this deck is not effective.

The awesomeness of Pests is based on getting them out on turn 1 or 2. This deck cannot do that.

Mostly Darkness cards, Mark of Time and 6 x Rewind would be much more effective.
Yep, that's the problem.

It's not resolved by a dark deck with rewinds unless you abuse on steals to get enemy towers: i said i didnt liked that mirror deck because in both cases mono-dark proved to be more effective, at least this version was more fun ;). And against rainbow eternity can be scary good, because rainbow decks tend to have steals and no explosions, allowing you to re-steal it (and you have more of them :P). Problem is when you have eternity up and face a pulv...:S

Duo-Decks / Time/Darkness: the "Dark times" deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:06 pm »

Sounds like an interesting concept.  Did you mean to post a list/screenshot of the cards though?
i DID posted a screenshot: try to refresh page

Duo-Decks / F My Fireflies
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:06 pm »

Imo there's no good ffq deck with no explosions: why waste all that red quantas???
Once i built one in trainer think like this:
Mark of life
4 x emerald tower
12 x wind tower
5 x FFQ
2 x EE
2 x feral bond
4 x explosion
1 x emerald shield/rain of fire

But it's not a so working deck: needs flies to have explosions, so a single eternity will slow you so much, ad having 2 different kind of towers :S...Playable but not so effective.

If you put inside sky dragons just leave queens: dragons + EE + fying weap + Dragonflies[upgraded produce quantas] will work truly better, with only 1 kind of quanta and a better rushing potential

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Mutations: Where's the Queen? Sniper?
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:06 pm »

Only time I ever got a regular firefly queen out of a mutation was after it was reverse-timed back to my deck, then played just like a regular card.
nono, this is normal for all mutants, when rewinded they became the original card.
But there's a way. Look here, the BURROWED queen....(yes, it was making normal 3/2 flies). My first out of thousands games (maybe it has been added since few time)

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Mutations: Where's the Queen? Sniper?
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:06 pm »

But there's a way. Look here, the BURROWED queen....(yes, it was making normal 3/2 flies). My first out of thousands games (maybe it has been added since few time)
Let me guess; graboid with hatch?
I dont remember what but it was an hatching creature!
Maybe it's made to have it in a longer way (improve + hatch). But having it burrowed can be something great! Just think about a game vs seism against a protected fire shield: you get this mutant, a bonewall and a graveyard....

False Gods / If you were a false god...
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:05 pm »

there's a limit???
Are you sure FG are simply doubled on card limits? Is it proved?
And, what are gavels flying statistics? Does it hits with +1 damage even with sundials? (lke fahrenheit do)

Huh, this is one interesting topic.

If I was a false god, I'd be;
Celestial Fire

Mark is Light
30xFire Towers
10xLight Towers
15xBrimstone Eaters
10xFire Lances

The tactic would be to stall with sundials, burn with Fahrenheit in the mean while, build up fire quantum, and BAM. FIREBALLS TO THE FACE.
I extremely doubt the AI could do that however  :)
This deck will be played wrongly by ai, but i liked it and it made me came up with this:
Mark of aether
40 x fire towers
12 x fahrenheits
12 x flying weapons
12 x sundials
10 x fire lances
9 x explosions
12 x parallel universe

Concept: sundials will stop the attacking play while pued flying fahrenheits will hit with their ability!!! (only their basic damage is stopped by sundials)
Not so a strong deck but funny and heavily based on a simgle concept, so a perfect FG ;D

Rainbow Decks / Statistics on 43 Rainbow God Deck - 80% win rate
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:05 pm »

After speaking about dim shields i decided to see if i got better chances with or withot them in a 50 card deck, only started and my results were these:

fg -   w -   l -   win %
morte   5   0   100,0%
miracle   8   0   100,0%
graviton   4   1   80,0%
fire queen   6   1   85,7%
seism   5   2   71,4%
chaos lord   5   0   100,0%
incarnate   5   0   100,0%
gemini   8   0   100,0%
rainbow   1   2   33,3%
hermes   6   2   75,0%
scorpio   5   1   83,3%
total   58   10   86,6%

Average win/loss: 84,4%

Obviously i was at the beginning of my test, having played only 58 games, and some of the 100% win gods will make me face a loss sooner or later, as rainbow will became quite higher (probably about 60-70%). The fact is that i was going truly good against scorpio and morte, while bad against rainbow.
I repeat that these stats are exxagerated by the small number of plays, but are demostrative that with dim shields and a slower and bigger deck you're more though against most of FG, exept rainbow because it will make you pay a lot for slowliness. All those FG without heavy anti permanent will be ridicolously easy.

