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Messages - Terrilocks (88)

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Rainbow Decks / Re: The Poisonbow
« on: July 04, 2011, 09:13:07 am »
Yea, if you're gonna keep the Quantum Towers, a chaos power or two might be a better choice over Blessings.,12765.msg173608#msg173608

The above is my Speed Poison deck which I still use and still have good success with in T500. In that, I favour Blessings over Chaos Power only because Adrenaline is a lot more powerful on a 3 attack creature!

True it has no PC or CC but it's often uneeded and I'm sure you could switch an adrenaline or scorpion out if you really wanted!

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: AI improvements
« on: July 04, 2011, 08:57:35 am »
Ai had a PAed Pulverizer out, then drew an eternity and played over it -.-

All in one turn.

I play a variant with Aflatoxin, so I like the safety of having a third shield to set up the lockdown faster. Jade also helps a bit against annoying PC FGs like Eternal Phoenix and Dream Catcher, since their creatures are small enough that Jade blocks a whole bunch of damage.

Gravity Shield will cause complications with Antimatter, if I recall correctly. It will block Antimattered creatures if their HP is at least 6.
Very good points, I'd forgotten about Antimatter. Pain in the ass in my Graviton-specific variant.
That's where my entropy nymphs come in :P

Keep the grav shield up until you can overwhelm them with antimatter then replace it with permafrost. I use it mainly as a temporary early-game saving device but it almost entirely blocks the damage of a few gods; particulary useful versus elidnis and her immortal growing creatures amongst the others I have mentioned. I suppose if you're only using spells though, that might cause some problems.

On the nymph thing - if you want overall consistency, you want 2 copies of the card in the deck. Which means 2 nymphs (entropy ones). So you get a dead card there. I like the 3 AM variant, I have  an entropy nymph but I don't think I'll ever use it.
1 dead card is worth it if the first one pretty much guarantees you victory imo. ;)

In fact I'd even think I'd rather have 2 entropy nymphs than 2 Permafrosts...

Also, why is everyone talking about Fog/Dusk/Skull shield? Gravity shield has saved me more times that I care to think and makes Akebono, Osiris, and Lionheart amongst others, a piece of cake. You block all those early pesky dragons/abyss crawlers/archangels etc whilst your shards outheal the smaller creatures. Ok, it might conflict with pulverizer, but it's only a mere 3 grav quanta...

On the other hand, I have played a good few games where if I didn't have spammable antimatter, I most likely would have lost.

It is true, there are games where a cheaper spell rather than a nymph would have tipped the balance, but it is equally true that once it's out, you're practically guaranteed to win and normally with an EM too. The entropy nymph also improves your chance versus a couple of other gods where the spells might be easily counteracted.

Long story short, I think 'consistent wins' are about the same: CCYB beats fewer gods faster, whilst nymphs make a few more easier but also make the early game a little harder. To be honest, I'm use nymphs now because it makes the grind a bit more interesting! :P

Not always - he's been fairly hit and miss with me in that regard.

You either need to enchant the pulvy or just wait until his field is full before playing it.

He's also another of the reasons I have a gravity shield as after endowing, none of his creatures get any attacks through; he's like Osiris before Catapults. He can still pump out a few Scarabs if he has the space but that means his max damage is 15+weapon before they too get pwnt by the grav shield.

Fire nymph does indeed sound good for CC, however won't it already conflict with Lava Destroyers? That'd be my main worry.

I imagine your green nymph is probably more useful for antimatter heal spam and firefly attacks.

I suppose you could replace (at least one) lava destroyer with Life growing creatures to free up the space for your fire nymph.

The more I think about it, the more I want a fire nymph!

Give it a try!

Sorry that I didn't reply to this sooner, I tried once and had connection issues.

Anyways, thank you for your answer! I run a slight modded version of yours actually. Queen filling in for Air Nymph, and I have two Purple Nymphs and took another card out. But thanks for the idea!

