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Messages - TheoCT (254)

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16 17 ... 22
Duo-Decks / Re: Fractal Brimstone
« on: June 04, 2010, 08:55:50 pm »
Posted a deck very similar to this using flying weapons as well.

 Flying Fahrenheit Fractal Eaters (,4815.msg53420#msg53420)

Code: [Select]
7dh 7dh 7dh 7dh 7dh 7dh 7dk 7dk 7dk 7dk 7dm 7dm 7dm 7dm 7dn 7dn 7dn 7n2 7n2 808 808 808 808 808 808 80i 80i 80i 80i 80i

War Archive / Re: War betting - Guess the winners and win prizes!
« on: June 04, 2010, 08:34:24 pm »
Really just a lot of random guessing, lets hope I get them right :D

1 :death 2 :entropy 3 :earth 4 :aether 5 :fire 6 :darkness  7 :life 8 :light 9 :water 10 :gravity 11 :time 12 :air

And I always make my farms bite, which sometimes necessitates using a mark like entropy or gravity. If you can't take the time to check if someone is a farm or not, you don't deserve the rares.
Exactly what he said.

Marvaddin, I don't post all of my decks because, in my opinion, it is a privilege that I am willing to share decks I make to help other players out. Look at jmizzle, he doesn't post his decks anymore, but then again if you look at PuppyChow he posts pretty much all(if not all) his decks. What is the point of making rare cards rare if everybody will have 6 of them??? It makes no sense..... Me putting up a biting farm is not so people learn to understand that farms are a privilege and not a right but for them to EARN the cards they win. Even the cards in the bazaar aren't free like the rares in farms are, and those are RARES!!!!!

Death / Re: Decks
« on: June 04, 2010, 07:27:48 pm »
Also, mastermind is playing vs entropy which means discord will be used and to deadly effect. Have to somehow stop the ability of discord so either steals or explosions or just try some sort of deck with bonewall(and a way to fuel it) to make sure it doesn't get through and destroy our death quanta.

Death / Re: Decks
« on: June 04, 2010, 06:15:55 pm »
Coinch should use a vulture/bonewall/boneyard deck as he's against fire. That way all the creature control will mostly be useless unless he wants to help us out greatly.

As for fighting aether I duno.....depends on what MrBlonde wants to use vs darkness and what Meecow plays against life. I think Meecow should use some sort of creature poisoning to make adrenaline hurt them instead of helping them. As for you and MrBlonde I don't of you should use poison, probably better for MrBlonde to do so.

Death / Re: Decks
« on: June 04, 2010, 04:42:25 pm »
Will be using my life/death adren combo for my match vs jmbt(gravity).

Theo could you tell me waht that charger deck is it looked interesting and jmizzle's deck.
Mono-grav black hole deck :)

In no way is this supposed to 'stop players getting on our level'.  I started when the game started, if I remember correctly there weren't farms at the beginning. Yes, fg's were easier, there was less stuff, but because we started playing earlier and had it a bit easier in the beginning shouldn't mean we have to use the advantage we got for playing as long as we have to make it even easier for those who started later. It's not like we had it all that much easier in the beginning, we've just been playing longer. Yes, I've benefited from the farms as I can't avoid them (I'm not going to vs a farm and get a loss just because I don't like farms). The way the game was designed was meant for the RARES to be....well...RARE. Some players would get the cards from the AI, use them in decks, and others will beat them and win them occasionally, not what it's like now. Now the rares are easy as pie to get, any newbie can farm t50 from day 1 and get RARES. We had to work for them.

As many of you know I'm against making farms to just GIVE cards away and a free 50 points. I farm t50 myself and I wish there weren't any freebies around. If you will be making a farm make it BITING. We shouldn't be giving away the rares and score but we should give them a better shot at winning the cards. Pretty much everybody just assumes we will give them farms but they all need to realize it's not a right but a privilege that some of the people in the t50 make farms to help other players. For example, pervepic's pharaoh/SoR deck is perfect, it's a difficult deck to play but if you win you have a high chance of winning an eternity/pharaoh/or SoR.


War Archive / Re: Team Rosters
« on: June 03, 2010, 01:54:13 am »
can you fix my name? I don't use capitals and they bug me a lot for when capitals are used in my name
Hahaha, really? I'm the exact opposite, if there aren't any in my name it bugs me a lot.

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