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Messages - TakoMan02 (57)

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Card Ideas and Art / Re: Time Loop | Time Loop
« on: September 30, 2011, 01:22:49 am »
If i use your card, photosynthesis, i play a dragon with that gained life quanta, and this resets all the quanta gained by my rustler, does that mean my dragon dies, or i just gained free quanta?
If you gain 20 :life from a leaf dragon, and play a dragon, then end the turn, you will be deducted by 20 :life, even though you only have 10 remaining.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Time Loop | Time Loop
« on: September 30, 2011, 12:44:40 am »
Thematically, this could use some work. But anything with the timestream is infinitely flexible and will always be up for debate.

I like it.
What type of work? Explain.

Religion / Re: are you creationist or evolutionist?
« on: September 30, 2011, 12:38:06 am »
If one desires to study the nature of our upbringing, so be it; but in my opinion, to study what we can only assume as a theory, and forever will remain a theory, is a waste of time.  To study anything that cannot be proven is a waste of time, but this does not mean all studies are bad.  Studies that contribute to informing the general public and improving the overall condition of mankind are the studies that I love, and should be encouraged.
However, if you don't study it, how can you know that it cannot be proven? Plus, if we know the past, it may help with predicting the future or continuing our understanding of our present situation. I fail to see how helping improve our knowledge of the world around us.
Death is a completely different story, but the same rules apply -- no one knows what happens after you die, therefore making it a waste of time to 'study' or 'predict'.
Just because someone does not know something for sure, does that make it useless to study it? If so, then the entire field of education is completely useless. If the Christians are, for sake of argument, then studying what may happen after death is very, very important.
Read the post above yours.  I made a slight contradiction -- any study that helps mankind is fine.  However, people who are just trying to prove they're right solves absolutely nothing and is indeed a waste of time.

Concerning your second point -- it's stupid.  Use common sense, please.  What I say applies to predicting our creation/demise and our creation/demise only.  And as it just so happens, what they teach in school is fact. It is fact that 1+1=2, because it is our established law.  It is fact that every action has an equal and opposite reaction unless acted upon by an outside force.  These are laws.  I'm only concerned with things that have never been proven wrong and never will.

Card Ideas and Art / Time Loop | Time Loop
« on: September 30, 2011, 12:22:51 am »
Time Loop
5 :time
Any skills the target creature uses is undone after attacking

Lasts 5 turns, cumulative
Time Loop
4 :time
Any skills the target creature uses is undone after attacking

Lasts 5 turns, cumulative
Blanka Szymanska
Prevent the creature from gaining HP or ATK.
Prevent the creature from attacking or healing.

Alter your quanta pool (e.g. leaf dragons' photosynthesis is undone)
Undo anything done by the target creature that does not involve poison or your/opponents HP.

The time-loop only applies to the target creature, therefore at the end of the turn, the only thing that has changed is the HP/poison amount of you and/or your opponent. Since you are not in the time-loop, your effects remain the same. This includes poison, damage, and healing. Examples:

Before turn --> After activated skill --> After creature attacks

Lava Golem: 7/1 --> 9/3 --> <attack> 7/1
Puffer fish: 0 poison --> 0 poison --> <attack> +1 poison
Firefly Queen: 0 firefly --> +1 firefly --> <attack> 0 firefly
Ray of Light: 0 light --> 0 light --> +1 light <attack> -1 light
Flying Obliterator: permanent --> permanent destroyed --> <attack> permanent returns
Flying Jade Staff: +0 HP --> +0 HP --> <attack> +5 HP

Religion / Re: are you creationist or evolutionist?
« on: September 29, 2011, 10:08:50 pm »
Those studies tend to only be as certain or less certain then scientific theories. You do know the distinction between a popular theory and a scientific theory?

I really don't care what they're called or how correct they are.  If it helps people, then it's okay. If it doesn't help people, it's a waste of time. Simple.

Keep It Simple Stupid :-*

Water / Re: Flooding | Inundation
« on: September 29, 2011, 09:48:21 pm »
The yellow text explains the current realism. Flood creates a moat around a hill.
Okay, other than that, what do you think of the idea?

Philosophy / Re: Soul
« on: September 29, 2011, 09:46:26 pm »
The soul, from what I understand, is an intangible part of every human that gives us the power to make our own decisions.

Many irreligious people do not believe there is such a thing, and thus we do not have free will, by extension of evolution. We do nothing more than react to our surroundings.

Religion / Re: are you creationist or evolutionist?
« on: September 29, 2011, 09:35:10 pm »
If one desires to study something is that study as waste of time?
Alternatively you can assume you know the answer (as you did with the question of if you exist) and continue to do something else you desire.
If one desires to study the nature of our upbringing, so be it; but in my opinion, to study what we can only assume as a theory, and forever will remain a theory, is a waste of time.  To study anything that cannot be proven is a waste of time, but this does not mean all studies are bad.  Studies that contribute to informing the general public and improving the overall condition of mankind are the studies that I love, and should be encouraged.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: AI Confirmations
« on: September 29, 2011, 09:06:41 pm »
If you like the idea of the confirm message, you can change the subject in your first post, so that people don't fire at you.
(Change the mark at the beginning is perceived like cheating or unworthy to code, as I can understand)
Alright, I edited the OP.

Religion / Re: are you creationist or evolutionist?
« on: September 29, 2011, 09:01:01 pm »
To an individual, his death is akin to everything from his life disappearing from his grasp.
How, in this perspective, is anything not the biggest waste of time in the world?
Death is a completely different story, but the same rules apply -- no one knows what happens after you die, therefore making it a waste of time to 'study' or 'predict'.

Also, it is a waste of time because, despite the 'proof' we believe we have, we do not know for fact that we have evolved (hence the name "Theory of Evolution") or were created.  All we know is that we are here today.

Water / Re: Flooding | Inundation
« on: September 29, 2011, 08:38:18 pm »
Alright, I have a semi-good suggestion to make this card more realistic.

Flooding doesn't occur in rows, it occurs across a large area.  Killing creatures would make it way too overpowered and unrealistic, unless it's flood is made of acid.  So, here is my suggestion:

Flooding happens for 5 :water per turn. When played, the ENTIRE field is flooded, and all creatures that are not airborne / water / neutral will be in a time bubble for 3 turns, and after the three turns they die (suffocate).

Specific digits can be changed, of course, but you get my drift.

Flood = unable to attack, slowly dying
Flood != immediately die in certain areas

Water / Re: Flooding | Inundation
« on: September 29, 2011, 02:45:50 am »
All malignant cells would obviously drown immediately and wouldn't be able to produce any more.
Depends on what you mean by "floods entire field".  You mean, no creature survives on the entire playing field unless it's water or airborne?

That's a horrible idea. No offense.

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