Question is: why did i stop grinding with this deck? Answer: was too slow :P
If you're searching for fast money a max 45 card deck is what you need, but probably a little lower in winning %.
SO, in the end, i ended up in nothing, but wantet to write it anyway ;D

My deck was this one, mark of time, fully upgraded (sold some cards so i dont have them upgraded now)
Edit: ops! sundials were NOT upgraded, mistake!

Rainbow Decks / PvP deck: Immortal flying weapons
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:05 pm »

About fire decks: pulvs prove to be very good because of their 12 life, and destroying fire towers puts a fire deck in serious troubles. To this we must add that anubis will be targeted before them (obviously, or they'll make everything immortal), so they have long long life. EEs are incredibly strong too: nothing in fire has more than 3 life ;D.
Yes, all that is true. The pulvs will be the biggest problem.
I have never played a fire deck with upgraded cards, so I don't know how fast it could be to get the quanta (without being already dying, that is).

I just wish I had even ONE single EE... I'll have to keep on playing I guess ! ;)
play false gods: fire queen will give you tons of EEs

Rainbow Decks / PvP deck: Immortal flying weapons
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:05 pm »

Obviously i didnt pretended this deck to be perfect: i said that it was made to have no weak points, meaning that it was made to be good against anti-permanents, anti-creatures and anti-towers cards, but obviously it does have his weaknesses.
As i said, speed is one problem: so hyper speed decks like poison can be a problem: you must rely on non-flying weapons (because of congeals if water-death) and need to draw the healing card to survive.
About fire decks: pulvs prove to be very good because of their 12 life, and destroying fire towers puts a fire deck in serious troubles. To this we must add that anubis will be targeted before them (obviously, or they'll make everything immortal), so they have long long life. EEs are incredibly strong too: nothing in fire has more than 3 life ;D. Same gainst darkness (i succeeded many times in reversing tactic: leaving dark with no towers and lobotomized pests :D).
Then reverse time seems a very dangerous opponent: but decks with rt are often earth/time: so no permanent control make you play your weapons early, not flying, and do your destroying work fromvthe beginning!
About anti-rainbow: if you mean earth/gravity based on pulvs i never faced it. I think it would be a balanced match: his protect artifact are really good against this deck. Depends on when pulvs come in play and what he must protect first (if i get a pulv first he needs to protect towers or will have no more quanta in few turns, if he get a protected one first i need to play anubis, and hope he has not enough pulls to kill them and flying weapons)

I must say that the version with +5 cards and rof seems more playable, but does nothing to resolve speed problem (it's even a bigger deck, so at least the problem is bigger :()
I'm searching for a 30 card version with eternities, but entropy is so good as mark because of supernovas..

Duo-Decks / Time/Darkness: the "Dark times" deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:05 pm »
Time has great sinergy with devourers, but just putting up a dark deck with time mark and some reverse time sounded bad to me, even if working, so i tried the oposite...and this is what i came up with

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q4 7q4 7q4 7q4 7q4 7q6 7q6 7q6 7q6 7q8 7t6 7t6 7t6 7t6 7t6 7t6 7t9 7t9 7t9 7t9 8pt

Very simply: wait for your devourers to come in play, then rewind enemy creatures. If the situation looks safe play your dragons, if it doesnt play them anyway trying a rush ;).
If your opponent is a duo/mono deck will suffer a lost from devourers + rewind, slowing all his card play. If rainbow wont suffer so much but rewinding an expensive creature often means not seeing it anymore, until later in the game. But in the end against rainbow devourers will be only a waste of cards.
Problem is the time to wait for your dark side to come in play (sounds good..:D) and to save dragons' lives. The most fights are decided by good use of steals.

 - having time as quanta make me thought about a bigger deck with hastening, more dragons and even some dark tower and siphoon life. Problem is that having 2 different kinds of pillars will make things really complicated, while basing your dark play on devourers needs a small deck. I think that maybe a 36 or so cards deck...
 - probably instead of 5 rewind + 4 dragons + 1 eternity you can play 3 rewind + 5 dragons + 2 eternities

Here one sample situation, a winning one just because i stole all quantum towers. In opponent's hand there's a devourer than made me mad in the early game eating my dark quantums: it was painful but i get rid of it


Duo-Decks / Quanta Denial
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:05 pm »

I thought that this was more of "their" deck... ;D,644.0.html
really funny. I never thought that there will be someone so fool to try devourer+PU...I thought about it, but seemed fool PUing a 2 quantum cost card with a 6 cost one..:S

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