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Messages - Sonara (2)

Pages: [1]
Duo-Decks / Re: All Hail Gl1tch! The trials winning deck.
« on: May 22, 2010, 10:43:56 pm »
Thanks for the quick reply. :) You're right about it limiting the quanta for Hope, which is why I've been trying Light as my mark. It also depends on how soon, and if, I pull out a Luciferin and enough frogs to generate more light. Forgot to mention I'm also using a Shard of Gratitude, which is another nice use for the extra quanta. Unfortunately I don't have a Green Nymph yet.

I was also thinking about splitting it; 3 Nova, 3 light pillars/towers. I'm just going to keep experimenting in the trainer before I use the 4600 I made selling my old cards to settle on a final deck.

Since this is your deck, I should say thanks, since this has renewed my interest in the game!

Duo-Decks / Re: All Hail Gl1tch! The trials winning deck.
« on: May 22, 2010, 10:32:01 pm »
I recently replaced my Aether/Time deck (I've been bored with it lately) with a slight variation of this one, and it's a lot of fun. I was wondering if replacing the Light Towers with Novas would be a decent idea (in order to get a green and white quanta out and possibly pull out a Rustler on the first turn without upgraded pillars). I'm currently trying out 6 Novas with Light as my mark and it seems to be working out well, but I've only tested this a couple dozen times and against level 3 and PVP 1. So far I've won almost every game. The extra unneeded quanta is nice in case of Devourers as well.

Any input about the mark and the Novas would be welcome!

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