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Messages - SteppingStone81 (550)

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Currently, reverse time|rewind causes a mummy|elite mummy to turn into a pharaoh|elite pharaoh.

This got me thinking ... shouldn't reverse time|rewind have special interactions with some other creatures (especially death creatures)?  The goal here is not to buff / nerf reverse time|rewind, but rather to add some theme and interest.

Here are a few possibilities (I would love to hear more suggestions):

Initial creatureAfter reverse time|rewind
skeleton|elite skeletonSomething living, maybe graviton merc?
bone dragon|ivory dragonemerald dragon|jade dragon
shrieker|elite shriekergraboid|elite graboid
any nymphfate egg|elite fate egg

Anvil Archive / Re: Luminiferous Aether | Luminiferous Aether
« on: November 09, 2010, 09:41:24 pm »
First of all, interesting card idea - the theme is cool and consistent with its elements. 

The only slightly puzzling issue is that this card behaves randomly but has no link to the entropy element.  This is not a huge deal, but only a few cards outside of entropy behave randomly, with all of those relating to quantum generation / consumption (quantum tower, devourer quanta munching, playing cards without specified element cost).

From a game mechanics perspective, it seems like this card would have a definite, useful niche and not be appreciably OP / UP.

How about Radiation? Photon/RoL and Spark/BL are both creatures of pure energy, and radiation is the emission of energy. So the Aether would be radiating Photons and Sparks.
yea but radiation sounds too much like 'nuclear aftermath' rather than 'the giving off of energy' in this day and age. maybe something like: kinetic? all energy involved in photons and sparks are kinds of kinetic energy, as opposed to potential energy.
As for naming the ability to generate photon / sparks, radiation does in fact make sense for generating photons (gamma and x-ray radiation both refer to emission of photons in certain wavelength ranges), but doesn't make much sense for generating sparks.

Maybe something like pulse would be generic enough to accommodate both but still be thematic?  (pulsars emit gamma rays and no doubt a few very short-lived sparks ...)

What about something simpler, say Emission or Emitter?
(the ability name emission makes me think of something else entirely  ::))

Duo-Decks / Re: Inception
« on: November 09, 2010, 06:38:59 pm »
This is pretty fantastic, although boring against T50 farms ...

General Discussion / Re: Team water wants YOU!
« on: November 09, 2010, 05:26:55 pm »
Tis sad, but understandable. I would have been in the WAR from the get-go, but my schedule prevented me from making a committment I was unsure I could keep. Thus I felt it best not to commit to something I might have had to drop. Since then my schedule opened up and when Underworld kicked in, I was prevented from joining because I did not open myself up for auction. Seems I'll have to wait until the next WAR to participate :(
I'm in the same boat.  I didn't have time at the start of the war, but now I have lots of time ...

Oh well, next WAR!

Deck Help / Re: Question about QI and quanta-generating creatures
« on: November 08, 2010, 07:47:04 pm »
I don't like using this method of working out the amount of pillars for this reason. Just go for a rough guess, test the deck and slightly modify it in the direction it needs to go. You'll eventually find a good ratio.
one problem with testing to get the initial guess is that one needs a very large sample size to gauge the frequency of different draw types.  this is very easy to do for decks with only 3 cards, e.g. graboid shrieker rush, but a bit more difficult with more degrees of complexity.

i am more in line with zse that an educated guess might help one optimize a deck faster than a rough guess.  maybe in time, i will get more skilled at rough guessing, though :)

Deck Help / Re: Question about QI and quanta-generating creatures
« on: November 07, 2010, 10:11:14 pm »
I use 2x modifier for single activation cost, here: Pegasus 6*1*2=12 :air.
Here, one would want to activate this for the pegasus every turn if possible.  Might one use a different factor for abilities such as Arctic Squid's freeze?  (and obviously Armagio's gpull would just be 1x)

In this case I'd count FFs with 1x modifier in quanta generation: 6*1*1=6 :light.
My concern with doing this is that the fireflies may not be immediately playable AND are a little more likely to die than pillars / pendula.

PS. I'd use Owl's Eye instead of Morning Star, because it can kill Otyugh & Maxwell.
This makes sense, although now I'll have to redo the calculations -2 morning stars +2 owl's eye :P  I was mostly posing this deck as a theoretical for how to calculate QI in different situations.

Thanks for the response!

Deck Help / Question about QI and quanta-generating creatures
« on: November 07, 2010, 06:08:22 am »
How does one account for the following in figuring out the optimum number of pillars / pendula:
    Quanta-generating creaturesRecurring ability costs
e.g., in this simple light-air duo:

Code: [Select]
5lb 5lb 5lb 5lb 5lb 5lb 5lf 5lf 5lf 5lf 5lf 5lf 5lh 5lh 5og 5og 5oi 5ok 5ok 5ok 5ok 5ok 5ok 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu

Light quanta usage:

(6 Pegasus) * (4 :light) +
(6 Blessing) * (3 :light) +
(2 Morning Glory) * (5 :light)
52 :light

Light quanta generation:

(12 Air pendulum) * (0.5 :light)
(6 Firefly) * (1 :light) * ???          <--- what to do here?
(1 Light Mark) * (1 :light)
??? :light

Air Quanta usage:

(6 Firefly) * (3 :air)
(2 Fog Shield) * (2 :air)
(1 Flying Weapon) * (1 :air)
(6 Pegasus) * (1 :Air per turn) * ???      <--- what to do here?
??? :air

Air quanta generation:

(12 Air pendulum) * (0.5 :air)
6 :air

12 Lives / Re: 12 Lives (Poll added; if you've signed up, please vote!)
« on: November 07, 2010, 03:05:52 am »
I'm in!

ign = chat = forum = SteppingStone81

Deck Compilations / Re: Scarab Lance
« on: November 06, 2010, 11:31:21 pm »
This deck is fun!

+karma for OP :)

My scarabs passed along these tasting notes on various FGs:

Divine Glory ... swords were inedible :(

Eternal Phoenix ... ashy aftertaste

Ferox ... tastes like chicken

Fire Queen ... Firefly queens have a nice crunch ... the flying weapons had an oaky finish

Graviton ... this meal was quite heavy.  otyughs tasted surprisingly good, though!

Miracle ... got four meals for the price of one

Obliterator ... shriekers tasted like potato chips.  dragons were a bit like pheasant.

For this deck Destiny is probably the hardest god with all those rewinds, followed by Osiris.
yeah ... Destiny / Seism / Osiris suck with their rewinds.  Scorpio and Neptune suck as well when they have 2-3+ congeals in hand.  The deck is very fast, though, so actually a pretty good card winrate.

SteppingStone81  1:0  Acsabi44

(disqualified for using Arsenic)

Seeing as this is a lazy man's tournament, shouldn't the decks be provided?  I am feeling too lazy to build one.  :P

By the way, I'm calling shenanigans on the "new aether cards" thing.  Didn't it just get like... 20?  Fractal... mind gate...  I mean, come on!  Life got a measly underpowered toadfish.
Yes they just got 20 fractal (1) + mind gate (1) = 20.....
He fractalled the mind gate 3x obv ...

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