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Messages - TehColin (41)

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
The Arena / Re: Whats the best farm deck for arena?
« on: August 18, 2011, 12:54:25 am »

The deck ended up squeezing 20 more losses out to other people before going inactive.  If i were in this situation again (age> 7), I still would like to run a farm deck and give people a few wins.


The Arena / Re: Whats the best farm deck for arena?
« on: August 17, 2011, 10:20:43 pm »
Yea i know, but at 1 hp, id prefer for people to have something farmable rather than not.  Its going to lose  no matter what.

The Arena / Whats the best farm deck for arena?
« on: August 17, 2011, 09:52:36 pm »
I made a deck that stayed in the top 50 for 8 days.  Since it only has 1 HP now, I wanted to make it into a farm deck for people to spin for rares.  I remember for 30 cards, 3 rares at 6 each was optimal. does that hold true for 35?

EDIT: also, if the oracle card is not a rare, is 5 (oracle), 6(rare #1), 6(rare#2), and 18 (pillars) optimal?

Deck Help / Re: need help with a fun fire/death combo
« on: July 20, 2011, 01:46:07 pm »
Ah, thank you sir! Was afraid that this deck was a lost cause. 

EDIT: what do you think of using the dragons vs. phoenixes?

Deck Help / need help with a fun fire/death combo
« on: July 14, 2011, 11:20:21 pm »
Code: [Select]
52h 52h 52h 52h 52i 52i 52i 52i 52i 52n 52n 52r 52r 52v 52v 52v 52v 52v 52v 5f2 5f2 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5fa 5fa 5l9 5l9

I am trying to go for a fun pillar-less fire/death deck just to play against friends.  immolation + soul catchers spew forth tons of  :death:fire, and my goal with this deck is to drop multiple dragons simultaneously.  I need some help tweaking it though.  The balance seems pretty far off.  I was hoping to get some insight  :D


Card Ideas and Art / Re: Spell Leech | Spell Hunter
« on: February 14, 2011, 06:28:59 pm »

The skill might be a bit to much for what has to be a semi-vanilla creature. If so, I'll tone it down or think of something different.
O you are in the competition.  Not sure how to help you then, sorry  :(

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Spell Leech | Spell Hunter
« on: February 14, 2011, 06:23:38 pm »
Could you post some decks that this would help out in?  Not many decks pack a lot of spells (other than firebolt spells, which usually try and pile the damage right in the end), so even if you use one spell card 6 times, you still only get a 7|1 creature for all of the quanta used.

Maybe you could boost the ability to add +2|0, or even +2|+1

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Higgs Boson | God Particle
« on: February 14, 2011, 04:10:29 am »
afflatoxin is better becous it goes 1 2 4 8 16 32 while this goes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Yea, I don't think that it works quite well either. It feels like a watered down malignant cell and I am hoping for a better mechanism without changing the core idea too much. 

This is where I am right now:

Now it feels like a watered-down graveyard.  Only difference is that it produces non attacking creatures that can act like shields.   Still not sure if it is unique enough to be exciting or add any new dynamics to the game though.  Any advice?

Anvil Archive / Re: Russian Doll | Russian Doll
« on: February 14, 2011, 03:36:07 am »
I agree that nesting doll is a better name than Russian doll.  After all, they are the same thing.  As for the element...  uhh... maybe entropy?  The entropy of the universe is always expanding and multiplying JUST LIKE THESE DOLLS!  Cool mechanic though.

Crucible Archive / Re: Shade | Spectre
« on: February 14, 2011, 03:31:53 am »
So, quick question.

The opponent doesn't see the card at all? Will they notice creatures avoiding the spot occupied by an invisible creature, or do I just completely misunderstand the mechanic? And will they see the hit by the creature?  Or just lose damage?

Cool idea for  :darkness though!  Has a great theme.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Higgs Boson | God Particle
« on: February 13, 2011, 10:49:13 pm »
Mass with Gravity Pull? *points to Graveyard* Nice thought there though.   Yea it is just a graveyard in that sense.  I am stuck between alfatoxin and graveyard  >:(

I am wondering though: what do you think of this suggestion? You seem to have ignored it so far.
Perhaps give Mass 5 HP and "enters the field poisoned"?
I kinda am unsure about the poison. Not sure if it goes with the theme that well.  Also, wouldn't it be a really weak alfatoxin?

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Higgs Boson | God Particle
« on: February 13, 2011, 10:40:55 pm »
Yeah I don't think instant kill is good but if it was, for example, a permanent that while in play caused creatures to subdivide upon death I think that would be fine.

For example I play a firebolt on an armagio and kill it in one hit. It subdivides into 12 (or maybe 8) higgs bosons if the LHC is in play. Just an idea. I HATE instant kill trust me.

Or alternatively the LHC could be a weapon.

Weapon: Target creature loses 2 hp and a higgs boson is created on the opponent's field.

(ie chipping off a piece of a creature and turning it into some mass on the field) So it wouldn't be instant kill but it would chip off a piece of the creature and fill a creature slot with the resulting partition.
I like the idea, but I think that it is leaving away from gravity a bit.  If this idea fails or I can make something satisfying, I might try to make a "death" particle with a mechanic like that.  Gotta do some research into what could be a "death particle". Or somebody else with way more experience then me could take it, I really don't mind.

I have another idea to improve on the mechanism.  Let me know if this sounds any better.

The ability for h.b/god particle stays the same, except mass is produced on YOUR side of the field.  Also, all mass enters play with a gravity pull (and I change the element from earth to gravity).  This creates little suicide mass...  I still really do like the idea of the Higgs boson producing mass, and the mass shielding you. 

EDIT: YAY, JR. Member now!!!

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