« on: December 30, 2010, 06:04:19 pm »
My Submission. I didn't make the Air Nymph a very nice person though...
Why Else Would Air Walk?
A quiet night reigns over the elemental plane, a silence which couldn’t possibly last. As if on queue a fell wind begins to blow. Air, drifting formlessly over the land, is not pleased by what she hears spoken amongst her sisters. Beware traveler, should you pass this way, that Air might bottle her rage. All will be the peace and calm of the doldrums one moment, a howling maelstrom the next!
“Why, they must take delight in these insults! Joy and merriment at my expense? I think not. I will not see my element trivialized, reduced to some minor convenience! Dragons take flight because I allow it. Clouds flood rain across the plains by my will.
Earth haughtily declares I am handy at clearing her mountains of dust…
A cool night upon sun-warmed stone? Blizzard!
Worn away to dust then blown away!
Fire thinks I make her flames dance delightfully in the twilight glow…
A lively brush fire brightens the night? Typhoon!
Mere kindling without the strength of my winds!
Light thinks I arrange her fireflies in such beautiful constellations…
Fireflies dance amongst the graves? Squall!
Ha ha! Scattered to the four corners of the world!
But, what is this? The others walk the plane as well. They will make light of air as these three have. Will Death claim I make her bones rattle and trill through the night like so many drums and flutes? Aether will surely ignore me entirely. Dark will claim the wind’s howls and moans were her own idea. No, I cannot allow such insults to continue. Drastic measures are clearly necessary…”