« on: July 04, 2010, 08:50:36 pm »
Has the vault been updated? I really want to try to make the best possible deck as this is our last chance, gotta stay alive here or we're out.
If the vault is done these are some options we could do:
1 - Massive stall deck to try our best to out-deck light. To do that we could use phase shields and bonewalls(if light goes stall they will only have 1 thing dealing damage, their morning glory so bonewall = 7 turn phase shield, unless they pack extra creatures of course)
2 - Use dark for dusk mantel and steals
3 - Use entropy and try to get an early discord out hoping it will slow them down enough
4 - Fractal spiders rush deck using phase shields and lightnings and maybe poisons. Might be able to get by with a fire mark and add in a couple explosions to get rid of a pesky shield.
The best ones are probably the straight up stall deck to try to prevent any damage and drag the game out to be decided by deck size, or use the fractal spider rush with phase shields and a fire mark for explosions. I'll make up some decks right now using the cards we have.