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Messages - Thakog (18)

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: Waiting for the cards
« on: March 29, 2010, 03:42:24 pm »
I'm curious about this as well... anyone know when the other half of the patch comes out?

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: Card Usage Statistics
« on: March 23, 2010, 12:15:41 am »
As an extremely casual player (I've found myself playing even less in the last month or so) I find the FGs discouraging. I can beat them, but the lack of deck building creativity for FGs (rainbow or antimatter) becomes mind numbing. Yet, grinding FGs is the best way to make money and get new cards.

I think either rainbow decks or the FGs need to be nerfed until mono/duo/trio decks become well represented and diversified for FG grinding.

Or, I think it was puppychow's idea originally, but limit and rotate the FGs every week, like 5 a week or so.

Trio & Quartet / Re: Nymphomania (anti-FG) + stats
« on: February 27, 2010, 06:25:24 pm »
I'm gonna play with this deck when I have more time on L5.  I've also thought about trying to add something that heals, (the vampired creatures) but I'm not sure the quanta is there with this deck.  If I added lucifern, I'd have to add something to use it on.

Trio & Quartet / Re: Nymphomania (anti-FG) + stats
« on: February 26, 2010, 05:32:31 am »
I *just* started a mostly unupped (pulz + supernovas + quints) and put my fallen druid into it.  Seems like a good deal, but I am just playing L5s right now.

Issue Archive / Re: Oracle God Prediction Off
« on: February 25, 2010, 01:17:26 am »
Bug or "feature"?  The oracle is linked to your account, not your login session, so you get cards and electrum that it gives you. Plus, the game remembers when you used it last. Why isn't the prediction/pet part linked too? 

I know most people won't log in, do oracle, and then log out, but I'm busy in the mornings, and sometimes don't get a game in.  Today, it's a feature, because somehow I doubt my gnome rider pet is going to be enough to overthrow rainbow. So... I could just log out, and log back in for a random FG.

Issue Archive / Re: Oracle God Prediction Off
« on: February 24, 2010, 02:38:33 pm »
Actually... no there's not on the first page of this forum, nor on the sticky.  It's not my problem if it got brought up a month ago and then buried.  It's also not my problem if someone can't name their post in the bug reporting forum in a somewhat informative title.

Issue Archive / Oracle God Prediction Off
« on: February 24, 2010, 02:35:49 am »
What I've found is that if you log out of elements before fighting your predicted false god, you do not get the same god on logging back in.  I was looking forward to facing FFQ, (as was predicted this morning) but I come home from work to face Dark Matter instead.

Octane / Re: New FG: Octane
« on: February 23, 2010, 01:38:25 am »
He's right about the mirror shield though- it reflects the explosions, and if you can do that, this god is easy.  A reflect shield vs. Octane is practically as good as fire buckler vs. Divine Glory was when his weapons only had 1hp. 

Deck Help / Re: Cheap fire/gravity
« on: February 20, 2010, 06:27:24 pm »
Maybe take out the photon, the a couple of fire bolts, and couple of crimson dragons/lava golems?  Really since you have no earth, the lave golems aren't going to be *that* much of a help vs fire sprites. That means you can probably ditch your novas and quantman towers too. Or switch the mark to gravity, and throw in a couple more graviton fire eaters.   

You're relying on growth to kill more than the firebolts, right?

The grinding is....  ok.  I realize people need something to do when they become "UBER" as essence puts it.  Still it worries me when people talk about "grinding" and "PvE" endgame.  What's next, 25 player raid decks where you challenge REAL gods?

*IF* you have a pulv or two, I could see earth gravity working well. If you can get rid of the eclipses and lay out a protected diamond shield (that's the unupped one, right?) then he wouldn't be that hard.  Alternatively, an earth fire lava golem deck could do the same thing with explosions.

False Gods / Re: Now that we sometimes know what's coming...
« on: February 10, 2010, 01:00:46 am »
Hopefully this will revitalize the FG deckbuilding aspects, even if it's just one god at a time.

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