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Messages - Skillgannon (42)

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Life / Skillgannon's Speed Blitzing: Mono-Life
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:01 pm »
Okay, if you look on each of the monos (except Fire and Darkness) you'll find a speed deck I've made.  They're fun to use, so try them in PvP sometime.  I've already made a Darkness deck and the link is here:,70.msg391#msg391. (,70.msg391#msg391.)  I'm not doing a fire deck because it's basically already down pat.  I'm not going to bother when you can probably find a 100 different variants on this forum.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ad 7ad 7ad 7ad 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ag 7ag 7ag 7ag 7ag 7ag 8pn

Okay, this deck is pretty easy to play.  It's simple and fast.  You can pop out your smaller guys fast and do fast damage for cheap.  Then later on you can pop out your dragons.  You don't have to really worry about Maxwell's Demon or Gravity Shields with this deck.  It's pretty simple.  Also, your little creatures get targeted before you get your dragons out.  It's not the best, but hey... it's life.

Disclaimer:  Everyone's going to have a slightly different win %.  Don't bother coming to me after 1 game and saying you have a win % of 0.  Skillgannon is not responsible for your bad playing.  If you don't know how to think a little before you click a mouse, then just leave.

Issue Archive / Skills bug? Sorry if wrong forum
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:01 pm »

But on some creatures I DO get the quantum back when I click cancel and I can choose the skill again that turn
Ya, that shouldn't happen.  If it did happen I'm 95% sure that it was in PvP... where everything is buggy.
What about the other 5%? ???
I've come to the conclusion that it's best to hold back a bit on the Internet.  That left over 5% is my safe-guard.  Weird things can happen, so who knows.  I got a mutant with the Queen ability and that wasn't on PvP.  Basically I got a Firefly Queen that was buried.  It produced normal fireflies and was a 3/7.  So... I don't think was supposed to happen.  Besides, the person who's absolutely positive is the person who finds their absolutely wrong.

Issue Archive / Skills bug? Sorry if wrong forum
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:01 pm »

I'm not aware of any bug related to me....

But on some creatures I DO get the quantum back when I click cancel and I can choose the skill again that turn
Ya, that shouldn't happen.  If it did happen I'm 95% sure that it was in PvP... where everything is buggy.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Mutations: Where's the Queen? Sniper?
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:01 pm »

Some people are just messing around... but I think any ability a regular creature has should be able to be on a mutant.

Anyway, Queen is possible... just really rare.  I've had a 3/7 Firefly Queen with the ability Queen.  So basically... I mutated a Firefly Queen.  It was a little weird... and it popped out normal Fireflies instead of Elites.  Kind of useless, but hey... it's possible.

Rainbow Decks / Skillgannon's False God Deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:00 pm »

Everyone is a bit into Fire Storm, but personally I don't like them that much.

Fire Storm against gods:
Seism - Useless unless you play 2 at once, but most of his creatures are burrowed... so mainly useless.
Morte - Can be useful, but you don't really need it.  It's just as easy to out Graveyard him.  Also, Fire Storm can potentially give him more creatures than before.
Incarnate - Not really needed.  The Graveyard effect could actually make you worse off.
Miracle - Usually pointless.
Fire Queen - Helps, but I don't really get overrun.  So I have time to eat her creatures and gain creature control.
Gravitron - It can be useful, since it allows you to eat his creatures immediately.  Though if you steal his shield his creatures can now attack you again.  There's many ways to counter this though.  Say for instance you do this: steal his shield, sacrifice one of your creatures to his otyugh (graveyard activates), and then TU his now 2/7 Otyugh.  You can now safely eat all of his creatures even if you never got your own Otyugh.  Since your running sundials it doesn't really matter if he uses momentum on his creatures.  There's a ton of ways to deal with him though, so Fire Storm isn't really necessary.
Scorpio - Useless.  Unless you use two then your going to get most of his creatures down to 1 life or 3 life.  You can auto-eat basically all of his creatures, so no point.
Chaos Lord - Useless.  You have food fodder early on.
Gemini - Any creature Gemini plays is either already Otyugh fodder or can't be killed by a Fire Storm.  Therefore Fire Storm is useless here (except if he TUs one of your creatures... but not hard to counter that).
Hermes - It can be useful here.  It's not needed however.  Even if you get an Otyugh out late you'll still have fodder ready.  Any creature that already became strong can be improved mutated until it can be eaten.
Rainbow - This guy plays so many creatures that Fire Storm doesn't really make a dent.  Usually you need two Fire Storms to take out most of his army too.  Again, Otyughs are the way to go.  Just pop out one... eat a few guys then TU it.  While your hiding behind your sundials or bone walls you can safely decimate his army.  Any creature that's too strong to be eaten can be improved mutated until it's safe to eat.  I'd suggest making sure that you can eat it THAT turn.  Rainbow uses all of the quantams... so don't give him a good creature.

