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Messages - Turin (164)

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False Gods / General Discussion
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:07 pm »

Well, i propose my latest version of The Everlasting One: really hard challenge

The Everlasting One 1.1

Mark of Life

Maybe for this challenge i can switch the jade staff with another shrieker

False Gods / General Discussion
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:07 pm »

I think somebody already mentioned the most difficult to beat FG would be:

Mark of death x3
60x deadly poison

Mark of Life

10 x Life Tower
6 x Purify
3 x Feral Bond
6 x Leaf Dragon
4 x Shard of Divinity
1 x Jade Staff

This deck would probably win most of the time. You could also go with Light deck and Miracles.
Ignoring the fact that deck would be totally useless otherwise-

With a max 10 damage/turn, it would deck out long before winning.
Yes. Those 6 x Leaf Dragons should of course be 5/3 Toads or whatever they are called..
This make arise the question: is better to try to win a FG or pu on 11 of them having to beat them all with same deck?
In the fisrt case it would be too easy, so i suggest again the second way.
Shall we make a poll?

False Gods / General Discussion
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:07 pm »

my discord! ;)

about those decks: we'll see!

False Gods / General Discussion
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:07 pm »

Seism 2.0: use a gravity deck with mark of earth with: 6 protect artifact + diamond shield + lot of Otyughs + shards of gratitude. Done! Or even the classic anti FG rainbow with more protect artifact and no pulvs but discord! (or eternity to retard burrowing) But this kind of deck wont be good against most of the posted decks
I doubt neither of those decks would beat Seism 2.0, unless the FG would be really unlucky.

You seem to think that Otyughs will eat everything that the False Gods plays. First of all you are forgetting 12 x Rewind. Secondly you are forgetting that every creature the FG plays, will be able to hit at least once, and that damage does add up.

With your Gravity deck, you have no way of drawing multiple cards while FG is drawing 2 and possible +3 from Hourglasses. This would be a HUGE disadvantage.

I would say that this Gravity deck of yours would have a very slim chance of winning.

I am pretty sure that Seism 2.0 would own the classic Anti-False God deck even if you had the awesome Discord (lol :))
Yes gravity will be smashed, but not rainbow. I wanted gravity to have quanta to re-play Otyughs, but didnt think that with other creatures on ground AI will rewind the wrong ones while destroyng my precious bonewall's top layers ;)
Adding quicksands has a sense: there are really few ways to use them wrongly!

That's it: AI stupidity will make our decks weak :(. Too easy beating a single one.

And dont touch my discord! :P (i'm not sure it's good: seems there's a limit to max quanta removable from each element)

False Gods / General Discussion
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:07 pm »

i think we must wait to find a list of really good decks.
That's a major problem! I'm sure any one of us will be nearly unbeatable using graviton with FG powers (knowing what to deflag, what to momentum, when to use rof, bringing some good creature in hand to survive opponent's rofs, etc.), but graviton is still easily beatable: doesnt need a specific deck to be countered.
The same thing will happen with ours i think.
And to find good decks we'll have to test them, making them harder and harder to beat, but beating them! Thus is the problem. Maybe we can just put 11 new FG, changing those who prove to be too easy, and the challenge is to find a deck that can win all of them with good %.
Having to win a specific one is too simple against AI, probably.

Seism 2.0: use a gravity deck with mark of earth with: 6 protect artifact + diamond shield + lot of Otyughs + shards of gratitude. Done! Or even the classic anti FG rainbow with more protect artifact and no pulvs but discord! (or eternity to retard burrowing) But this kind of deck wont be good against most of the posted decks

Obliterator: same rainbow as seism 2.0, but with maybe some armagio (to redirect grav pulls: but mutants can do it well). Grav/earth deck wont work because of grav pulls too lethal

The Immortal One: a rainbow deck with growing/ablazing focus, fast eating capabilties and good regenerating abilities. Eternity as weapon (needs time to get to a huge amount of damage per turn)

And so on...

Ps: about banning cards: sounds bad. If you make a deck you build it against all cards, not saying "fight it without X" just because this is his weakness

PPS: chrishang, if you keep quantum towers away from your trainer we wont have them to fight against new FGs!!!!

Card Ideas and Art / We could use some new pillars...
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:06 pm »

I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE that splashing towers idea!!!!!

And even Jmizzle's dual towers, a simple idea that probably most of us had! (at least anyone that played magic) making them give 1 random quanta chosen between 2 kinds.

But the converting ability seems too powerful: every turn you decide your quanta production...too strong! Maybe it can be used if they get a 2 random quanta cost as permanents.

In all cases i'll put a 6 card limit not to unbalance duo/trio decks agaisnt mono: it will happen for most elements but leave us mono fire and dark! At least just to let noob play in pvp

False Gods / If you were a false god...
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:06 pm »

Ok, i'm getting addicted to new FG decks, here another one:


Darkness Mark
cards x2

Nocturne is the master of night sky. Very fragile against the fires and lights of firestorms, he'll use elements power if enraged.
Beware of his sneaky arrows in the night, and always keep an eye on your possessions, or they'll disappear in the dusk, fallen in his hands...

PS: with owl's eyes the deck will be even more in-theme, but they're unupgraded and weaker...

