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Messages - TheoCT (254)

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12 ... 22
War Archive / Re: WAR - Standings
« on: June 11, 2010, 08:28:05 pm »
Great job to team Earth in the first round. Just know that :death is right on your tail!

General Discussion / Re: Weekly Featured Cards poll - Death
« on: June 11, 2010, 08:08:12 pm »
Flesh Spider/Recluse because it upgrades so magnificently well.

Death / Re: Intel
« on: June 11, 2010, 07:59:48 pm »
ufcfan, fucking props man, great job. You did an awesome job gathering the info and putting it together in an extremely valuable way, thanks mate.

Death / Re: Decks
« on: June 11, 2010, 07:59:21 pm »
Thanks to ufcfan being an AMAZING asset to this team with all the work he's done. The intel he put together for all of us and our matches is extremely valuable and well done. After looking at his report I think time will think I'll be doing another rush deck since I decimated with it last round. As they won using their aether decks and can only salvage from life and more aether so I think a stalling phase shield deck will be played vs me. I think the best course of action is either an entropy/death duo to mix around his quanta as much as possible or for a standard speed poison as it has good creature control and doesn't rely on creatures doing any damage.

Malduk, that deck is not 50% death. This is a MAJOR thing we need to make sure we check. As I said before we need to check, re-check, and triple check to make sure all our decks fit with the cards in our vault and the deck making rules.

Death / Re: Intel
« on: June 10, 2010, 09:32:00 pm »
We shall salvage 2 Fog Shields, 3 Wind Pillars and a Shockwave.
Icy (team :aether ) just said that in public.

Round 1 / Re: Icybraker 2 - melendr 0
« on: June 10, 2010, 09:31:38 pm »
Thanks for telling us icy, but you're supposed to keep that secret :P

I'm going to have to take my name out of the tourney, sorry.

Death / Re: Salvage Cards
« on: June 10, 2010, 08:52:47 pm »
After thinking about my match-up I'm thinking about going with the deck Mastermind used in the 1st round. Quanta is very important to a time deck and if I'm able to get an early discord I think that would be an almost sure win. Antimatters for dragons and mummies aren't a big deal if they get rewound. So if anybody else wants to use entropy we should salvage more.

War Archive / Re: Round 1 - Duels
« on: June 10, 2010, 07:08:20 pm »
It's really annoying not having the elements next to the losers :S

Round 1 / Re: TheoCT 2 - jmdt 0
« on: June 10, 2010, 05:05:02 pm »
We're all working as a team together, and it never hurts to have players who know how to play well!!

I made this deck the first day I was on team death, was lucky enough to be able to play it effectively!

Round 1 / Re: Malduk - Unionruler 2:0
« on: June 10, 2010, 05:04:00 pm »
Well done man! Go go team :death !!!! Great job on the win!

War Archive / Re: Round 2- Deckbuilding
« on: June 10, 2010, 02:19:58 am »
Seems like everyone thinks I'm going to lose against implosion. Well, with the last defeat, I can't really blame you. We'll see.
Well, so far everybody has me winning my first match and my second (still have yet to play my first). At least if people think you'll lose if you lose thats no biggie, if you win thats awesome for you. If people have you winning and you win, thats expected, but if you lose that realllly sucks, ya know?
Yep, you are correct; but I rather win as expected than lose as expected, just saying. :P
I'd rather win unexpectedly  ;)

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