Over-all:  Fire Storm is really only useful against potentially 6 gods.  Three of them commonly need you to use two fire storms in a row.  Using only one can potentially hurt you against Morte / Incarnate (take out bone wall... or some serious damage with Eclipse... pesky elite skeletons).  However, Fire Storm is not really needed against ANY god.  All gods can be safely handled if played correctly.

P.S.  Thanks Jellyfish for the picture.  It would have taken me a few days to get that done.  I do use upgraded sundials.  Time quantams are more important to me than Light.

Rainbow Decks / Skillgannon's False God Deck
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:00 pm »
Well, a lot of people are posting False God deck's... so I might as well join in.  My deck has an 80-85% win rate and I usually win with EM (about 70-80% of the time). 

Uncle Jellyfish EDIT: Fixed. =D (I've figured out how to crop on this new system, so I won't have to trouble you anymore.  Thanks though, it was nice of you.)

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u6 6u6 717 717 71b 71b 71b 74b 74b 77f 7am 7am 7dq 7n3 7q5 7q5 7q8 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7t9 7t9 80b 80b 8pj

This deck has done well against all gods.  There's not a single god that I don't have a win rate of over 75% with.  All losses result from bad draws or a careless mistake.

This deck was built to give me more options while facing gods.  The Lava Destroyer is another damage dealer.  With TU I can easily pump out a lot of raw power fast.  TU is a very versatile card.  I commonly use it on my Fallen Druid or Elite Queen.  When I have my Graveyard(s) out working as they should I can pop out another Fallen Druid and increase my winning speed.  If I want to take out a Bone Wall or get some more creatures out (Feral Bond) I can TU my Elite Queen.  By having only one Elite Queen in my deck I can insure that I won't use too much Life Quantams.  However, if I end up with a surplus I can always use add another Elite Queen with TU.  Improved Steals... well that's obvious. 

The Pulverizer / Eternity combo works very well.  I can use Pulverizer early on to knock out some things and then use Eternity to get rid of powered up creatures.  Honestly you won't really need to use Eternity due to the fact that your about to deck out.  Even when I wasn't running Eternity decking out wasn't a problem.  But with Eternity you can now start drawing cards at a rapid rate and make the game even QUICKER.  You won't have to worry about decking out now and you can have your field reach its full potential more rapidly than usual. 

Electrum Hourglasses are a must.  A lot of people think they aren't really needed, but a deck with over 40 cards needs them.  What's the point of options if you just can't get any to pan out?  Hourglasses allow you to save yourself from a tight situation and bounce back for an easy EM.  Honestly, I don't think I'll end up tweaking this anymore.  If I do I'll edit the page, but I think this is it for me.  I just love this deck and how it runs.  The combinations are bountiful and rewarding.  I've tried so many variants and I'm settling down to this one.  I had another deck that worked almost as well, but it was slower.  In the long run this deck is better.

Disclaimer:  Everyone's going to have a slightly different win %.  Don't bother coming to me after 1 game and saying you have a win % of 0.  Skillgannon is not responsible for your bad playing.  If you don't know how to think a little before you click a mouse, then just leave.

Duo-Decks / Scaredgirl's Anti-Rainbow
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:00 pm »

No problem.  I'll be throwing up a rare deck each night before I get off.  I'm not always on T50 (because of hackers), but I usually am.

Duo-Decks / Scaredgirl's Anti-Rainbow
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:00 pm »

I just bought 29 upgrades and bought 27 cards (all but the Pulverizers).  I now have this deck and I'm going to test it out like you said.  I'll also buy any other promising Anti-Rainbow decks and test them out.  I have the money and nothing to do with it... so why not.

