I have my doubts on whether Nightfall is all that good, as compared to, say, Arsenic or even Nightmare.
Unfortunately, before hitting on this build, I had already taken Farenheit as my weapon. I have two of those, now, but still no Arsenic. If I had one, I'd totally make that switch. Nightmare, though it can do some quick damage, isn't controlling enough IMHO for this build.
Pendulums are quite nice; they help with draw consistency
I was using Pendulums (Pendula? How Latin are we here?) before in this build; they don't provide the steady stream of quanta I need for the Parasites to continually infect everything, while still providing enough left over to keep a healthy Shield up at all times. You're right - there's still a little more quanta production than I need, especially Darkness, but I found myself getting hosed far too often when I was using less.
On one hand, you need Voodoo Doll to win, so three isn't enough; on the other hand, you'll rarely need more than one, so four copies is overkill.
Good point. I find that it takes at least three, to be able to apply enough poison while still dealing with creature threats from across the board. If I had a couple Arsenics, I'd surely replace both the Nightfall, and one of the Voodoo Dolls.
Thanks for the advice! I've nearly collected the 1500 ep for my first upgrade - where would you suggest starting? I'm thinking probably my pillars, so I can use fewer of them and speed up the deck's lockdown, but I'm not sure.