Haha, no problem. As luck would have it, i too found another entropy nymph recently and added that in too.

The changes I've made to the version you posted: -1 Lava Destroyer, -1 Protect artifact, +1 entropy nymph, +1 dark nymph (Yea I went nymph crazy now that i seem to finally have a use for them at all xD)

Given i now have a good chance  of getting an entropy nymph earlier on, the dark nymph helps speed things up damage wise and tricks gods such as miracle which don't allow for damage their own creatures cause before playing miracles. He also works as a useful lobotomise. ;)

What other card did you get rid of btw? I really didn't want to have to get rid of the protect artifact but it seemed a lot more circumstantial than the rest...

Soooo... any update on this? A few hours has turned into a week. xD

Rainbow Decks / Re: Fun 40-card FG deck
« on: May 30, 2011, 01:50:49 pm »
Nice looking deck! I agree mindgates and mutations make the uncertainty so much more exciting :P

I'm currently having fun with nymphs in my FG deck to shake things up a bit!

Couple of suggestions/ideas

My main worry is permanent control. If that pulverizer is near the end of the deck, you're fairly screwed versus a lot of gods. You can hope to mindgate one maybe, but then your mindgates would also be prone to destruction. I really want to have an eternity in all my decks but sadly pulverizer is just so much more convenient - Butterfly effect is the only possible alternative and often require a 3 card combo. I'd suggest 2 pulverizer and 1 eternity at least so you can switch to it at the end to avoid deckout.

Also, if you have a Jade Shield, you don't really need a Mirror Shield as well. I currently have 2 Permafrost and a Gravity Shield in my deck - many people underestimate the latter.. ;) If you want some variation, Dusk Shield is also pretty nice and fits in with the random theme of not knowing what's gonna hit you or what you're gonna get to hit back with. :P

I also always have 3 quints in my deck as it can  be difficult to find one early on - I see why you have  the anubis to counter that, but you still need to quint him first and I'm not sure if your defense could last that long; an extra hourglass would probably be useful with 40 cards!

But yea, how's it working out for you so far? Looks like it might be quite fun. :D

Archived Decks / Re: Yaladilae's Heavy Quintet (v1.23)
« on: May 27, 2011, 06:06:18 am »
I'm curious to see how well this does in the current environment.
I was talking to the guy who proposed a voodoo doll edit.
And i was talking to the guy who mentioned the current environment. ^^

This is what I'm using now:
Code: [Select]
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rq 6rq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6ug 749 77f 77f 77i 7dq 7dq 7gp 7gp 7k6 7k6 7ng 7q5 7q5 7q5 80h 80h 80h
I really want to use this version, but I don't have  :air Nymph and the Oracle has been stingy with me the last month.
Hehe, most recently the oracle has been a great help to me - a nice change after months of bugger all...

I got another entropy nymph and put that in as well - if you can get one of them out early, you normally win so doubling the odds seems a good bet.

I also eventually worked out a decent way to get my Dark nymph in there for some triple nymph action. ;)

Adding a mind gate for fun also sometiems pays off :P

New Mod - definitely my favourite and most consistent so far.

Code: [Select]
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rq 6rq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6ug 6ug 749 77f 77f 7dq 7gp 7gp 7k6 7k6 7ng 7q5 7q5 7q5 7to 80h 80h 80hEdit: Whoah, nice! I just decked out Rainbow :D

And sorry about the crappy picture quality!

It was a ridiculously close game - I was on 3hp at one time... In case you're wondering how I kept the ice shield, I basically played it only when I absolutely had to for fear of it being stolen or destroyed. If he'd stolen it and frozen my entropy nymph at all...
Edit 2: Haha, been playing this on and off during the day and just beat Akebono too. Got fairly lucky with my cards, but who said the grav shield wasn't worth it? Blocked all his attacks, antimatter nymph, then liquid shadow as lobotomizer. ;)

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