General Discussion / Weekly PvP Duel Nights!!!
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:57 pm »

This is going to be revived again.  Sorry about not showing up for the first 3 (thanks Azumi for working on it), but my computer busted down 2 days before the first PvP Night.  While fixing it wouldn't be a big deal... a crazy one-night stand seemed to think I was a pig for not wanting to become "serious" after our "special night."  So... the computer going out the window tends to take a while to fix.  Oh well, I make sure to lock some rooms before they leave now.  My new computer should be safe.  I'm actually kind of happy... been meaning to get a new computer for a while, but I've always pushed it back.  I'll be hosting the next one on Saturday.

If you want to join in on this feel free to Azumi / anyone.  Send me a PM with any suggestions or anything.  I'll start updating the first post as I get some suggestions and see how the first one (that I attend at least) pans out.

General Discussion / Weekly PvP Duel Nights!!!
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:36 pm »

Okay, I'm going to be "hosting" a weekly PvP duel night on Saturday.  There's no prize, except for being able to test your decks out and being able to know if your the best or not.  Entry is only by chat.  It will be held on Saturdays.  While I said nights... that's different for people, so just assume that anytime on Saturday is fine.  Matches will be arranged in chat.  If you want the match to be "official" you must both agree on it and tell me before hand.  If you do the winner receives one point.  The top 10 point leaders will be posted on this page.  That way you can see your progress and who's the best PvPer.  I probably won't make the top 10 for a while.  If this works out I might organize some other stuff.  Right now I'm just seeing how this is taken.  If it gets some support I'll work on it more.

First Duel Night:
September 5, 2009.
Participants: ??
Officials: ??
Current Leader: ??

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Quirks and Ends: How To Resolve
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:29 pm »

Okay, first off not all of these are my ideas... so I'm not going to take credit for them.  Even though some of them will be my own idea I'd rather not spend the time clarifying, so just assume this is a collection of ideas.  Any person who had an idea to make the game slightly easier can have their idea posted here.  People suggest good things in chat, but never make a topic about it... and it's soon forgotten.  That's why I'm making this.  I'll say a problem and state a solution (whether it be mine or someone else's).

1)  Why is there a Spin and a Spin All button when doing a singular Spin does nothing?
           - There's a few ways to deal with this.  My first solution would be to make the Spin do something.  Maybe have spins be exchangeable for gold.  Every spin you don't use is rewarded as gold.  Every level determines how much gold you get; lvl 1 = 1 per spin, lvl 2 = 2 per spin, lvl 3 = 5 per spin, T50 = 20 per spin, and False Gods would be 100 per spin.  This way a person may want to just spin once (to see if they get lucky) and have the rest as guaranteed cash.  My other solution would be to replace it with a "Try Again" button.  This way a person can click that and repeat the same level (against a random deck) without having to go back to the menu.  Of course, you could do both.  The "Try Again" button could just be located somewhere else.

2)   Why do you have to Spin to get your reward?  Why can't you just get the reward after you win?
            -  This is a good question.  Spinning can waste graphics and make grinding even longer.  There should be an option where a person can neglect spinning and just take their reward.  Of course, this could conflict with the previous solution.  To solve that I'd suggest a few boxes.  One box says "Auto Reward."  This box, when checked, prevents the spinning option.  The other two boxes would be "Auto Spin" and "Auto Gold."  If a person wants to just get the spin reward the click "Auto Spin" and see a picture of whatever they got.  The "Auto Gold" would convert their spins into gold automatically.

3)  Why does switching your Mark cost anything?  Why can't metamorphosis be free?
            -  It shouldn't be completely free.  However, I agree that for beginners it should be.  Changing your mark should be free until you you receive the 500 score quest reward.  Once you've received that it should begin to cost 100 gold each time a person changes their mark.  My reasoning is that once you get past the 500 score mark you should know that becoming better takes work.  If you wish to change your mark later on you should be willing to shell out the 100 gold.  The beginners, however, just don't have the cash.  They should be free to try out whatever marks they want and see which type they like the best.  This allows them to find which Element they like the best for when the really get into the game.

4)  Mulligans... why don't you have them?
           -  Mulligans should be added to the game, but not like MTG (Magic the Gathering).  MTG is a fun game, but we play this because it's unique.  An Element mulligan should be different from a MTG mulligan.  In MTG when you mulligan you put your starting hand back into the deck, shuffle, and redraw one less card than you started with.  An Element mulligan should be different.  To mulligan you should lose 5 life.  Every time you mulligan you lose another 5 life.  That way you risk losing the actual game, which makes it fair.  I would suggest only one mulligan allowed, but I feel the 5 life thing could be more interesting (if you do decide to allow mulligans and only allow 1... I'd suggest 10 life instead of 5.

