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Messages - SteppingStone81 (550)

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 46
Draft - Battle Results / Re: Draft II, Cards
« on: June 28, 2011, 04:05:32 pm »
wow, immo and phoenix both available for picks 6 & 7 :-O

Grid / Re: Grid - Round 8
« on: June 28, 2011, 03:59:40 pm »
Holy cow!

War Archive / Re: War #3 - Round 14
« on: June 28, 2011, 03:57:49 pm »
First! Good luck to :fire and :underworld!
Fixed your post!

Round 13 / Re: (Fire) Gen. Napalm Grenade 2 - (Underworld) Lt. tttt 0
« on: June 28, 2011, 03:39:15 pm »
Juicy salvage; it looks like fire will have a shot vs entropy after all.

FG Proposals / Re: Dragons Might
« on: June 28, 2011, 03:55:11 am »
In fact, I dont really like the idea, dragons even havent skills to make it interesting.
But dragons are awesome ... admit it!

p.s.  your avatar is a sky dragon

The Arena / Re: t500 bonus spin strategy
« on: June 27, 2011, 09:03:29 pm »
If i have two of the same should i spin the other one three times and hope it matches up?  Or is there some better strategy?
definitely best strat

Grid - Battle Results / Re: Round 7 Results
« on: June 27, 2011, 08:13:49 pm »
i spend 2 Relics to upgrade, and Spend 3 Relics to disperse the Skull Shield to Dimensional Shield.
First successful use of disperse ... kudos!

Round 13 / Re: (Entropy) Lt. vagman13 2 - (Death) Gen. MrBlonde 0
« on: June 27, 2011, 08:10:09 pm »
the only team to leave the 60 card sweet zone willingly. you guys had guts. see you next war team  :death
I actually disagree; our guts were removed when we were embalmed in Team :death.  Otherwise, thanks and good luck!

Round 13 / Re: (Entropy) Lt. vagman13 2 - (Death) Gen. MrBlonde 0
« on: June 27, 2011, 07:52:34 am »
Good try, MrBlonde!

Good run, team :death!

Enjoyed doing battle with teams :aether :air :darkness :earth :entropy :fire :gravity :life :light :time :water :underworld.

Grid - Battle Results / Re: Round 6 Results
« on: June 26, 2011, 07:45:18 pm »
O RLY? Those would have been your picks if you had assumed the match was going to happen? Tell me what decks would you have used? 24 life pillars 6 dragons?

This is late, and doesn't matter, but I laughed after reading the post.
The objective function in this event is not to win every match, but to get the most relics. Ergo, if you can field sub-par decks but win a huge number of relics in expectation, you should do that.  Round 5 I overreached with sub-par picks and got smacked down by kirch, but it still might not have been the wrong decision a priori.

Here I felt that I had the best EV with mummy-titan-BH-(chimera) for 18 relics, although probably not a >50% win rate.

Speaking of ugly picks, how did crusader-long sword-antimatter work for you?

p.s. - upgrades are only worth it if they increase your expected relics won by more than the number of relics spent.

Round 13 / ~~ War #3 - Match Results and Countdown ~~
« on: June 26, 2011, 04:45:59 pm »
Duels: 4/4
Round has ended

Battle Results:
1:entropyLt. vagman132+9vs (,27995.0.html):deathGen. MrBlonde0-30
2:underworldGen. Sevs2+6vs (,28032.0.html):aetherLt. pikachufan21640-30
3:entropyGen. Zeru2+9vs (,28008.0.html):aetherGen. Higurashi0-30
4:fireGen. Napalm Grenade20vs (,28040.0.html):underworldLt. tttt0-30

Remaining Battles:

Make sure you record your matches correctly
ElementTotalDuels (4)WLM
Penalties are explained in detail HERE (,27917.0.html#notes)

Total = The adjustment to Vault this round due to all changes.
W = Wins
L = Losses
M = Modifiers from Events, Penalties and Other things.

This kind of optimization does not work as well when you restrict substitution to only 1 card at a time.  Also, did you allow the mark to vary?

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blarg: vagman13,MrBlonde,Sevs,pikachufan2164,Zeru,Higurashi,Napalm Grenade,tttt