False Gods / If you were a false god...
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:06 pm »

You would need Time quantum to evolve those Graboids.

And I don't think we should give false Gods Shards. A Light deck with 12 x Shards and 6 x Miracle would be unbeatable and very boring to fight against.
Yep i was adding the PS. I dont want graboids to evolve!
The light deck you're talking about will be beaten as miracle: pillar denial or decking out. Will be the most borgin at all, but not strong: if you dont manage to get all pillars down and 110+ damage per turn just put up eternity and wait...Obivously if you make a light/fire deck with bolts things became different...:S
But the deck i made isnt so boring: has no creature or permanent control, nor even hastening, so with a Otyugh on early you'll manage a win, even if you cant do nothing to those 12 graboids...(and pray that he gets feral bonds before protect artifacts!)

False Gods / If you were a false god...
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:06 pm »

Yes, i realized you had hourglasses as permanents some second after posting: they do their job to make deck flow allowing AI to spam protect artifact. This will make handful of useless cards come less often.

And i even came up with another idea, based on the thought: and if we give FGs shards?
Obviously i'm talking about divinity ones*: they can make a FG rise up to 200 + (6 x 2 x 20) = 440 HP!
Miracle was the most obvious way to exploit it, but i came up  with something different...

The Everlasting One

Mark of LIFE

obviously cards are x2

Basic idea:
what about an opponent with 10+ burrowed creatures, jade shield, and 8+ protected feral bonds, smashing your bonewalls at fool speed and regenerating 80+ Hp per turn? Not telling that he has 400+ HPs!
If you want an answer fight this FG...

PS: The lack of time quanta is intentional. Graboids are not here to hurt, but to last, or, better, to everlast!

*: gratitude shards are only for people who donate, not fair putting them in a FG deck

False Gods / If you were a false god...
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:06 pm »

what about putting in a pulverizers deck??


Gravity mark

16 x 2 earth tower
6 x 2 stone dragon
6 x 2 shrieker
6 x 2 momentum
4 x 2 gravity pull
2 x 2 diamond shield
2 x 2 pulverizer
3 x 2 protect artifact

45 x 2 = 90 cards

This will be insane...just having some burrowed unstoppable shrieker will make you mad.
Protected pulverizer seems unbeatable, but we have to remind that it will target a bonewall if on, so just make those layers grow!
(i put only 2x2 of them to leave the chance of having a bonewall and starting to eat creatures before pulv comes)
I also put "only" 4x2 grav pull to give some chance, and even because AI will grav pull more than one creature at once if it has many GP in hand, wasting them (dunno if this makes better having few of them, to get more chances of AI having only one in hand when has to play it, or this must make me add them because the most part will go wasted. I'm not even sure they got wasted if played in this way, sometimes happen that the 2nd gravity pull stays on and works the turn later).

Seism 2.0

Mark of TIME.

60 cards x 2 = 120 cards

I made this deck to counter the popular Anti-God deck. It uses the same idea as Seism but should be much more effective.

Having no Time Towers, Seism 2.0 is able to draw 3 extra cards per turn but no more than that, which helps to prevent decking out.

I haven't of course tested this (I am not a False God) but it looks to me to be very difficult to beat because of it's versatility and fast damage.
we put on the same idea!
This maybe proves we are pure sadics, wanting tosee an anti-rainbow with FG powers... uhuh

But yours, with 3xpulvs and 3xshields is really made to get early control: dont you think it's too much power? (and too much same cards)
About decking out: when it'll get some protect artifact+shield+pulvs it cant play (because already played all the possible ones) drawing speed will slowen a lot.

False Gods / If you were a false god...
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:06 pm »

what about putting in a pulverizers deck??


Gravity mark

16 x 2 earth tower
6 x 2 stone dragon
6 x 2 shrieker
6 x 2 momentum
4 x 2 gravity pull
2 x 2 diamond shield
2 x 2 pulverizer
3 x 2 protect artifact

45 x 2 = 90 cards

This will be insane...just having some burrowed unstoppable shrieker will make you mad.
Protected pulverizer seems unbeatable, but we have to remind that it will target a bonewall if on, so just make those layers grow!
(i put only 2x2 of them to leave the chance of having a bonewall and starting to eat creatures before pulv comes)
I also put "only" 4x2 grav pull to give some chance, and even because AI will grav pull more than one creature at once if it has many GP in hand, wasting them (dunno if this makes better having few of them, to get more chances of AI having only one in hand when has to play it, or this must make me add them because the most part will go wasted. I'm not even sure they got wasted if played in this way, sometimes happen that the 2nd gravity pull stays on and works the turn later).

False Gods / If you were a false god...
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:06 pm »

People need to remember that False Gods are really just single decks doubled in everything. They all have a base 30-60 card deck and then each card gets two copies and draws two cards a turn. So yes, they have a max of 12 of one kind.

At least, that's how I thought it worked >_>.
Well, they don't actually have a max. Chris has discovered that AI decks don't need to follow the rule of six, so they can technically have as many of a card as they want. The only reason the lower AI's have six or less is to keep it more fair.
I think that Zanz kept AI and FG into normal parameters not to get ugly decks, like poison only and similar odds

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