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Messages - TheoCT (254)

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Forum Archive / Re: The Top50 Farming Challenge
« on: January 12, 2010, 12:26:57 am »
I didn't do the 'categories'. Everybody I played had upgraded cards, sometimes I saw rares other times I didn't, kind of hard to know if a deck does or doesn't have a rare in it since I don't really see all the cards in a deck.

Heres my data:

   Score - 133,512
   Win/Loss - 1,958/459
   Coins - 2797
   Score - 134,408
   Win/Loss 1,992/472
   Coins - 3837
   Score +896
   Wins +34
   Losses + 13
   Coins + 1,040
Won Items
   2 titans
   7 Quantum Pillar
   3 Stone Dragon
   2 Nova
   2 Antimatter
   1 Anubis
   1 Aflatoxin
   1 eternity
   1 Pulverizer

I have more details about who I played and what my record vs them was if you wish. Took place over 1.5 hours or 90min.

Forum Archive / Re: Top 50, more like top 5!
« on: January 11, 2010, 04:21:38 pm »
I can't say for sure because I haven't seen the code, but most RNGs are set once at launch. Sometimes the RNG can get "stuck" in a set "random" rotation, so clearing your cache shouldn't be necessary but is a good idea if you want to try to reset the RNG.
This seems to be it. After quitting and refreshing and everything my opponents are changing. Makes a lot of sense as well, thanks for explaining it jmizzle!

Forum Archive / Re: Top 50, more like top 5!
« on: January 11, 2010, 03:30:31 pm »
False. That's just confirmation bias. You are experiencing clustering that can come from randomization. If you really don't like your random seed then clear your cache and relaunch Elements.
I was thinking that too since it is sort of like fighting the fg's, you keep fighting the same gods for a period of time, but that never lasts more than a a few games. This lasted for hours....

Forum Archive / Re: Top 50, more like top 5!
« on: January 11, 2010, 03:06:08 pm »
I could be wrong, but I think there's a matching bias based on the deck you are using (or possibly your mark).  I played T50 the other day, almost all day, hoping to get a PuppyChow farm with a vamp dagger.  I didn't face him one time in about 250 matches using my entropy speed deck.  I changed to a mono darkness deck and got him like 3 times in a row, along with a bunch of other decks I hadn't seen all day.

Can someone confirm or deny this?
Thats what I was thinking, that theory fits perfectly, but i would like to hear a few other opinions on this, and if anybody has any more specific info on how this works that would be very much appreciated!

Forum Archive / Top 50, more like top 5!
« on: January 11, 2010, 02:18:56 pm »
So I've been playing the t50 for a couple hours today, and so far I've seen about 5 or so different people, and mostly just played against 2....the chances of this happening regularly are incredibly slim, so why aren't I playing anybody else in the t50?

Duo-Decks / Re: Death/Fire extraordinarily complex control deck
« on: January 08, 2010, 08:46:34 pm »
Been messing around with this in the trainer. Fun deck :)

Forum Archive / ...I'm #1??
« on: December 16, 2009, 03:58:32 pm »

It says my name, TheoCT, is number 1 with a ridiculously high score. Yet, my score is only 124,

False Gods / [JFF Part 1] Post your screenshots here
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

2 More gods down, Neville and Megatron, Mowgli is causing me a lot of trouble >.<

False Gods / [JFF Part 1] Post your screenshots here
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

All 3 poison gods, thanks to help from Scaredgirl I was able to modify her decks and finally get past these gods, off to entropy next. I forgot to take shots of my decks for the first 2 gods I killed(Ivy and Temperance) so sorry :(

General Discussion / "Just For Fun" Challenge begins
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:13 pm »

I'm playing in the gravity realm, and whenever I'm playing, at the end of the fgods turn it says -1 next to my fire quanta and it resets back to 5, every single time. I don't know if you ment to do this or if it is a glitch.

Also, In entropy(i don't know if these glitches appear in the actual game, never really got to play entropy as fire) Fire Lance passes the dissipation shield, and fahrenheight only takes away 5entropy quanta instead of the 5+x. And discord doesn't change my quanta, it just takes it away.

Forum Archive / seeking speed poison builds for t50 and pvp
« on: December 15, 2009, 04:10:13 pm »

If I'm playing poisonand come up against mono-dark, I just quit. There's nothing in that deck I would even want to win in the slots and the odds are I would lose anyways, so why waste the time?
For me PVP isn't about winning cards I want or not, it's about my record. I know I can boost it up by just playing some crap computers, but this is mostly a pride thing haha.

Forum Archive / seeking speed poison builds for t50 and pvp
« on: December 15, 2009, 04:10:13 pm »

I've been using Scaredgirls exact poison deck for a good bit now. I love the fast decks, my others are mono-fire and shrieker. This one is almost as quick and doesn't have a lot of the weaknesses that my other decks have. Shields and sundials mean nothing, and rainbow decks are big in the t50 and PVP. As said by scaredgirl and others, the AI won't target the physalia with mutate or improve, so thats not a problem.

Mono dark can be annoying at times, and so can rainbows if they get a good draw and have purify(most don't, but if you're dueling people more than once they usually slip one or 2 in for subsequent games). This deck has the highest win % for me in t50 and PVP(can't give you exact numbers, never kept track) and is just a lot of fun to play. I still have yet to experiment with sundials and bonewall though.

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