5)  Why isn't there a lvl 4 and 5 to face?
             - There should be, but I'm sure it'll be a while before they come out.  It's a lot of work to get those down, but we can always help with some ideas.  Here's what I think may work for them.

Lvl. 4:  Elite Elemental
x100 HP
x3 Quantams
Upgraded Pillars (Towers) only.
6 Different Types.
Spin Chance Distribution: 20% Rare.  80% Common.  (Still keep the 5% to get a card from a spin)

Lvl 5:  False Demi-God
x150 HP
x2 Quantams
x2 Cards Drawn
Upgraded Pillars (Towers).
50% of Cards Upgraded.
12 Different Types.
Spin Chance Distribution: 25% Upgraded. 25% Rare.  50% Common.

This way people who farm False Gods may even go for them just for the chance of a rare.

6) How come Elemental Mastery only gives you a bit of extra gold?  It should do more like give you extra spins.
      - Rather than get extra spins you should get an improved wheel spin.  Why have a 5% chance of getting a card if your an Elemental Master?  Make it a 10% chance.  This allows the people who take the time to get Elemental Master have a reward for it.  The extra gold is really nothing... you can use a speed deck to win 3 games before 1 Elemental Master with a life deck (vamps, FFQ, etc.).  The 10% isn't unreasonable and it will cause some people to redefine their farming methods.  Some people who were bored with their current grinding will resort to trying out decks to "master" Elemental Mastery.  It just makes the game a bit more interesting and allows a little more variety.

I'll be updating this constantly, so if you have any thing you want addressed you can PM me or post here and if you want it in my first post then please say so in your post.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / The 500 Score Rare Quest... Is It Enough?
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:29 pm »

My Idea: Continual Rare Quests

        Many people who play this have to grind forever to get the cards they want.  They search for a rare and can spend up to weeks farming lvl 3s or T50 just to get it.  So this makes me wonder why there is only one quest that rewards with a rare.  Now before I propose anything I'll explain why I believe this.

         When you play a game you tend to get attached to it.  If the game is fun you get even more attached.  When you become attached to something you tend to feel pride in it when you, or it, does well.  A game should use this sense of accomplishment to make its dedicated players continue to feel involved with this game.  When a person has something to reach for they tend to continue onwards.  If you make a person work to achieve something they feel all the better when they achieve it.  This is how a game continues to entertain people.  This can come in updates, like new quests, or a new aspect of the game.  By having a continual quest (like the Upgraded cards) you cause a person to strive towards that.

         Here's my proposal: continue the 500 score quest with intervals.  Each time a person reaches that score they should be allowed to receive another rare.  These intervals also allow a person to find out which rare they want.  Each new interval lets the person gain more knowledge and understand where they wish to go with this game.  It also allows a person to get a rare they didn't have, but need, when an update comes up making it more valuable to them.

         I suggest having the following scores grant a rare; 500, 5k, 10k, 25k, 5k, 10k, 25k, 500k, and 1000k.  Now some may ask "why are the intervals so big?"  This is an easy answer: to eliminate the idea of people abusing the game to get a higher score.  Now a person who abuses the game and only strives to get a new score will still have to work to get the rare they want.  In the process they might even get the rare they wanted just from grinding.  I also propose that at the 1 million score mark a person receives a special gift.  Potentially a unique card that a person can only get by reaching that mark.  It will cause people to strive hard to reach that score (helping the game) and have them feel a sense of achievement.  This will especially be true for the first person to reach it.  I know some may propose that at 1 million you just receive one of each rare... but that's not going to be useful that late in the game.  I'd assume anyone who has that high of a score would have at least 6 of each rare, thus the reason for a unique card.

         I think this help keep people entertained with this game and also potentially draw more people in.  The more a person plays the more the people close to them notice.  Friends who didn't play may become interested in the game and start to play.  It just seems like a good way to promote the sight while making the game a little more interesting.

Thank You,


Questions raised by my suggestion:
What about the hackers who can change their gold or score?  I know all about those players and that's why I suggest not doing this until that issue is fixed.  I'm thinking long-term... not short-term.  If this game ever wants to become established it will have to fix the hacker problem.  Only when that's accomplished do I suggest adding this as an update.  Anytime before would just cause hackers to abuse the 1,000,000 score mark card.  It would be unfair to all of the players who actually try in this game.

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blarg: Skillgannon